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The New Me

New Love again

By TJPublished 3 years ago 15 min read

It happened as I was walking home late one night. This guy appeared in my path seemingly from nowhere. I was completely distracted by just how gorgeous he was. His body was like a chiseled statue of perfection. He had the bluest eyes I had ever seen. I was sent into an instant attack of lust and all I could think of was what it would be like to be with someone so hot.

When he spoke to me his voice was deep and seductive and my knees started to quiver with the desire I was feeling for him. He asked me for directions on how to get to my street of all places. I was thrilled that I could guide him there and keep this encounter going for just a little longer.

As we walked I thought that I saw him checking me out, but I discarded that idea immediately. Guys like that were never actually interested in me. As we walked he started to tell me that he was new to the area and just moved in. He had gone for a walk and ended up getting lost.

He than asked me if I was single. Again my imagination soared with the fantasy of this Adonis wanting me and the passionate times we might have. I answered no probably a little too quickly. He laughed at me and than said he was also single and we should hang out some night. He grabbed my phone and put his number in and texted himself so he also had my number.

I was in shock. I couldn’t believe someone like that was interested in me. I was said when we had to part ways, but he did hug me and give me a kiss on the cheek before he left. My imagination was in overdrive now. It was a bit hard to get to sleep that night but I eventually did. I slept restlessly dreaming about the mystery guy.

I woke up late the next morning and swore the night before was just a dream. I made myself some coffee and went out to sit in the back yard and wake up. I looked at my phone and noticed there was a text. When I opened it up it read. “Thanks for walking me home last night sexy! Let’s hang tonight Eric :-)”

I dropped the phone I couldn’t believe last night was real.

I of course responded immediately that I would love to and asked what time. I spent the whole day being paranoid because he didn’t respond till much later. It was around 7pm and he suggested meeting around 8 at a local park where we could take a nice walk. I normally would have said no to meeting at some place so secluded at night, I mean that’s dangerous, he could be a psycho and kill. But I just said sure that sounds great without a second thought.

I arrived at the park a few minutes early. I was still in shock thinking Eric could actually want me in any capacity. But I figured I have to take the chance while I can. Maybe I would get lucky and get a super hot boyfriend for a couple of weeks. But as much as I dreamed I didn’t actually expect it to happen.

Eric arrived a minute or so after me and greeted me warmly. He gave me a hug and another kiss on the cheek. I thought I felt something scratch my cheek but that was just ridiculous. He took my hand and we started to walk. Along one the parks path. He asked me all sorts of questions about myself. But he only gave me vague answers about himself.

I thought for a second he might be hiding something but he grabbed my hand and smiled at me and looked me in the eyes and said how handsome I was, and I suddenly forgot everything else. I am not usually this gushy but something about him just enraptured me so completely.

Then suddenly he was kissing me more passionately than anyone had ever done before. It was deep and longing and his hands wandered over my chest lightly sending thrills all throughout my body. The only thing I regret is that I don’t remember much of what happened at that. I remember feeling woozy like i was drunk and Eric having to help me home. The last thing I remember before passing out was him caressing my cheek and giving me a kiss and whispering in my ear that the first time is always the worst.

The next day I woke up late but feeling rather invigorated for a change. I do remember thinking that I thought I was a bit pale, but I felt great so I didn’t pay it any attention and went about my day. I was thrilled that night when Eric showed up unannounced with a dozen roses for me and said they were for his special man.

He invited me to go out to dinner and a really expensive and nice restaurant. I had always dreamed of eating at this restaurant, but it was always way out of my price range. The food was amazing and it was like a dream come true. I had to wonder if Eric and all that had happened with him was some elaborate fantasy or dream. It was all just so perfect, it was really too good to be true. I did notice that Eric didn’t really eat much and he told me he just was a lite eater. Something I simply accepted which was not entirely normal for me.

He surprised me by presenting me with two plain tickets to Spain. He told me he has been wanting to go back for sometime now and was waiting to find the right person to accompany him. Another of those too good to be true things for me. I have wanted to go back for years and could just never afford it. And again I accepted without much thought something that should have sent red flags up, flying to a foreign country with someone I have only met three times now, but didn’t even register.

We arrived in Spain late at night and went to the fanciest hotel I have ever been in. I was feeling like I had found my prince charming and I was in a fairy tale and this was my happily ever after. We spent a passionate night together. It was beyond anything I had ever experienced in my life. I did notice strangely that as he seemed to spend a lot of time on my inner thigh that it was an amazingly exhilarating experience, but I couldn’t figure out why.

I slept soundly as I passed out as soon as we were done. Again I remember Eric caressing my cheek giving me a kiss and whispering in my ear “So close now my love!” And then I was out.

The next day when I woke up I went down to the hotel cafe and had some coffee and a light breakfast. Eric told me that he didn’t deal well with jet lag and would probably sleep throughout the day. He told me if I woke up to just go out and enjoy the city for a while. He left me his credit card and told me not to worry at all about spending as much as I wanted to. I strangely was ok with this and I took his credit card when I left. He also left me some actual cash to use for places that wouldn’t accept a card.

I took a taxi to the la plaza nueva so that I could go shopping in el centro. It was wonderful to walk around and hear everyone speaking Spanish and be able to talk to people in Spanish. I browsed in several shops and bought myself a few things and a couple of gifts for Eric. Is it weird to buy someone a gift with their own money? It didn’t really occur to me at the time.

I found that I was ravenously hungry but nothing I ate seemed to eat quite satisfied me. I knew I wanted something but I just couldn’t figure out exactly what it was that I wanted to have.

After shopping I went back to the hotel briefly to drop off my stuff and found that Eric was sleeping like the dead. I almost thought to check that he was ok, but then it seemed like a silly idea all of sudden. I left the room again and took a cab to El parue Maria Luisa.

I spent a good amount of time walking around the park. It was even more beautiful than I remember it from my previous visits to Spain. I walked and looked at the gorgeous fountains. I sat and just enjoyed my surroundings. I took a walk around the Plaza de Espana as well. Then I stopped at a cafe and had a snack and something to drink. It was strange out of nowhere I suddenly knew that I needed to return to the hotel because Eric was waking up. I got in a taxi and went back to the hotel.

When I got back Eric was just waking and looked at me and gave me a huge smile. “My Love! You’re back just in time for me not to miss a second of you.” I walked over and kissed him and he pulled me into the bed with him. “Did you have a nice time in the city my love?”

I smiled and told him of my day in the city and he listened intently to my every word. He smiled and told me how happy he was I was able to enjoy myself so much. He then said we should get dressed for our night out. So we did.

We spent hours walking through various parts of the city enjoying late night cafes and bars. He seemed very careful to make sure that neither of us got too drunk though. I couldn’t quite understand that but then as always happened with him I just accepted and forgot about it.

A few hours before dawn Eric decided it was time to return to the hotel. We took a taxi back and went right back to our room when we got there. Eric was in an extra passionate hurry to get busy for some reason. I enjoyed him very much so I didn’t mind at all. In fact I had been thinking about it all night and was actually very impatient for him to take me again. I guess I should have been more careful about what I wished for, because sometimes the price is higher than we realize.

The night was amazing though. We spent hours making love passionately and I had the best orgasms of my life. We finished shortly before sunrise, and as always Eric had spent a lot of time on my inner thigh again. I didn’t mind because it was just such an awesome feeling. Once we finished I was even more exhausted than usual. Eric’s smile seemed different as I was about to pass out. It had a look of triumph and satisfaction to it, instead of the loving and care that it usually did. He kissed me again as usual and whispered to me “It’s done my love! You are mine forever this time!” And before I could even think about what he said I was out cold.

Now that I think about it out cold is probably not the right term for it. I was consciously aware the whole time, but my body was completely non responsive. I wish my consciousness had been out cold. What I experienced was the most excruciatingly horrible thing of my life.

The pain I felt was enough to make me wish for death to escape it, which was really ironic in truth. I was dying physically completely and totally. By the time I awoke I was dead, at least in body. I remember the pain and the agony vividly.

I also remember the kindness that Eric exhibited during that time. I don’t know that I will ever actually forgive him for what he did to me though. He carried me to the shower and washed me when my body started forcing out all of its fluids and wastes that a non living body wouldn’t need. He made sure to gently and lovingly clean me. He also talked to me. He told me how much he loved me even if I couldn’t yet remember our times together. He apologized for breaking his promise, but said he just couldn’t keep repeating the cycle. I didn’t know what he meant at the time, but I would remember soon enough.

As the process continued for many hours I started to have what at first I thought were dreams. I came to realize later that they weren’t dreams but actual memories of past lives and there were a lot of them. They didn’t all emerge completely at one time. It was more like snippets of different lives, highlights if you will. One of the main features of each was being with Eric and the relationship that we shared lifetime after lifetime.

I started to feel a genuine love for him as these memories came pouring through me. But at the same time I started to harbor an enormous resentment and hatred toward Eric as well. One of the key elements that came with each of my memories was his promise not to turn me into a vampire. It was the one thing I truly never wanted. And now he done that to me, he had broken his promise.

Now my penchant for thinking of ways to punish and seek revenge on people was starting to work overtime. I have never actually followed through on any of these ideas, they are products of anger and my desire to follow through always faded with my anger, but this was a different situation. Now I was almost immortal and so was Eric and anything I did to him he would easily recover from, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t suffer for it first.

I knew that I would have to play the long game in order to really avenge myself though. I knew a great deal about vampire abilities from my numerous lifetimes and a vampires partner. What I didn’t know how to do was to work with them and I knew I would need to learn from him in order to use them appropriately. So now as much as I would have loved to have fled from him the moment that I awakened, I knew I couldn’t, I was trapped for the time being.

So, in the back of my mind in a hidden away place I started to form a long term plan now that I had all the time in the world. I would stay and learn that was the first thing. Then I would practice and hone my skills enough to be able to survive on my own. Then I would flee from Eric and hide in some obscure corner of the world where he wouldn’t be able to easily get to me. My absence for a century or more would be step one in my punishment of him.

Now as the hours dragged on I started to remember countless lifetimes that I had lived, most of them with Eric as my lover. The memories were starting to come to be more a part of my mind which was very confusing as so many knew memories and ideas and way of being started to come into my mind and mix together. Some idea vying for dominance as one contradicted another.

The soup that was my mind was whirling all over the place and what would be my new personality was still forming. I knew I wouldn’t be the same person that I was when I awakened. How could I be with so many lifetimes of memories and experiences integrating into my mind. I was also aware that it would take a while before all my memories of my past lives would fully emerge and integrate.

I could somehow sense that the sun was setting and that I would awaken soon. I could feel or sense Eric’s presence next to me in the bed as he slept fitfully. I could feel his apprehension, anxiety and fear. It was somehow intoxicating to me, which I couldn’t deny but at the same time felt repulsed by. I wasn’t someone who enjoyed someone else’s pain and torment, but I guess as a vampire that was going to change, or maybe it was just because of how I was feeling towards Eric at the moment. I mean after all he did technically kill me and make me into a vampire, breaking a promise to me made lifetime after lifetime.

The time finally came. The sun set and I awoke. Eric was looking at me anxiously and hopefully. I opened my eyes and there was fire and venom in them unlike anything Eric had ever seen. All I said as I looked at him was “You have broken your vow my beloved! You will be sorry for this!”

He started to say something and I looked at him and said “DON’T! I don’t care what you have to say! You have betrayed me in the worst possible way!”

I felt an intense hunger and I was weak. On instinct I knew I need to feed, but honestly the idea did truly repulse me.

Eric looked at me again “My love, you have to feed you are week from the rebirth” I cut off and said “You mean from you having killed me, you bastard piece of shit!”

He continued “I know you are angry with me right now” I laughed at him, more like enraged beyond what language could put into words. He went on “You have to feed my love! If you don’t you will die, and there won’t be another life like there was before.”

I looked at him now with the most vindictive expression I think that anyone has ever exhibited on their face “No my love, I don’t have to feed! I still have a choice! And death no matter how permanent I think might be better than the cursed life you have tried to force on me.”

I saw the crest fallen look on his face as well as the terror in his face. He knew the tone I used and knew that there was a very really possibility I would choose death over feeding.


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