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The Scream of the Haunted Doll

A Thrilling Horror Story!

By RajendranPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Scream of the Haunted Doll
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Once upon a time, there was a small town that was famous for its antique shops. One day, a young girl named Sarah stumbled upon an old doll in one of the shops. She was immediately drawn to the doll, which was surprisingly lifelike, with golden hair and bright blue eyes. She begged her parents to buy it for her and they finally gave in, thinking it would make her happy.

However, things took a dark turn when Sarah brought the doll home. Every night, the family would hear strange noises coming from Sarah's room, and when they checked, they would find the doll in different positions than where they had left it.

One night, the family heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from Sarah's room, and when they ran in, they found the doll lying on the ground, its eyes wide open and its mouth agape as if it were screaming. From that night on, the family experienced terrifying events, like objects moving on their own and unexplained noises in the dead of night.

Sarah was so frightened that she refused to sleep in her room, but her parents couldn't get rid of the doll, no matter how hard they tried. They soon discovered that the doll was possessed by the spirit of a young girl who had died in the house many years before.

The family was terrorized by the haunted doll until they finally mustered up the courage to seek the help of a local priest, who performed an exorcism to banish the spirit from the doll. From that day on, the family was never disturbed again.

Years went by, and Sarah grew up and left home. The doll was forgotten and eventually ended up back in one of the antique shops. One day, a young girl, just like Sarah, stumbled upon the doll and begged her parents to buy it for her. And so, the cycle of terror started all over again.

As the years went by, the small town became infamous for the terror caused by the haunted doll. People whispered about it in hushed tones, warning each other to never bring the doll into their homes. But there were always those who were drawn to the doll, fascinated by its lifelike appearance and the legends surrounding it.

One day, a group of teenagers, dared each other to spend a night in the antique shop with the doll. They laughed and joked, thinking it was all just a silly superstition, but as the night wore on, they began to feel a sense of unease.

Suddenly, they heard a bloodcurdling scream, and the lights went out. The teenagers were plunged into darkness, and they heard the sound of footsteps coming towards them. They huddled together in fear, knowing that they were facing the haunted doll and its vengeful spirit.

Just as they thought they were going to meet their end, the lights flickered back on, and they saw the priest who had performed the exorcism years before. He had been keeping watch over the doll, knowing that one day it would wake again and terrorize another generation. The priest led the teenagers to safety, and together they locked the haunted doll away in a hidden room, where it could never harm anyone again. From that day on, the small town was at peace, and the screams of the haunted doll were no longer heard. But for those who knew the truth, the memory of the terror it had caused would never be forgotten.

Years passed and the legend of the haunted doll lived on. People still whispered about it, but nobody dared to go near it. One day, a young girl came to the town and heard the story. She was fascinated by the doll and decided to find it. She found the hidden room where it was locked away and took the doll, unaware of the danger it posed.

That night, the girl heard a scream and saw the doll's eyes open. The vengeful spirit inside the doll possessed her and caused her to terrorize the town. The priest who had performed the exorcism returned and fought the spirit, finally banishing it back into the doll. The doll was locked away again, and peace was restored to the town once more. But the legend of the haunted doll remained, a warning to all who heard it never to mess with things they don't understand.


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