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The Narcissistic Characteristics Shared by Marxists & Demons

He's the kind of guy who gets a kick out of making other people miserable.

By Demetrius PearsonPublished about a year ago 7 min read
Photo by Vitaliy Shevchenko on Unsplash

The devil is not just a figure on a throne with horns and a pitchfork. He's also someone you run into every day, who may even be your boss or a friend who's taken advantage of you.

You might have even dated him once or twice (or more than that). The devil is all around us, but sometimes he shows himself in ways we don't recognize at first glance.

In this article I will break down the narcissist's characteristics as they pertain to Marxists, how they relate to demonic possession, and how these traits manifest themselves in everyday life (such as at work).

It is said that the devil is in the details, but the truth is he's in the lies.

The details are what create a lie. The detail of a story, or a character, or an incident—that's where you find your lie waiting for you, like an ambush.

And when you see it, you know it's there and can't be denied; but if you don't look closely enough at what seems true, you won't see any lies at all because they're hidden under your nose!

"I must have a sign"

We know narcissism is a mental disorder characterized by a lack of empathy and self-importance. The typical traits of narcissists include overvaluing themselves, being grandiose, and needing to be the center of attention.

They also tend to be envious of others, feel entitled to special treatment from other people (especially from their partners), and have little ability to handle criticism.

The most common sign of narcissism is an excessive interest in oneself; however, it can also present as vanity or pridefulness which may be exhibited in several ways including:

  • Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success or power
  • The belief that one is superior to others (e.g., looks better than everyone else)
  • Exaggerating achievements or talents


Intimidation is a form of fear. Fear is a form of control. Control is a form of power. Power is tyranny. Tyranny leads to evil (or "evil" in general).

Therefore, intimidation can be classified as an evil act or behavior because it is used by those who are trying to gain power over others through fear tactics and manipulation rather than allowing people to make their own choices freely without coercion from others in order for them to live peacefully with one another without any forms of oppression that would cause harm or suffering among those who belong within different groups based on race, class backgrounds etcetera...

"The Narcissist as artist"

While it is true that the narcissist is often a performer of some kind, he or she can also be an artist in any field. A narcissist may be a painter, musician or poet; they may be an actor or dancer; they may run their own business.

The narcissist might even write books! We've already seen how this applies to Marxists who are frequently artists in one form or another (as well as other professions).

"They create their own reality"

The narcissist creates a reality that is more to their liking than the one they were born into. They do this by taking in information about themselves and others, then filtering it through a lens of anger, resentment and envy.

With these tools at hand, the narcissist can create an alternate reality where everything is better than it actually is.

In this alternate reality there are no enemies or competitors; all problems have been solved long ago; your needs are always met before you even realize them; everyone loves you unconditionally; there's never any conflict on any level—and if there ever was conflict between two parties (including yourself), it was entirely justified because both parties were equal in strength/power/status… etc., etc., etc..

The downside of creating your own reality is that by doing so you become detached from the world around you (which doesn't really exist anyway).

This detachment may become so strong that other people begin to notice that something isn't quite right with what they've heard from you—but they won't know exactly what until later when everything finally starts coming apart at the seams.

"Evil thrives on the exploitation of lack of knowledge (i.e., ignorance)"

In the past, when you were being deceived by the devil and you didn’t know it, he would say things like:

  • “You are worthless. You have no power to resist me. You must do what I say because there is nothing else for you to do!”
  • “You can trust me, because I am your best friend and protector! You don't know what others are like who oppose me—they are bad people!

If you don't follow my advice, then they will hurt or kill you. They want to destroy everything good that exists on earth!

There's only one way for us to survive them—and that way is through following me! Even if someone tries to tell you otherwise about how things really are in this world (like Jesus), just ignore him/her because he/she probably doesn't know as much as I do."

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist..."

It's important to know the devil when you see him, because he's not the guy with horns and a pitchfork. He is a master at deception, and will disguise himself as anything that is good or beautiful.

He has been known to take on many different forms in order to get what he wants.

For example, one of his favorite disguises is that of an angel—you can't trust anyone who claims they're an angel! The devil knows how alluring it would be for us to believe that someone who looks like an angel could be sent by God himself; so, this trick has been used again and again throughout history by those who seek Jesus' death through martyrdom (Matthew 16:23).

This "angel" ploy isn't even their most common disguise; these days they are often found impersonating politicians or journalists (John 8:44).

You know the ones I'm talking about—the ones who claim that poverty can be solved simply by redistributing wealth from rich countries like America back into poorer countries like Mexico?

Or perhaps you've seen one before; maybe it was wearing glasses with thick lenses that made its eyes look huge and bulging out of their sockets?

Maybe its face was covered in wrinkles so deep they looked more like scars than wrinkles?

These people are almost always Marxists...

Many of us run into or know people who share some characteristics with demons; we just don't know it.

We all have narcissistic characteristics, to some degree. We all want to be the center of attention, we all need to be loved and admired, and we all desire praise.

The difference between us and demons is that they do not care who they hurt or how much damage they cause. They are ruthless in their pursuit of power, fame and fortune.

We may often fall short of our goals but at least in most cases we try not to hurt others while getting there (or if someone gets hurt along the way it isn't intentional).

If you spot any of these characteristics in yourself or others, don't despair. The truth is that the devil is a liar and he will continue to lie until the end of days.

However, it's up to us to fight against him by being able to discern between good and evil ourselves so as not be deceived by his tricks anymore.

In conclusion:

If there's one thing we've learned from this discussion on narcissism and demons, it's that next time you're tempted by something dark within yourself - whether it be greed or lust - stop for a moment and ask yourself what kind of person would do such things (or at least someone who might share some characteristics with these demons).

Then proceed accordingly!

Please check out more of my blogs here.


About the Creator

Demetrius Pearson

I’m no one special, just an ordinary man that seeks extraordinary wisdom.

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