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The Forgotten House


By MalikPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Deep in the heart of the woods, there stood a forgotten house. It had been abandoned for years and its walls were covered in vines and weeds. The locals believed that it was cursed and that anyone who entered the house would never return.

One day, a group of friends decided to explore the abandoned house, hoping to find treasure or some hidden secrets. As they made their way through the overgrown garden, they felt a sense of unease. The air around the house was cold and still, and they could hear strange whispers in the wind.

The front door was locked, so they had to find another way in. They discovered an old window that had been broken and climbed inside. The house was pitch-black, and they had to rely on their flashlights to see. The floorboards creaked under their feet, and the walls were covered in cobwebs.

As they explored the house, they began to feel as though they were being watched. Shadows seemed to dart across the walls, and strange noises echoed through the empty halls. They found an old photo album in one of the rooms, and as they flipped through the pages, they saw pictures of a family who had once lived in the house. But there was something off about the photos. The people in them had twisted and distorted faces, and their eyes seemed to follow the group wherever they went.

As they continued their search, they stumbled upon a secret door hidden behind a bookshelf. They pushed it open and found themselves in a dark, musty basement. The air was thick with the smell of decay, and they could hear something shuffling around in the darkness.

Suddenly, the door behind them slammed shut, and they were plunged into darkness. They could hear something scratching at the door, trying to get in. The whispers they had heard before grew louder, and they could make out words: "You shouldn't have come here. You will never leave."

The group huddled together in the darkness, praying for the door to open. But it was no use. They were trapped in the forgotten house, with no way out. And as the scratching grew louder and more frantic, they knew that they were not alone in the darkness. Something was coming for them, something ancient and evil that had been waiting for them to enter the cursed house.

Suddenly, the scratching stopped. The group was relieved at first, thinking that whatever was trying to get in had given up. But then they heard a slow, deliberate tapping on the door. It was a rhythm that they couldn't quite place, but it filled them with a deep sense of dread.

The tapping grew louder and more insistent, until it became a pounding. The door shook on its hinges, and the group could hear the wood splintering under the force. They knew that they had to get out, but they were trapped in the basement with no other escape.

And then, just as suddenly as it had started, the pounding stopped. The group waited in silence for what felt like hours, but nothing happened. They were still trapped in the basement, but the creature that had been trying to get in seemed to have disappeared.

Finally, one of the group members spoke up. "We have to find another way out," he said. "We can't stay here any longer."

They searched the basement for any other doors or windows, but they found nothing. It seemed as though the only way out was through the door that had been barricaded from the other side.

And then, as they were about to give up hope, they noticed something strange. One of the walls in the basement seemed to be slightly out of place. It was as though there was a hidden door that had been covered


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