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The Backyard

A horrifying story about a group of children finding a dead body in the backyard

By Q-WRITERPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a group of children who loved to explore the backyard behind their neighborhood. They would frequently spend their afterlife playing hide- and- seek, climbing trees, and picking wildflowers. They knew every inch of the forestland like the reverse of their hands and felt safe and secure there. still, one cataclysmal day, they stumbled upon commodity that shattered their peaceful world. The group of children comported of five musketeers – Sarah, Alex, Emily, Jack, and Tom. They were each around ten times old and loved to spend their free time outside. On this particular day, they decided to venture deeper into the forestland than they had ever gone ahead. As they walked, they noticed a strange smell in the air. It was pungent and made their eyes water. As they followed the smell, they stumbled upon a clearing that they had noway seen ahead. In the center of the clearing lay a dead body. It was a man, dressed in seedy clothes and covered in blood. The children were stupefied, and for a moment, nothing said a word. Sarah, who was the bold of the group, stepped forward and touched the man's arm. He was cold to the touch, and she incontinently pulled back. The children stood there in shock, doubtful of what to do. They knew they demanded to tell someone, but they also knew they should not touch anything or disturb the scene. After a many moments of silence, they decided to go back to Sarah's house and tell her parents. They walked snappily, not speaking a word, the image of the dead man burned into their minds. When they arrived at Sarah's house, her parents were sitting on the veranda , enjoying the warm rainfall. They noticed the children's faces were pale and asked them what was wrong. The children explained what they had set up, and Sarah's parents incontinently called the police. They also communicated the parents of the other children to let them know what had happed. The police arrived snappily and took control of the scene. They questioned the children, but they could not give any useful information. They had only seen the body, but they had not noticed anything differently. The police thanked them for their help and advised them to go home and stay there until the disquisition was complete. The children were shaken by the experience and could not stop allowing about the dead man. They were hysterical to go back into the forestland and asked their parents to accompany them far and wide. They also had trouble sleeping at night, agonized by agonies about the man's death. Days turned into weeks, and the disquisition continued. The police searched the forestland, looking for suggestions or substantiation that could lead them to the killer. They questioned people in the neighborhood, trying to find anyone who might have seen commodity suspicious. still, they could not find any leads. ultimately, the disquisition stalled, and the case went cold. The police continued to keep an eye on the neighborhood, hoping that the killer would slip up and reveal themselves. But times passed, and the case remained unsolved. The children grew up, and the memory of the dead man faded into the reverse of their minds. They went to council, got jobs, and started families of their own. still, they noway forgot about that day in the forestland, and it remained a haunting memory for them. One day, numerous times latterly, Sarah entered a call from the police. They had eventually answered the case. The killer had been caught, thanks to new substantiation that had come to light. Sarah and the other children were invited to come to the police station to give evidence. When they arrived, they were surprised to see the killer – a man they had no way met ahead. He looked much different than they had imagined – aged and further survived. The man was ultimately set up shamefaced of murder


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