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The Haunted on Maple Stress

Once upon a time, there was a quaint little street street called Maple Street. It was a quiet neighborhood, filled with friendly people and lovely homes.

By MDPublished about a year ago 5 min read
The Haunted on Maple Stress

Once upon a time, there was a quaint little street called Maple Street. It was a quiet neighborhood, filled with friendly people and lovely homes. However, there was one house on Maple Street that stood out from the rest. It was large, ominous house with creaky shutters and overgrown bushes. The locals called it "The Haunted House on Maple Street."

Legend had it that the house was haunted by the ghost of woman who had died inside many years ago. She was said to have been a recluse who rarely left her home and kept to herself. Some people claimed to have seen her ghostly figure staring out of the windows, while others reported hearing strange noises and footsteps coming from inside the house at night.

Despite the spooky rumors, young couple named David and Samantha decided to buy the house. They saw its potential and loved the idea of restoring it to its former glory. The neighbors warned them about the house's haunted past, but the couple brushed it off as superstition and eagerly moved in.

At first, things seemed fine. David and Samantha spent their days painting and renovating the house, excited to make it their own. However, as time went on, strange things started happening. Doors would open and close on their own, and objects would move without explanation. Samantha would often feel cold breeze pass by her, even though there was no open window nearby.

The couple tried to rationalize these occurrences, blaming them on drafts and their imagination. But as the days went on, things only got worse. One night, Samantha woke up to find that all of the furniture in the living room had been moved around. David insisted that he had not done it, and the couple could not explain how it had happened.

As the weeks went by, the couple's fear grew. They heard footsteps in the hallway at night, and Samantha saw a figure standing at the foot of their bed. David tried to reassure her that it was all in her head, but he was starting to feel uneasy too.

Finally, one night, things came to head. David and Samantha were awakened by a loud noise coming from the basement. David cautiously went to investigate, but as he descended the stairs, he felt cold hand grip his shoulder. He turned around, but there was nobody there.

Suddenly, the door slammed shut behind him, trapping him in the basement. He heard footsteps moving towards him, and cold breath on the back of his neck. David screamed for Samantha, but she couldn't hear him over the sound of her own terror.

Just as he thought he was about to be attacked, the ghostly figure disappeared. David was left alone in the basement, shaken and frightened.

After that night, David and Samantha knew they had to leave the house. They couldn't explain what had happened, but they knew that they couldn't stay there any longer. They packed their bags and left the haunted house on Maple Street for good.

The new owners of the house, a family with young children, moved in shortly after. They didn't believe in ghosts and thought the house was steal. However, as time went on, they too started experiencing strange occurrences. Doors would open and close on their own, and their children would complain about cold breeze in their room at night.

The haunted house on Maple Street remained mystery, place that nobody could explain. Some said it was cursed, while others believed that the ghost of the recluse who died inside was still wandering the halls. Whatever the truth may be, the house remained empty for years, silent reminder of the past and the unknown.

In conclusion, the haunted house on Maple Street was place that inspired fear and mystery in those who knew of its haunted past. Despite the best efforts of its owners, the ghostly occurrences inside the house persisted, leaving many to wonder about the true nature of the haunting. Some even speculated that the ghost of the recluse who died inside the house was still lingering, unable to find peace in the afterlife.

Over time, the rumors and stories about the haunted house on Maple Street continued to circulate, attracting the attention of ghost hunters and paranormal investigators. Many tried to unravel the mystery of the haunting, but none were successful. The house remained empty, silent testament to the unknown forces that lay within.

Years went by, and the house on Maple Street slowly fell into disrepair. The once-beautiful garden was now overgrown with weeds, and the windows were boarded up to keep out the curious. Nevertheless, the house remained source of fascination and intrigue, with people from all over the world coming to see the infamous haunted house.

One day, young couple who had just moved to town stumbled upon the house on Maple Street. They had heard the stories about its haunted past, but they didn't believe in ghosts. Intrigued by the history of the house, they decided to take closer look.

As they explored the outside of the house, they noticed that one of the boards on a window was loose. Curiosity got the better of them, and they decided to take a peek inside. What they saw was a sight that would stay with them for the rest of their lives.

The inside of the house was like nothing they had ever seen before. The walls were covered in peeling wallpaper, and the furniture was old and dusty. However, what caught their attention was the eerie feeling that permeated the air. It was like thick fog that made it hard to breathe.

Suddenly, they heard sound coming from upstairs. It was the sound of someone walking. They froze, unsure of what to do next. Should they leave, or should they investigate further? Against their better judgment, they decided to go upstairs and see what was making the noise.

As they climbed the stairs, the sound grew louder and louder. It was like someone was right beside them, following their every move. They reached the top of the stairs and peered down the hallway. What they saw made their blood run cold.

A figure was standing at the end of the hallway, just out of reach of the light. It was the ghostly figure of a woman, dressed in a long, flowing gown. She beckoned to them with bony finger, urging them to come closer. The couple tried to run, but their legs felt like they were made of lead.

As they stumbled down the stairs and out of the house, they knew that they had just experienced something that could not be explained. The haunted house on Maple Street had claimed yet another victim.

In the end, the haunted house on Maple Street remained a place of mystery and intrigue, testament to the unknown forces that lurked within. Despite the best efforts of those who had tried to unravel its secrets, the house remained source of fear and fascination, place that would forever be shrouded in darkness and mystery.


About the Creator


I am a poet and writer, entwined in passionate embrace with souls of poets, penning love letters to their words.

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