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The Haunting of Dear David

A Cautionary Tale of Obsession and Revenge

By Finola bozlarPublished about a year ago 6 min read

There was a young man named David. He lived alone in a small apartment in the city and spent most of his days working at a dead-end job. Despite his mundane existence, David was content with his life. That is, until the nightmares began.

Every night, David would dream of a ghostly figure with a distorted face and empty eyes. The figure, who called himself "Dear David," would speak to David in a low whisper, telling him of his past life and the terrible accident that led to his death. David tried to ignore the dreams, but they only grew more vivid and frequent.

One night, David couldn't take it anymore. He decided to investigate the origins of Dear David and see if there was any truth to the ghost's claims. He scoured the internet for any information he could find on the ghost, and eventually came across an old newspaper article about a young boy named David who had died in a tragic accident. The boy's death was ruled as an accident, but the details of the incident were never released to the public.

David was shocked by his discovery and couldn't believe that the ghost in his dreams was the same boy from the article. He became obsessed with learning more about Dear David and the circumstances of his death. He spent every waking moment researching the ghost, and even began to neglect his job and personal relationships.

As David delved deeper into the mystery of Dear David, he began to experience strange occurrences in his apartment. Objects would move on their own, and he would hear strange noises at night. He was convinced that the ghost was trying to communicate with him and that there was something he was meant to do.

Despite his fear, David couldn't ignore the pull that Dear David had on him. He began to communicate with the ghost, asking him questions and listening to his stories. He even began to feel a strange connection with the ghost, as if they were friends.

David's obsession with Dear David consumed him, and he eventually lost his job and his apartment. He spent all of his savings on researching the ghost, and eventually became homeless. He was convinced that Dear David was the only one who truly understood him, and that he needed to uncover the truth about the ghost's death.

One night, as David lay on the streets, cold and alone, he had a dream that was different from the others. In the dream, Dear David told him that there was something he needed to do, something that would bring closure to the ghost's death. David awoke with a sense of purpose, and he knew what he had to do.

He returned to the apartment building where Dear David had died, and began to dig through the rubble. He searched for hours until he finally found what he was looking for. A small, tattered notebook. Inside was a diary written by Dear David in the weeks leading up to his death. The diary revealed the truth about the accident, and the terrible secret that had been kept hidden for so long.

David's discovery brought closure to Dear David's death, but it also brought David a new understanding of the ghost's motivations. In the end, David and Dear David's spirits were finally at peace. David's obsession may have cost him everything, but it also led him to discover the truth and find redemption.

As the night falls, and the moon rises, people passing by that old building, report strange noises and ghostly apparitions, some says that they can hear a whisper of a child, some says that they saw a young boy with distorted face and empty eyes, staring out of a broken window, some says that the boy is trying to communicate something, but no one can understand what he is David's obsession with Dear David consumed him, and he eventually lost his job and his apartment. He spent all of his savings on researching the ghost, and eventually became homeless. He was convinced that Dear David was the only one who truly understood him, and that he needed to uncover the truth about the ghost's death.

David became fixated on uncovering the truth, and as he delved deeper into the mystery of Dear David, he began to experience even more strange occurrences in his apartment. Objects would move on their own, and he would hear strange noises at night. He was convinced that the ghost was trying to communicate with him and that there was something he was meant to do.

Despite his fear, David couldn't ignore the pull that Dear David had on him. He began to communicate with the ghost, asking him questions and listening to his stories. He even began to feel a strange connection with the ghost, as if they were friends.

But as David got closer to the truth, he began to realize that there was more to Dear David than he had originally thought. The ghost's stories were not just about his past life and the accident that led to his death, but also about the dark secrets that had been kept hidden for so long.

David soon realized that Dear David had not just died in an accident, but had been murdered. The ghost had been seeking revenge on those who had wronged him in life, and had been using David as a tool to do so. David was horrified by this revelation and didn't know what to do.

He tried to break off contact with the ghost, but Dear David would not let him go. The ghost continued to torment David, appearing to him in his dreams and in his waking hours. David was trapped, unable to escape the ghost's grip.

David's obsession with Dear David had led him down a dark path, and he knew that he had to put an end to it. He knew that he couldn't continue to let the ghost control him, and that he had to find a way to break free.

David decided to confront Dear David one last time. He went back to the apartment building where the ghost had died, determined to put an end to the ghost's reign of terror. But as he entered the building, he realized that he had made a grave mistake.

The ghost was waiting for him, and it was more powerful than he had ever imagined. David was no match for the ghost, and he knew that he was going to die. But as he lay dying, he made a final plea to the ghost, asking it to let him go.

To his surprise, the ghost relented. The ghost had finally gotten what it wanted, and it was content to rest in peace. David's obsession with Dear David had come to an end, and he was finally free.

David's story is a cautionary tale of the dangers of obsession and the consequences that can come from it. The ghost of Dear David will always be remembered as a haunting reminder of the darkness that can consume us, if we let it.

As for David, he never spoke about his experience with Dear David again. He disappeared from the city and was never seen again. Some people say that he went mad, others say that he found peace. But one thing is for sure, that building is still there and some people still report strange noises and ghostly apparitions. And a figure of a young boy with distorted face and empty eyes, staring out of a broken window. And the legend of Dear David still haunts the city to this day.


About the Creator

Finola bozlar

〰️ Fiction (Horror/Thriller)

〰️ Non-Fiction (Nutrition and True Crime)

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