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The Gettysburg National Military Park

The dead are restless.

By Rasma RaistersPublished 5 years ago 5 min read

The Gettysburg National Military Park encompasses over 40 miles of land and has over 1,000,000 monuments and cannons. At this park, soldiers are still on duty and many are still experiencing the terrifying events that led to their deaths. At the Little Round Top a strategic position for the Union soldiers giving them a good view of the land below, a headless horseman can be seen riding his horse around. Phantom soldiers have been seen marching in formation and riding their horses against the enemy.

Maj. Gen. G. K. Warren statue atop Little Round Top

During the filming of the film, Gettysburg actors in their Civil War uniforms would walk around exploring the battlegrounds between filming. A group of actors in Union soldier uniforms went up to the Little Round Top to enjoy the sunset. They heard a rustling behind them and out stepped a haggard old man dressed as a Union private. He was filthy and smelled of sulfur, a key ingredient used in black powder in 1863. Walking up to the men, he handed them a few musket rounds and said, “Rough one today, eh boys?” Then he walked away and disappeared. The muskets that were given to the actors were authenticated as being original rounds 130 years old.

West of the Little Round Top is the Triangular Field or the Valley of Death. It is considered the most haunted area of the park. There are not only apparitions of phantom soldiers but of Indian warriors as well. Devil’s Den is not only the hot spot of the Battle of Gettysburg but also of an Indian war years before the Battle of the Crows. Before the Civil War battle, there were seen apparitions of Indian warriors and the sounds of war whoops could be heard.

Devil’s Den

Devil’s Den is a pile of rocks that long-haired cavalrymen from Georgia and Texas defended and finally drove out the Union troops. They suffered many casualties fighting their way across Triangular Field to Devil’s Den. The third day when the battle ended the survivors retreated with Lee and the Union soldiers found many bodies in the valley and on the rocks. The already rotting bodies were thrown down the crevices between the rocks; the lucky ones were buried. Visitors and park rangers have seen apparitions of sharpshooters among the tree line at the Triangular field and have heard the sound of gunfire and drum rolls in the wooded area of the field.

People who have wanted to take pictures of Devil’s Den have had problems with their cameras or have had them thrown to the ground. When someone has loudly stated his intention of taking some pictures, he or she has been allowed to do so.

A cameraman’s homemade wooden camera was twice knocked off its stand and finally knocked into a boulder cave from which he retrieved it. On a second trip, the man’s teammate explained that they were from Texas and wanted to take pictures to honor what Texans has accomplished there. After this, there were no more problems for this team of paranormal investigators.

Some other people trying to take pictures in the area found that someone would constantly be turning off their digital camera to prevent them from taking any pictures. Occasionally, if all goes well, entities may even pose for the camera. After his pictures were developed, one man saw a man with long hair standing in his picture. A female visitor trying to get a picture in the early morning light had a lifelike apparition of a Texas soldier in ragged clothes, a shirt without buttons, a big hat, and no shoes directe her to take a picture of Plum Run saying, “What you’re looking for is over there.” This same entity likes having his picture taken with people but when the film is developed, where he was standing is an empty space.

Haunting of Culp Farm

A haunting unrelated to the battle is just east of Baltimore Peak. A young woman in 1800 was involved with a married man. When she realized he would never leave his wife, she killed herself. Now a woman dressed in white haunts the spring here in this area. Park rangers have also lived in the houses located in the park to keep them in shape and to have a place to stay. In the Culp Farm farmhouse, an unseen presence haunts the second floor and frantic footsteps can be heard running back and forth.

Haunting of Weikert House

Right in the center of the park is a stone house called the Weikert House. Before the Union army took it over, Confederate soldiers would hide there. Later the Weikert house barn was set up as a field hospital. The presence of frantic Confederate soldiers can be felt in the cellar and attic where they used to hide and eventually were found and killed. Footsteps have been heard and a door on the second floor refuses to stay shut even when it was nailed shut.

Ghosts of Humelbaugh House

Near the front lines, the Humelbaugh House was used for operating on the wounded soldiers. There were no antibiotics and the suffering of the soldiers was great. Amputated arms and legs were thrown out of the kitchen window. Today this same window startled people with strange vibrating sounds. Confederate Brigadier William Barksdale who was wounded leading a charge on Seminary Ridge was left to die in front of this house most likely because his wounds were fatal but his voice can still be heard today, calling for water.

The Gettysburg National Cemetery

At the entrance to the Gettysburg National Cemetery in the cemetery lodge, all the unclaimed personal property of the soldiers who were killed was housed for many decades. People hear footsteps and entities are upset about their belongings. The far off cries of babies can be heard as some civilians were also killed by stray bullets.

The cemetery itself used to be haunted by a Captain William Miller who was upset that his tombstone did not list his Medal of Honor. When a psychic discovered this, the problem was corrected and the Captain could depart for the other side.

The forest area on Cemetery Ridge is well known for its phantom Civil War band music.

And so the poor souls are left here still fighting their battles and reliving the horrors of the war.


About the Creator

Rasma Raisters

My passions are writing and creating poetry. I write for several sites online and have four themed blogs on Wordpress. Please follow me on Twitter.

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