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The Haunting Experiment: A Tale of a Werewolf and Betrayal

A Plot Twist Horror Story of Revenge and Closure.

By Cansu AtayPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Abandoned buildings had always intrigued Sam. He was always looking for a new place to explore and experience that feeling of adventure and excitement. One night, Sam was driving back home when he saw a towering abandoned building on the outskirts of the city. It was an old hospital, and it looked like it had been abandoned for years. The building stood tall and ominous, surrounded by a chain-link fence. Sam's curiosity got the better of him, and he knew he had to explore it.

He parked his car outside the gate and climbed over the fence. He made his way to the entrance, which was boarded up, but he managed to pry it open. The sound of his footsteps echoed through the empty halls as he walked deeper into the building.

The hospital was dimly lit, and it smelled of damp and mildew. He wandered through the hallways, peering into rooms with broken windows and dusty furniture. As he was exploring the third floor, he heard a strange sound.

It was a low growling sound that seemed to come from one of the rooms. He tried to ignore it, telling himself that it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. But the growling grew louder, and he knew he couldn't ignore it any longer.

Sam slowly approached the room from where the sound was coming. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and his hands were shaking. He hesitated for a moment before pushing open the door.

What he saw was beyond his wildest nightmares. A creature was crouched in the corner of the room, snarling and growling. It had long, matted fur and glowing eyes that seemed to pierce through his soul. Sam was frozen in fear, unable to move or even scream.

The creature slowly stood up, revealing its full height. It was a werewolf, and it was looking directly at Sam. Sam couldn't believe what he was seeing. Werewolves were just myth and legend, but here one was standing right in front of him.

The werewolf began to move towards him, its long claws extended. Sam knew he had to do something. He had always been fascinated by horror movies, and he remembered one that talked about how silver bullets could kill werewolves. He quickly searched his pockets for anything silver, but all he found was a silver candlestick he had taken from the last abandoned house he had explored.

As the werewolf lunged towards him, Sam raised the silver candlestick and struck it with all his might. The creature let out an unearthly howl and fell to the ground, lifeless.

Sam stood there, gasping for breath and shaking with fear. But as he looked down at the dead werewolf, he noticed something strange. The fur around its neck was braided, and it had a small tag with a name on it.

As Sam looked closer, he realized that the werewolf wasn't a monster at all. It was a domestic dog, a pet that had been missing for weeks. Sam's heart sank as he realized what he had done.

The hospital had been used as a testing facility for experimental drugs, and the pet had been exposed to a chemical that caused it to mutate into a monstrous form. Sam had been lured into the hospital as part of the experiment. The growling he had heard was just a recording played by the scientists to scare him and force him to confront the "werewolf."

Sam had unwittingly become the monster, and now he was just another victim of the twisted experiment.

From that day on, Sam never explored abandoned buildings again. He couldn't bear the thought of being tricked into another experiment or becoming the monster himself. He spent the rest of his days haunted by the memory of what had happened, knowing that he had unknowingly become part of the horror story he had always enjoyed watching from a distance.

The realization of what had happened was a shock to Sam's system, and he was unable to move on from the trauma he had experienced. The guilt of what he had done to the innocent dog, combined with the knowledge that he had been manipulated, left him feeling powerless and alone.

As time passed, Sam's health began to deteriorate. He was plagued by nightmares and visions of the werewolf, reliving the horror of that fateful night over and over again. He became increasingly paranoid and reclusive, withdrawing from society and avoiding any situation that might trigger a flashback.

One day, Sam received a mysterious package in the mail. It contained a note, written in a familiar handwriting, that simply said: "We're sorry for what we did to you. It was wrong. We hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us."

Sam was shocked and confused. He didn't know who had sent the package or how they had found him. But something about the note touched him, and he realized that he needed closure to move on from the traumatic event.

He decided to confront the people responsible for the experiment, to demand answers and find a way to make things right. He spent months researching and tracking down the people involved in the project, using all his resources to dig up any information he could find.

Eventually, Sam discovered the identity of the lead scientist behind the experiment. He traveled to the scientist's remote lab in the mountains, determined to finally get the answers he needed.

But when he arrived, Sam found that the lab had been abandoned for years. The equipment was rusted and broken, and the place was empty. As he was leaving the lab, Sam heard a familiar growling sound.

He turned around and saw the werewolf standing behind him, its glowing eyes fixed on him. Sam felt a wave of fear wash over him, but as the werewolf moved closer, he realized something strange. The werewolf was not attacking him. Instead, it was trying to nudge him towards a hidden door in the wall.

Sam cautiously approached the door and pushed it open. Inside, he found a small room filled with files and documents. As he began to sift through them, he found the evidence he had been looking for.

The experiment had been shut down by the government due to its unethical nature, but the lead scientist had continued to work in secret, using Sam and other unsuspecting victims as part of a twisted revenge plot against the government.

Sam felt a surge of anger and determination as he realized the truth. He had been used as a pawn in someone else's game, but he was not going to let it go unpunished. He gathered all the evidence he could find and presented it to the authorities, who launched an investigation that resulted in the arrest of the lead scientist.

Finally, Sam was able to find closure and move on from the traumatic experience. He was no longer haunted by the werewolf, but he knew that he would never forget the lesson he had learned. The line between reality and fiction can be blurred, and what you think is just a horror story might be closer to the truth than you ever imagined.


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