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The devil who threatened lovers

Ganesh and safeena The transaction happened because both fell in love and left the house

By Ganesh TPSPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, in a small village in India, there lived two young lovers named Ganesh and Safeena. They were deeply in love and had been together for several years. However, their relationship was not accepted by their families due to their different religions.

Ganesh was a Hindu, and Safeena was a Muslim, and their families did not approve of their love. They had tried to persuade the couple to end their relationship, but their love was too strong. Eventually, they decided to run away together and start a new life.

One night, they left their homes and headed towards the nearest city. It was a long and tiring journey, but they were determined to make it. They reached the city early in the morning and rented a small apartment. They were happy and content with their new life, away from the judgmental eyes of their families.

However, their happiness was short-lived. One night, when they were asleep, Safeena woke up to find herself surrounded by a strange presence. She felt a chill down her spine and tried to wake up Ganesh, but he was fast asleep. She could not shake off the feeling that they were not alone in the room.

The next night, the same thing happened again. Safeena woke up to find the same strange presence in the room. This time, she could hear whispers and felt someone breathing down her neck. She was terrified and woke up Ganesh, but he could not see or feel anything.

As the days passed, the presence became more and more intense. Ganesh and Safeena could feel it around them all the time. They tried to ignore it, but it was impossible. It was as if something was trying to tell them something, but they could not understand what it was.

One day, they decided to seek the help of a priest. The priest told them that their love was not accepted by the gods and that they had angered the spirits. He advised them to offer prayers and perform certain rituals to appease the spirits. They followed his advice and performed the rituals with utmost sincerity.

For a few days, things seemed to get better. The presence was not as strong as before, and they could sleep peacefully. However, their relief was short-lived. One night, when they were returning from the market, they saw a figure standing in their apartment. It was a tall and dark figure, with glowing red eyes.

They were too terrified to enter the apartment and decided to spend the night outside. The next day, they went to the priest again and told him what had happened. The priest told them that they were dealing with a powerful and vengeful spirit, and that they needed to perform a special ritual to get rid of it.

The ritual was complicated and required several items, including a lock of their hair, a piece of cloth from their clothes, and a drop of their blood. They had to perform it at midnight, under the full moon, in a deserted place. They followed the instructions and performed the ritual with trembling hands.

For a moment, nothing happened. They thought that they had failed and that the spirit would never leave them alone. But then, they saw a bright light in the sky, and the ground beneath them began to shake. They felt a surge of energy around them, and the presence that had been haunting them for so long was gone.

Ganesh and Safeena returned to their apartment, feeling relieved and happy. They had finally gotten rid of the vengeful spirit that had been tormenting them for so long. They hugged each other tightly and promised never to leave each other's side, no matter what the world thought of their love.

From that day onwards, they lived happily together, knowing that their love had triumphed over all obstacles, even the supernatural ones.

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    GTWritten by Ganesh TPS

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