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The Man Who Couldn't Leave His Bus Without Dying

The Man who refused to leave this bus

By SamPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
McCandless was found dead almost three weeks later, weighing only 30 kilograms.

On September 6th, 1992, a group of hunters stumbled upon an abandoned bus in the Alaskan Wilderness. It was an unusual sight, considering they were nearly 30 miles away from the nearest town and far from any roads. However, the bus provided them with a welcome opportunity to spend the night indoors after a long day of hunting. As they entered the bus, they were greeted by a foul smell that engulfed the air, indicating something was amiss.

Initially, the hunters suspected that an animal had crawled into the bus and died, but their discovery inside the sleeping bag shocked them. They found the partially decomposed body of a man. The police arrived the following morning via helicopter to investigate the grim scene. The man's identity was revealed as Christopher McCandless, a 24-year-old idealist who had abandoned his previous life to live a simpler and more authentic existence. His story, leading to his death in the abandoned bus in the Alaskan wilderness, is both unusual and intriguing.

The Desire to go to Unknown

Born on February 12, 1968, in Inglewood, California, Christopher grew up in a troubled family environment. Despite his affluent upbringing, his parents were allegedly verbally and physically abusive towards each other and their children. After graduating from high school in 1986, Chris embarked on his first major solo adventure, spending time with his extended family and friends in his home state of California. During this visit, he made a shocking discovery about his father's bigamous marriage, which deeply affected him.

Christopher's educational journey led him to Emory University, where he excelled and graduated with honors in history and anthropology in 1990. However, he had no desire to lead a conventional life dictated by society's expectations. Believing that societal norms limited personal freedom and creativity, Christopher donated his savings of over fifty thousand dollars to Oxfam and disappeared without a trace, leaving behind his old identity.

Over the next two years, Christopher, adopting the name Alexander Supertramp, roamed the United States, embracing a life of total freedom. He lived off the land, hitchhiked, and hopped on freight trains, exploring national parks and encountering various individuals along the way. His experiences ranged from working odd jobs to living in hermit camps and off-grid communities. He eventually made his way to Alaska, the ultimate frontier where he planned his last great adventure.

Final Moments

Christopher's journey in Alaska proved to be arduous. Despite his resourcefulness in gathering food through foraging, hunting, and fishing, he struggled to sustain himself with enough calories to survive the challenging Alaskan environment. Over time, his body weakened, and he faced increasing starvation. Eventually, he decided to return to civilization but found himself trapped when he encountered an impassable river.

Realizing his dire situation, Christopher left a distress note on the door of the bus, pleading for help. However, he was unable to make it back to the bus, and his condition continued to deteriorate. Christopher's diary entries during this period reveal his physical decline and the realization that death was imminent. Despite his desperate circumstances, he still found solace in the beauty of nature surrounding him.

Dying in wilderness

Christopher's last self-portrait, taken shortly before his death, shows a smiling face, waving goodbye, holding a note expressing gratitude for a happy life. On day 113, his diary entries abruptly end. Christopher McCandless was found dead almost three weeks later, weighing only 30 kilograms. The cause of death was ruled as starvation, although there is some controversy surrounding the possibility of accidental poisoning from wild potato seeds he consumed.

Opinions on Christopher McCandless vary. Some view him as an idealistic adventurer who should be admired for his courage and principles. Others criticize him as an arrogant and naive individual who met his demise due to such act.

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About the Creator


I enjoy writing blog posts encompassing a variety of topics, including travel tips, daily life hacks, tech news, fiction, and science fiction. I also share my personal experiences in the hopes of providing valuable insights for my readers.

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