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The break-in.

The night our house was broken into.

By Travis JohnsonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The break-in.
Photo by Alex Simpson on Unsplash

I don't talk about this story a lot. It's one of the many things from my childhood, that we still Don't have complete clarity on. And since I'm a fan of such weird and scary things, what's better than telling a story about something crazy in my life? I recall the year vaguely it had to be 96 or 97. It was around Halloween time because we had a lot of decorations all over the house. it was enjoyable because that year we were able to get a lot to decorate. This happened on the weekend, and none of us kids were there at the time. Well for the record no one was there so thank god for that. I was visiting my grandparents I don't remember where my other siblings were, we were a troop (us kids) so we didn't always go to the same place on weekends thank god for family!! lol

My parents went out that night and I remember them looking forward to it. One of the decorations we had was of a witch that had a sensor so that when you walked in front of it the witch would laugh hysterically. So of course we put that on our front door. It was really a scary laugh too! When the parents got home that night they spotted right away that the witch ornament on the door was bashed in as if it scared the would be robbers . The doors were loosely opened, and everything in our living and dining room was thrashed. It didn't appear that anything was taken in there. Our entertainment system in particular was thrashed, I don't why that was.

I remember my grandma getting a phone call at the house and that's how I first heard about it if I recall. Eavesdropping on phone calls like kids do when they're not supposed to but I think they told us anyway and when I got picked up I heard my parents tell them in person. Turns out nothing was in fact taking the house was just ransacked. So then the investigation into who could have done it went underway and the why as well. When all the kids heard about it we were scared, and we didn’t want to go back home. The first night back was one of the worst nights of sleep I had as a kid. Thinking that whoever did it would come back and finish or something.

We had a neighbor who lived across the street from us and she became a friend of my mom. She was an older woman, and she was a bit nosy. She looked out for us though. Well, mom thought that this neighbor's boyfriend had a hand in breaking into our house to scare us; due to something my mom told her about him. And till this day she still thinks it was him because surprise surprise we never found out for sure who did it!

It certainly made for a scary Halloween that year but who am I kidding my siblings and I got over it pretty fast and outside of my sister I don’t think my younger siblings even remember that this happened. But my memory is good sometimes too good. So of course I remembered it, some parts more than others.

We for sure had an alarm system installed after that. My dad was adamant we be more careful, he was angry and did all he could do about it. But he didn’t sit in anger too long. He got proactive and decided to teach us more about watching our surroundings. Which came in handy because other things happened to live in that house. That’s for another story and time. So that is my story don't know if it was that scary but you had to be there lol Happy Halloween!!


About the Creator

Travis Johnson

Aspiring actor and writer, Pop Culture lover and alien. With a penchant for beef jerky, gotta have that jerky.

Follow me if you’d like https://www.instagram.com/sivetoblake/ or twitter @sivetoblake

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