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The Haunted Doll


By Surya cmsPublished about a year ago 5 min read

The small town of Ravens wood was known for its picturesque beauty and peacefulness. However, there was one house in the town that stood out for all the wrong reasons. The house was an old, dilapidated mansion that had been abandoned for years. It was said to be haunted by the ghost of a young girl who had died there in a tragic accident.

The locals avoided the house at all costs, claiming that strange noises and eerie lights could be seen and heard coming from within its walls at night. But for Sarah, a young girl who had recently moved to Ravenswood with her family, the house held a strange allure.

Sarah had always been fascinated by ghosts and the supernatural, and she couldn't resist the urge to explore the abandoned mansion. One day, while her family was out of town, she decided to sneak into the house.

As she entered the house, she was immediately struck by the musty smell and the thick layer of dust that covered everything. The furniture was old and worn, and the wallpaper was peeling off the walls. But it was the dolls that caught her attention. They were scattered all over the house, each one with a different expression on its face.

Sarah picked up one of the dolls, a porcelain doll with a beautiful dress and long golden hair. As she held it in her hands, she felt a chill run down her spine. The doll seemed to be staring at her with its cold, lifeless eyes.

Suddenly, Sarah heard a noise coming from upstairs. She quickly put the doll back and made her way up the stairs, her heart pounding in her chest. As she reached the top of the stairs, she saw a figure standing at the end of the hallway. It was a young girl, with long hair and a white dress. She was holding a porcelain doll in her hand.

Sarah froze in terror, unable to move. The ghostly girl began to move towards her, the doll still in her hand. Sarah could see that the doll's expression had changed. It now had a look of malice and hatred on its face.

The ghostly girl reached out her hand, offering the doll to Sarah. Sarah hesitated for a moment, but then took the doll. As soon as she touched it, she felt a cold, numbing sensation spread through her body. She could feel the ghostly girl's presence inside her, controlling her every move.

Sarah ran out of the house, her mind racing with fear. She knew that she had to get rid of the doll before it was too late. She went to the local priest and told him her story. He listened carefully and then performed an exorcism on the doll, banishing the ghostly girl's spirit from it.

From that day on, Sarah was never the same. She had been forever changed by her encounter with the haunted doll. But she knew that she had been lucky to escape with her life. The abandoned mansion in Ravenswood still stood, but no one dared to enter it again. The ghostly girl and her haunted doll still roamed its halls, waiting for their next victim.


Sarah's experience with the haunted doll had a profound impact on her. She couldn't shake off the feeling of being followed and watched by the ghostly girl. She started having nightmares about the doll and the ghost, and she couldn't bring herself to go near any dolls again.

Her parents noticed the change in her behavior and took her to see a therapist. But Sarah couldn't bring herself to talk about what had happened in the mansion. She felt like no one would believe her, and she didn't want to be labeled as crazy.

Years passed, and Sarah moved on with her life. She went to college and got a job, but she never forgot about the haunted doll. She had always wondered what had happened to the doll after the exorcism. She had heard rumors that it was still in the possession of the local priest, but she never had the courage to ask him about it.

One day, Sarah received a call from her father. He told her that the old mansion in Ravenswood had been sold, and the new owners were planning to demolish it. Sarah felt a sudden urge to go back to the house one last time. She took a day off from work and drove back to her hometown.

As she approached the mansion, she could see that it was in even worse condition than she remembered. The windows were boarded up, and the front door was hanging off its hinges. Sarah hesitated for a moment, but she knew she had to go inside.

As she entered the house, she was immediately transported back to that fateful day when she had encountered the ghostly girl. She could see the dolls scattered all over the place, just as she remembered. But there was one doll that stood out from the rest. It was the porcelain doll with the beautiful dress and long golden hair.

Sarah felt a chill run down her spine as she picked up the doll. She could feel the ghostly girl's presence inside her, just as she had all those years ago. But this time, she was not afraid. She knew that the ghostly girl was not there to harm her.

The ghostly girl appeared before her, just as she had that day. But this time, Sarah could see that she was not alone. She was holding a little girl's hand. The ghostly girl smiled at Sarah and then turned and walked away, disappearing into the shadows with the little girl.

Sarah realized that the ghostly girl had been trying to tell her something all along. She had been trying to show her that she was not alone, that she had someone with her. Sarah felt a sense of peace and understanding wash over her. She knew that the ghostly girl's spirit had been at rest all along, and that it was time for her to let go of her fear and move on with her life.

Sarah put the doll back and left the house. She knew that the mansion would be demolished soon, but she felt that it was time to let go of the past. As she walked away, she could hear the sound of children laughing and playing in the distance. She knew that the ghostly girl and the little girl were finally at peace.

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  • PPabout a year ago

    Scary story 😣 Can you Read my new story on ghoul & share your thoughts on it.

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