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The Darkening Tide

When the Shadows Rise, Who Will Survive?

By Atif TagarPublished about a year ago 3 min read

In the small coastal town of Portside, life was simple and peaceful. The locals went about their daily routines, fishing in the harbor, tending to their farms, and enjoying the fresh sea breeze. But beneath the surface, something sinister was brewing.

As the sun began to set each evening, a strange mist rolled in from the sea. At first, it was just a thin layer that clung to the ground, but over time it grew thicker and more oppressive, until it was almost impossible to see more than a few feet in front of you.

The locals dismissed it as nothing more than a natural phenomenon, something to be endured until the sun rose again. But as the days turned into weeks, strange things began to happen. People reported seeing shadows moving in the mist, strange shapes that seemed to be watching them from the darkness.

At first, the sightings were dismissed as hallucinations, brought on by the stress of living in such an oppressive environment. But then, people began to disappear.

The first to go was a young fisherman named Jack. He had gone out early one morning, before the mist had settled in, to check his traps. When he didn't return by midday, his wife went looking for him. She found his boat drifting aimlessly in the harbor, with no sign of Jack anywhere.

The search for Jack continued for days, but he was never found. The locals were shaken, but still they held onto the belief that it was just a tragic accident, a result of the unpredictable sea.

But then, others began to vanish. A farmer named Maggie, who had gone out to tend to her crops. A group of teenagers who had gone out for a late-night swim. A local storekeeper who had stayed late to restock his shelves.

The disappearances continued, until the town was in a state of constant fear. People stopped leaving their homes after dark, and even during the day, they moved quickly and cautiously, always keeping an eye on the mist.

It was then that a group of outsiders arrived in town. They were a team of paranormal investigators, drawn to the strange occurrences in Portside by rumors of supernatural activity. At first, the locals were skeptical, but as the disappearances continued, they began to see the investigators as their only hope.

The team set to work immediately, investigating the mist and the strange shadows that seemed to be lurking within it. They rigged up cameras and recording equipment, hoping to capture some evidence of the supernatural.

And then, one night, they saw it. The cameras picked up a shadow moving through the mist, a shapeless form that seemed to be searching for something. The team followed it, tracking its movements through the town, until it led them to a crumbling old building on the outskirts of Portside.

The building was abandoned, its windows boarded up and its doors rusted shut. But the shadow disappeared inside, and the team knew they had to follow.

They pried the boards off the door and crept inside, their flashlights illuminating the dust and debris that covered the floor. As they moved deeper into the building, they heard a sound - a low, rumbling noise that seemed to be coming from deep within the earth.

And then, they saw it. A figure, cloaked in shadow, stood before them. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent light, and its mouth twisted into a snarl as it advanced on the team.

The investigators fought back, using their equipment as weapons, but the shadow seemed to be immune to their attacks. It moved with an otherworldly grace, dodging their blows and lashing out with claws made of darkness.

But then, one of the investigators had an idea. They grabbed a flashlight and shone it directly on the shadow, hoping to disp

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    ATWritten by Atif Tagar

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