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The Blue Orb

They come at night while you sleep.

By Bazooka TeachesPublished 5 years ago 5 min read
Photo from Pixabay

Suffering from sleep paralysis for a long while, Joe grew accustomed to the fact that a crazy experience was going to surface every time he went to sleep. At first, it was something to fear, as sleep paralysis is a very unique and terrifying experience. However, Joe became numb to that feeling, as he grew accustomed to fighting the forces of evil whenever they came. On the other hand, these forces liked to come when least expected. When that thought crossed Joe’s mind, it brought back fear. Again, something to get used to. The cycle of this fear sparking inside his head became mundane.

After many moons of not getting sleep paralysis, Joe thought that it was gone. He knew that it was not, because that is how it always creeped up on him. When least expected, the nightmare came. Sleep paralysis is quite a nemesis for any person that experiences them often. Anyway, Joe had grown to not have any sleep paralysis experiences for a long while. He also did not like to think about it, because that is another strategic angle for the forces of evil to come at him in the middle of the night. Still, he was at peace for a long while, and it was golden for Joe.

All he knew at that point was him talking about his experiences with other people that had them as well. People like his sister, his girlfriend’s daughter, and many more. It seemed like the circle of victims from sleep paralysis was close and tight in his family and circle of friends. That is all it was for Joe. Sleep paralysis was just a crazy story he told for many moons.

One night though, he woke up to take his regular trip to the toilet. Yes, Joe at his late 30s, takes a trip or two to the bathroom during the night. Joe has a bad case of sleep apnea, so this condition tends to make him go to the bathroom a couple of times every night. It is a medical fact, check it out! Joe, however, does not like to wear the breathing mask. He claims that he does not want to feel like Darth Vader every night. Many would agree with him that the breathing mask to treat sleep apnea completely sucks. Joe would rather sleep the way he was made to sleep, instead of having a machine to help him sleep.

This one night, he got up to the toilet, and immediately heard a strange noise floating in the air. At first, he thought it was the vibrating explosions that come with sleep paralysis. See, when one experiences sleep paralysis, most victims hear these deep vibrations exploding all around, some say that it sounds like an old washing machine in the distance. Anyway, these vibrations occur all around as the person is not able to move while sleeping on their beds.

Immediately, when hearing this similar noise, Joe panicked. However, he noticed that he was moving and the noise was different. This time the noise sounded like a glass window cracking or like glass shredding. The noise gave it away that he was not experiencing sleep paralysis, but that awakening slapped his face within seconds from opening his eyes.

The next thing was the bluish illumination that lit the room. Yes, the room was lit with a bluish color. As Joe looked past his feet, he noticed that the shredding glass noise came from his right side. He slowly turned his head to the right, where his girlfriend slept, and saw a blue orb hovering right above his girlfriend’s face. He didn’t catch this light right when he awoke, because he was slightly turned on his left shoulder. So, this entity was doing its work while Joe had his back to it. When he woke up to piss, he noticed the sound, then the light. Of course, he took into account that he was not experiencing sleep paralysis in between those steps right after waking.

Right when he realized what he was looking at, he decided to study it. The blue orb looked like liquid glass and it was undulating. It also had these sharp looking, crystal-like tentacles protruding from its core. It looked like a crystal-like-star, Christmas decoration. It was very similar to the spaceship that baby Superman, the 1978 film, used to travel across galaxies, but in a bluish hue.

As Joe, stared at the blue orb, the thing started to move, as if it knew that Joe was awake and started to realise that there was an intruder in the room. The blue orb quickly hovered towards the ceiling, and as it went out of sight, by penetrating the ceiling, it made that sharp glass noise. It was like crystal clear glass cracking, as it slipped away from view. Of course, it left no mark. It was a transparent being that could float through solid matter. It vanished out of view, and the illumination across the room did as well. The room was silent.

Joe sat there and looked down at his girlfriend. She was sleeping like an angel. He looked up again, as his eyes were adjusting to darkness and saw nothing. He looked around the room and saw the usual bedroom set up. He got up to go to the can as he still needed to pee. He opened the bedroom door and headed for the bathroom that was across the hallway. He looked back into the room and could see his girlfriend sleeping inside the dark room.

As he was taking a piss, he realised that he was not scared. He was not moved at all by this encounter. He was wondering if it was just a hallucination from just waking up. Many times, Joe would wake up and see weird things while being half asleep and half awake. This time it was super colorful and had a unique noise. It was a cool encounter. Still, an intruder thought Joe.

When he went back to bed, he could not sleep. The TV came on and it stayed that way ‘til sunrise. Right before he fell asleep again, he thought about how the whole experience with this blue orb must have happened within seconds, maybe six. While, it takes about 10 minutes to read this encounter that Joe experienced, the whole thing actually took seconds! Joe saw another orb a few days later during the day, not at night.


About the Creator

Bazooka Teaches

A regular Joe that is just surviving the struggle. Loves to write and is constantly fighting the forces of evil.

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