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The Curse of a lonely road

The realism of living and dead

By MedusaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Curse of a lonely road
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

It was a dark and stormy night, and Emily was driving home from a late shift at the diner. She had always been a little uneasy about the long, isolated road that led to her house, but tonight the fear was almost palpable. The wind howled outside, and the rain pounded against the windshield, making it difficult to see.

Suddenly, the car's headlights illuminated a figure standing in the middle of the road. Emily slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. She heard a loud thud and then the sound of glass shattering as the figure disappeared from view.

Emily's heart was pounding as she cautiously got out of the car to investigate. To her horror, she found a young woman lying in the road, her body broken and bloodied. Emily called the police, but when they arrived, the body had vanished.

Days passed, and the incident haunted Emily's thoughts. She couldn't shake the image of the girl's lifeless body from her mind. She started having strange and terrifying dreams, and she felt like someone was watching her every move.

One night, she heard a knocking at the door. When she opened it, she was face to face with the ghostly figure of the young woman she had hit on the road. The ghost spoke in a mournful voice, telling Emily that she was trapped between the world of the living and the dead and that she needed her help to find peace.

Emily was terrified but felt a strange sense of responsibility to help the ghost. She started researching the history of the area and found out that many years ago, there was a young girl who was hit by a car and killed on the same road. The ghost was the same girl, and she had been seeking revenge on all who dared to drive on that road.

Emily's life was never the same after that fateful night on the road. Despite the fact that the ghost was gone, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that seemed to linger around her. The dreams continued, growing more vivid and frightening with each passing night. She found herself constantly looking over her shoulder, convinced that the ghost was still watching her.

She confided in her best friend, Sarah, about the strange things that were happening to her. Sarah was skeptical at first, but when Emily showed her the research she had done about the ghostly girl, Sarah became a believer. Together, they started delving deeper into the history of the area, searching for any information that might shed light on what was happening to Emily.

They discovered that the ghostly girl was not the only one to have suffered a tragic fate on that road. Over the years, there had been numerous reports of accidents and strange occurrences, and many believed that the road was cursed.

Emily became determined to find a way to end the curse and put the spirits of those who had suffered to rest. She spoke to an elderly woman who lived in the area, who told her about a powerful ritual that could be performed to lay the spirits to rest.

With Sarah's help, Emily gathered all of the materials she needed and set out to perform the ritual. As she spoke the ancient words, she could feel a strange energy building around her. The wind picked up, and the rain began to fall harder, as if the forces of nature were reacting to the ritual.

When she was finished, the rain suddenly stopped, and the sky cleared. Emily felt a sense of peace wash over her, and she knew that the ritual had been successful.

From that day on, the road was no longer a place of fear, and the accidents and strange occurrences stopped. People began to talk about the woman who had put an end to the curse, and the legend of Emily and the ghostly girl spread far and wide.

Years later, when Emily was an old woman, she passed away peacefully in her sleep. But her legacy lived on, and generations to come would tell the story of the kind-hearted woman who had put an end to the curse of the road and brought peace to the spirits who had suffered there.

The road remained a place of reverence, and travellers would often stop to pay their respects to the brave woman who had dared to take on the forces of darkness and emerged victorious. And whenever the wind howled or the rain pounded against the pavement, they could almost hear the whisper of the ghostly girl, thanking them for freeing her from her torment.

urban legendpsychologicalfiction

About the Creator


I am a dark and enigmatic figure, known for my haunting horror and sci-fi stories. My writing style is characterized by intricate plot twists, eerie atmosphere, and suspenseful twists that leave readers on the edge of their seats.

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