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"The Hunting of roshan's inn"


By ChitraPublished about a year ago 14 min read

It was a dark and stormy night when Roshan and his friends, Rayan, Rosi, Richard, and Joo, decided to explore the abandoned asylum on the outskirts of town. They had heard rumors of strange occurrences and ghostly sightings, and being thrill-seekers, they couldn't resist the opportunity to investigate for themselves.

As they made their way through the overgrown bushes and broken windows of the asylum, they couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The place had a dark and eerie atmosphere, and they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

They made their way through the main hall and into the patient rooms, where they found old medical equipment and decaying beds. The place had a musty smell, and the air was thick with the feeling of dread.

As they were exploring, they heard a strange noise coming from one of the rooms. They cautiously approached and found a door that was slightly ajar. Inside, they found a figure sitting in the corner, shrouded in darkness.

"Who are you?" Roshan asked, his voice trembling with fear.

The figure didn't respond, but instead, it started to move towards them. They could see that it was a man, but he had a strange, almost inhuman look about him. His eyes were black and soulless, and his skin was deathly pale.

They tried to run, but the man seemed to be moving faster than them. He was getting closer and closer, and they could feel the coldness of his breath on their necks.

They finally reached the main hall, but the man was still chasing them. They could hear his heavy footsteps behind them, and they knew that they had to get out of there before it was too late.

As they were running, they saw a figure in the distance. It was a woman, and she seemed to be beckoning them towards her. They didn't know who she was, but they knew that she was their only hope of escape.

They followed her, and she led them to a door that was hidden behind a curtain. They opened it, and it led to a staircase that went down into the basement.

The woman was gone, and they were now alone in the dark and damp basement. They could hear strange noises and whispering coming from the shadows, and they knew that they had to get out of there as soon as possible.

Suddenly, the door that they had come through closed, and they were trapped. They could hear the man's heavy footsteps coming closer and closer, and they knew that they were in grave danger.

They searched for another way out, but the basement seemed to be a maze of corridors and rooms. They were lost and alone, and they knew that they were running out of time.

They finally found a door that led to a small room. Inside, they found a strange machine that seemed to be some kind of generator. They knew that they had to turn it off if they wanted to escape.

As they were trying to figure out how to turn off the machine, they heard the man's footsteps getting closer. They could feel his cold breath on their necks, and they knew that they had to act fast.

They managed to turn off the machine, and the basement was plunged into darkness. The man's footsteps stopped, and they could hear him growling in frustration.

They knew that they had to get out of there before the man found them. They found a door that led to a tunnel, and they knew that it was their only chance of escape.

They ran through the tunnel, and they could hear the man's footsteps getting closer

and closer. They could feel the coldness of his breath on their necks, and they knew that they were being hunted.

As they reached the end of the tunnel, they saw a faint light in the distance. They knew that it was their only chance of escape, and they ran towards it as fast as they could.

They finally reached the end of the tunnel, and they found themselves in a small room. The room was dimly lit, and they could see that there was a figure sitting in the corner.

"Who are you?" Roshan asked, his voice trembling with fear.

The figure didn't respond, but instead, it started to move towards them. They could see that it was a man, but he had a strange, almost inhuman look about him. His eyes were black and soulless, and his skin was deathly pale.

They realized that it was the same man who had been chasing them through the asylum. They knew that they had to get out of there before it was too late.

As they were trying to find a way out of the room, they saw a sign on the wall. It read "You are now in the clutches of the Charge, the guardian of the asylum. You will never leave this place alive."

They knew that they were in serious trouble. They could hear the man's heavy footsteps getting closer and closer, and they knew that they had to act fast.

They searched the room for a way out, but they could find none. They were trapped, and they knew that they were running out of time.

Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from outside. They could hear the sound of sirens and people shouting. They knew that they had to act fast.

They managed to break a window, and they climbed out. They could see that there were police and paramedics outside. They were saved, but they knew that they would never forget the horrors that they had experienced in the asylum.

From that day on, Roshan and his friends were forever haunted by the memory of the Charge. They knew that they had been lucky to escape with their lives, but they couldn't shake the feeling that the Charge was still out there, waiting for his next victims.

The asylum was never opened again, and it remains a place of mystery and horror to this day. Some say that the Charge is still inside, waiting for his next victims. Others say that he has moved on to other places, searching for new souls to claim.

Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain - the asylum is a place of darkness and evil, and those who enter it do so at their own risk.

From that day on, Roshan and his friends were forever changed by their experience. They were haunted by nightmares of the Charge and the horrors they had witnessed in the asylum. They couldn't shake the feeling that he was still out there, waiting for them.

They tried to move on with their lives, but they were constantly reminded of the asylum. Every time they heard a strange noise or saw a dark figure in the shadows, they were reminded of the Charge and the terror they had felt in the asylum.

Roshan and his friends decided to research more about the asylum and the Charge. They went to the library and read every book they could find about the asylum and the Charge. They discovered that the Charge was a patient who had been locked away in the asylum for years. He was believed to be insane, and it was rumored that he had supernatural powers.

They were shocked to learn that the Charge had been a patient in the asylum for years. They realized that they had never really known what they were getting themselves into when they decided to explore the asylum. They couldn't shake the feeling that they had been lucky to escape with their lives.

They decided to visit the asylum one more time, to see if they could find more information about the Charge. They went back at night, when the asylum was dark and quiet. They searched the asylum, but they found nothing.

They were about to leave when they heard a strange noise coming from one of the rooms. They cautiously approached and found a door that was slightly ajar. Inside, they found a figure sitting in the corner, shrouded in darkness.

"Who are you?" Roshan asked, his voice trembling with fear.

The figure didn't respond, but instead, it started to move towards them. They could see that it was a man, but he had a strange, almost inhuman look about him. His eyes were black and soulless, and his skin was deathly pale.

They realized that it was the Charge. They knew that they had to get out of there before it was too late.

They ran out of the asylum, and they didn't stop until they were back in their car. They knew that they had to tell the police about the Charge. They went to the police station and told them everything they knew about the Charge.

The police were shocked by their story, and they decided to investigate the asylum. They discovered that the Charge had been locked away in the asylum for years. He had been kept in a secret room, and he was believed to be insane.

The police decided to lock away the Charge again, but they knew that they couldn't keep him locked away forever. They knew that they had to find a way to stop him from hurting anyone else.

Roshan and his friends were relieved to know that the Charge was locked away, but they knew that they would never forget the horrors that they had experienced in the asylum. They knew that they had been lucky to escape with their lives, but they couldn't shake the feeling that the Charge was still out there, waiting for his next victims.

The asylum was never opened again, and it remains a place of mystery and horror to this day. Some say that the Charge is still inside, waiting for his next victims. Others say that he has moved on to other places, searching for new souls to claim.

Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain - the asylum is a place of darkness and evil, and those who enter it do so at their own risk. The Charge is still out there, waiting for his next victims. They knew that they had to be careful and not let their guard down, for

the Charge's reach is far and his powers are formidable. They knew that they had to live the rest of their lives in constant vigilance, always aware of the danger that the Charge posed.

They started to notice strange occurrences happening around them, like the feeling of being watched, or the sound of footsteps following them. They knew that it could be the Charge, trying to reach out to them. They started to carry pepper spray with them and even started carrying a knife when they went out.

They also started to research more about the supernatural and the paranormal in an attempt to understand the Charge's powers. They read books and watched documentaries on the topic, trying to find any information that could help them protect themselves.

However, despite all their efforts, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. They knew that the Charge was still out there, waiting for them.

One night, Roshan and his friends were out for dinner when they heard a strange noise coming from the alleyway next to the restaurant. They knew that it could be the Charge, and they immediately ran out of the restaurant.

As they reached the alleyway, they saw the Charge standing there, his eyes black and soulless, his skin deathly pale. They knew that they had to act fast, and they immediately sprayed pepper spray in his face.

The Charge stumbled back, but he didn't stop. They knew that they had to do something more drastic to protect themselves. They pulled out their knife and started to fight the Charge.

It was a fierce battle, and they knew that they were fighting for their lives. They fought with all their might, and finally, they managed to defeat the Charge.

They were covered in cuts and bruises, but they were alive. They knew that they had to get out of there before the Charge regained consciousness. They quickly ran back to the restaurant and called the police.

The police arrived and took the Charge into custody. Roshan and his friends knew that they had finally defeated the Charge and that they were safe.

They knew that they had been lucky to survive, but they couldn't shake the feeling that the Charge was still out there, waiting for his next victims. They knew that they had to be careful and not let their guard down.

From that day on, Roshan and his friends lived their lives in constant vigilance, always aware of the danger that the Charge posed. They knew that they had to be prepared for anything, because they knew that the Charge was still out there, waiting for his next victims. They knew that they had to be ready for him, whenever and wherever he decided to strike next.

Despite their efforts to stay safe, Roshan and his friends could never truly shake the feeling of being watched. They would often see dark figures in the shadows, and they would hear strange noises in the night. They knew that the Charge was still out there, waiting for them.

They started to see a therapist to help them deal with the trauma of their experience. They talked about their fears and their nightmares, and they tried to come to terms with what had happened.

But even with therapy, they could never truly forget about the Charge. He had become a part of their lives, a constant reminder of the darkness that they had encountered.

Years went by, and Roshan and his friends had moved on with their lives. They had started families of their own, and they had successful careers. But they knew that the Charge was still out there, waiting for them.

One day, Roshan received a letter in the mail. It was from the police, and it said that the Charge had escaped from prison. Roshan knew that it was only a matter of time before the Charge would come for him and his friends.

He called his friends and told them about the letter. They knew that they had to be prepared for the Charge's return. They started to carry pepper spray and knives again, and they made sure to stay together at all times.

But the Charge was always one step ahead. He would leave cryptic messages for Roshan and his friends, letting them know that he was watching them. They knew that they had to be careful, because the Charge was still out there, waiting for them.

Finally, one night, Roshan and his friends were out for dinner when they heard a strange noise coming from the alleyway next to the restaurant. They knew that it was the Charge, and they immediately ran out of the restaurant.

As they reached the alleyway, they saw the Charge standing there, his eyes black and soulless, his skin deathly pale. They knew that they had to act fast, and they immediately sprayed pepper spray in his face.

But this time, the Charge was ready for them. He had been waiting for this moment, and he had prepared himself for their attack. He fought back with all his might, and soon, Roshan and his friends were overpowered.

They knew that they were done for, but they didn't give up. They fought for their lives, and finally, they managed to defeat the Charge once and for all. They knew that they had finally won, and they could finally move on with their lives.

They knew that they would never forget about the Charge and the horrors that they had experienced, but they also knew that they had finally defeated him. They could finally live their lives in peace, knowing that the Charge was gone forever.

They knew that they had been lucky to survive, but they also knew that they had been strong. They had faced their fears and they had defeated the Charge, and for that, they were proud. They would always remember the Charge, but they would also always remember the strength and bravery that they had shown in the face of evil.


In conclusion, the story of Roshan and his friends is one of courage and determination in the face of evil. They faced their fears and they fought for their lives against the Charge, the guardian of the asylum. They knew that they were up against a formidable enemy, but they never gave up. They stood together, and they finally managed to defeat the Charge once and for all. The asylum remains a place of mystery and horror to this day, as the Charge may be gone forever, but the memory of him will always linger in the minds of those who encountered him. The experience has changed Roshan and his friends forever, but they knew that they had grown from it, and they were proud of the strength and bravery that they had shown in the face of evil.


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