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The Echo

Synopsis, Chapters One & Two

By Kathryn ParkerPublished 5 years ago 6 min read


When Ella Miller wakes up, she doesn't remember a single thing about her life. She doesn't remember her name or first love, but worst of all, she doesn't remember anything about The Echo, one of the most notorious drug lords in history.

With the help of U.S. Marshall Eamon Sanders, Ella has to remember everything before The Echo gets to her.

Chapter One: The Ragged Man

Ella Miller heard the crunch of glass before she registered anything else. She could hear the footsteps, urgent and fast. She tried to open her eyes, but they were stuck together. She could only make out some small chance of light through her eyelids.

Open your eyes dammit, a voice inside her head told her. It urged her to move quicker despite the pain that was now coursing through her body. It hurt to breathe let alone any other movement. She had no choice though, she knew.

She took her fingers and pried apart her eyelids. It hurt like hell, but she could see now. The light blinded her and she could barely make out the figure now coming towards her.

A dirty looking man in his early to late 40s smiled a wide smile at her, dimples creasing and showing rotting teeth. His black hair was stringy and peppered with gray. She didn't have to be close to him to know he smelled and in his sloppy manicured hand, he held a gun. He hadn't pointed it at her yet, but she saw his glance had traveled to the driver's seat where she saw now that she had a partner in the car.

A partner that was seriously hurt and unconscious. The man was dressed in police gear and though his entire body was bloody, she could see a handsome face. He was breathing, she could hear it now as the ragged man drew closer. He was moving slower now as she prepared herself for whatever was about to take place next.

The tension rose as the ragged man moved very carefully to the SUV. Ella could see both cars totaled and the windshield completely shattered. Her vision was getting better and her reflexes were starting to kick in. The ragged man could see it and he froze for a brief moment in fear as she stared through his eyes. They were the only thing that could remotely be described as pretty on him (sky blue), but even they were diminished by the red rings that lined the white part of his eyes.

"Now, girly, don't you get any ideas. There's a price on your pretty little head and I'm gonna get it," he said.

He raised the gun and pointed it at her. She immediately ducked and forced her way into the backseat. She heard the gunshot ring out and for a second, she thought that she had made a huge mistake in moving. She did a once over on her body and found no injuries, but she heard the gurgling and coughing shortly after. Her partner had been shot in the chest and he was the source of the coughing. His gasping and wheezing made her sympathetic towards him. She really wanted to help. However, when she made the move to do so, another shot rang out. This time the bullet had hit him in the head. His eyes shot open and she could see no more movement in his body. She almost screamed, but she reminded herself of the ragged man. Clamping her hands over her mouth, she moved softly in the vehicle. She had to get the partner's gun.

She gently reached over to the body and rummaged through his belt for a weapon. She found the gun quickly and carefully removed it from the holster. Careful not to disturb the body and definitely careful not to move it, the ragged man seemed content with his situation right now and she wanted him to think that she was scared. If anything, the death of her car partner fueled her fire. She was getting out of there regardless of anything. The ragged man had to die.

The ragged man finally made his move. He tried opening the doors and shooting through the car, but nothing made contact with her. She studied the SUV's movement and tried to picture himself outside the SUV, deciding when and where to attack.

Bring it on.

She knew where he was as he went back to the front of the car, ready to shoot once again. The click of the gun told her that he was out of ammo. She smiled to herself and drew her weapon. She fired the shot and it echoed as it hit the ragged man on the first try.

Chapter Two: What's My Name?

The police showed up quickly after the ragged man's body fell unceremoniously to the ground. Ella slowly limped her way out of the vehicle, feeling pain shooting through her body.

"Help." She cried feebly.

Officers surveyed the damage and the body count as Ella made her way towards them. A man with blond curls and dark brown eyes was the first one to see her.

"Ella, what happened?" His voice had a southern accent and it took her a second to realize what he had just said.

What he had just called her.

"Ella," she repeated, the word sounding less pleasant off her tongue than his.

"Ella, are you ok?" He was starting to get really worried, she could tell.

Though everything was slightly hazy, she was getting some things back. Her speech, her instincts, and her fight were slowly returning, but her memory refused. It buried deep in her and like a stubborn child, it threw a fit when she tried.

"Ella." This time Ella looked at the man. He was handsome, strong jaw line and a model's face. His eyes widened at her and she knew without her memory that he had a caring deeper than what was smart. She didn't know their relationship offhand, but she knew it was supposed to be professional. He wasn't allowing himself to comfort her the way she knew he wanted.

"Ella, you're scaring me."

"I don't remember who I am."

"That's not good," he put his head into his hands.

"I know," she said irritated. She was the one who was trying to figure out who she was.

"No, you don't, Ella."

"I think I do, whatever your name is."

"No, Ella, you don't. You're the only witness against a major drug lord."

Ella felt faint and the darkness enveloped her before she really knew what was going on.


About the Creator

Kathryn Parker

Life is amazing. Life is horrible. It just depends on your day and attitude.

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