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The Highway


By Dilani NadeeshaPublished 8 months ago 6 min read

The old highway cut through the heart of the desolate landscape like a black scar on the earth. Surrounded by endless stretches of barren fields, twisted trees, and the occasional broken-down gas station, it was a road rarely traveled. Locals whispered tales of the highway being cursed, a place where the veil between the living and the dead grew thin.

It was on a moonless night that three friends, Jake, Emily, and Mike, found themselves careening down the lonely stretch of asphalt. Their laughter echoed in the confines of the car, drowning out the rhythmic hum of the engine. They were on a road trip, seeking adventure in the unknown, but as the miles rolled on, a growing unease settled over them like a heavy fog.

The highway seemed to stretch on forever, its twists and turns disorienting, as if the road itself was playing tricks on their senses. The sparse glow of the car's headlights struggled to pierce the darkness, revealing only glimpses of the desolate landscape that seemed to close in around them.

As they drove deeper into the night, the friends noticed an unsettling pattern. Mile markers repeated, a glitch in the matrix of the highway that defied logic. Signs that should have led them to nearby towns pointed to nowhere, and the GPS displayed an error message as if the digital world itself was rejecting their presence.

Emily, the most adventurous of the trio, suggested they stop at the next gas station to ask for directions. But as they approached the flickering neon sign that read "Last Stop," the eerie feeling intensified. The air hung heavy with an otherworldly stillness, and the only sound was the distant howl of a lone coyote.

The gas station appeared abandoned, its windows coated in a thick layer of grime. A rusty bell jingled as they pushed open the creaking door, revealing a dimly lit interior that seemed frozen in time. Shelves lined with dusty snacks and ancient cans of soda hinted at a place untouched by the passage of years.

Behind the counter stood an old man with weathered skin and eyes that seemed to hold the weight of a thousand sorrows. He greeted them with a weary smile, revealing yellowed teeth that hinted at a lifetime of solitude.

"You folks lost?" he rasped, his voice a gravelly whisper.

Jake, the driver, cleared his throat, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips. "Yeah, kinda. The road's been playing tricks on us. Can you help us find our way?"

The old man's gaze lingered on them for a moment, as if he could see something they couldn't. "You're on the Creep Highway, travelers. A road that ain't kind to those who don't belong."

The mention of the Creep Highway sent shivers down their spines, but they dismissed it as local folklore. The old man, sensing their skepticism, offered them a cryptic warning.

"Keep your wits about you, and whatever you do, don't stray from the path. The highway don't take kindly to wanderers."

With that, the trio thanked the old man and stepped back into the night. The gas station seemed to vanish behind them, swallowed by the inky darkness. As they drove on, the atmosphere inside the car grew tense, the laughter replaced by a heavy silence.

The road ahead twisted and turned like a serpent, and soon, they found themselves surrounded by dense woods. The gnarled branches of ancient trees reached out like skeletal fingers, casting eerie shadows on the asphalt. It felt as if the very air around them was pulsating with a malevolent energy.

Emily, ever the thrill-seeker, suggested they pull over and explore the woods. Mike hesitated, glancing at Jake, who wore a troubled expression. Reluctantly, they parked the car on the side of the road, the engine ticking as it cooled.

The woods were a labyrinth of shadows, the only illumination coming from the dim glow of the moon filtering through the dense canopy. They ventured deeper, the silence broken only by the crunch of leaves beneath their feet. It didn't take long for them to realize they had lost their way, the path behind them vanishing into a maze of twisted trees.

Panic set in as they stumbled through the dark, the oppressive stillness of the woods closing in around them. Whispers echoed through the trees, indistinct voices that seemed to mock their predicament. Emily clutched Jake's arm, her eyes wide with fear.

"We need to go back," Mike urged, his voice tinged with anxiety.

But as they turned to retrace their steps, the woods seemed to shift. The path that had brought them in disappeared, replaced by an impenetrable thicket of thorns and brambles. It was as if the very forest conspired to keep them captive.

Hours passed, and the friends wandered deeper into the heart of the woods. Time became an elusive concept, the moon hanging motionless in the sky. Exhausted and disoriented, they stumbled upon a clearing, the moonlight revealing an ancient stone altar at its center.

A sense of dread settled over them as they approached the ominous structure. Carved symbols adorned its surface, their meaning lost to the ages. In the center lay a weathered tome, its pages yellowed with age. Jake hesitated, his fingers tracing the ancient script.

As he flipped through the pages, the air around them seemed to shimmer. Shadows danced at the edges of the clearing, coalescing into ethereal forms that whispered forgotten secrets. The friends recoiled, their sanity fraying at the edges as the weight of the supernatural pressed upon them.

A voice echoed from the depths of the woods, a haunting melody that seemed to tug at their very souls. It spoke of a pact made on this desolate highway, of restless spirits bound to the asphalt for eternity. The friends realized they had stumbled upon something far darker than they could have imagined.

In a desperate attempt to escape, they retraced their steps, the eerie song following them like a vengeful specter. The woods seemed to close in around them, the very air thick with malevolence. As they broke free from the suffocating embrace of the trees, the moonlit highway stretched before them like a lifeline.

But the road had changed.

The asphalt beneath their feet seemed to writhe, pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Shadows clung to the edges of the highway, twisting into grotesque shapes that seemed to watch their every move. The friends, gripped by terror, stumbled forward, the haunting melody still echoing in their ears.

As they walked, the highway seemed to elongate, stretching infinitely into the abyss. The mile markers became a cruel reminder of their futile journey, repeating in an endless loop. Desperation set in, and the friends realized the highway had become a nightmarish labyrinth, a trap set by forces beyond their comprehension.

Their footsteps echoed in the void, each stride carrying them further into the abyss. The highway, now a nightmarish tapestry of shifting shadows and disembodied whispers, seemed to feed on their fear. Emily's laughter turned to hysterical sobs, Mike's stoic demeanor shattered, and Jake's grip on reality slipped like sand through his fingers.

As they stumbled forward, a figure emerged from the darkness—a spectral silhouette that seemed to materialize from the very fabric of the highway. The figure wore a tattered cloak, its face hidden in the depths of a hood. A skeletal

hand extended toward them, beckoning them into the heart of the abyss.

The friends hesitated, their gazes locked on the enigmatic figure. The haunting melody reached a crescendo, the air pulsating with an otherworldly energy. With a resigned acceptance, they took the spectral hand, their vision fading into darkness.

When they awoke, they found themselves back in their car, the engine purring as if nothing had happened. The highway stretched before them, the desolate landscape unchanged. A sense of unease lingered, a nagging feeling that they had glimpsed something beyond the veil of reality.

They drove in silence, the weight of the supernatural encounter settling over them like a heavy shroud. The moon hung in the sky, casting an eerie glow on the endless stretch of asphalt. The Creep Highway, true to its name, had ensnared their souls, leaving them forever bound to its haunted depths.

As the friends drove into the night, the highway whispered its secrets, the haunting melody echoing in their minds. The world beyond the asphalt seemed like a distant dream, a realm forever lost to those who dared to tread on the cursed road. The Creep Highway, a gateway to the unknown, claimed its victims, leaving only echoes of laughter and the fading echoes of a spectral song in its wake.


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Comments (1)

  • Mesloub Iheb7 months ago


DNWritten by Dilani Nadeesha

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