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The Baby's Agenda

Be wary of hitchhikers.

By Paulina JohnPublished 4 years ago 6 min read

Laura and Solomon Jenkins are driving home from a Halloween party a friend of theirs had thrown. On their way back, they noticed that no cars had passed by and the only thing that was seen was an empty road and ranch fencing on either side that stretched on for miles.

They had driven for a good fifteen minutes before their headlights shone on a baby’s stroller on the side of the rode. Solomon stepped on the breaks abruptly, which caused his wife to lurch forward against her seatbelt.

“What’s wrong?” Laura questioned her husband worriedly. “Did we hit something?”

Solomon shook his head and removed his seatbelt to exit the car. He ducked back in and stared into his wife’s eyes with concern.

“Stay here,” he said to her. “There’s something I need to make sure of.” He made his way to the side of the road and approached the carriage.

Laura sat in the car craning her head for a better look at what her husband was up to. She watched as he reached into the stroller and lifted up a small bundle to cradle in his arms. Laura’s mouth gaped slightly at the bundle. She knew what the bundle was and could not believe how anyone could abandon it.

Solomon hurried to the driver’s side and handed the bundle to Laura’s outstretched arms. She uncovered the bundle to reveal a set of beautiful gray eyes, a cute button nose, and an adorable smile that contained two small front teeth. The baby giggled as Laura cooed at him and wiggled her fingers playfully in front of him.

“Who could have done such a thing?” Laura turned to her husband fretfully. Solomon slowly shook his head and pursed his lips.

“It’s late. We’ll go to the precinct early tomorrow.” Solomon heard the tiny giggle next to him and smiled. “Maybe we can adopt him.”

Laura and Solomon arrived at their home and as soon as they stepped out of the car, a sudden downpour soaked them through in seconds. Laura hovered over the baby protectively as she hurried to shelter under the veranda.

Solomon locked the car and followed suit. He hurriedly unlocked the front door and ushered his wife in while he closed the door behind them. They both shook off droplets of water and made their way into the house. Solomon switched on the lights, but a loud clap of thunder had them flickering before going out completely.

The baby wailed in Laura’s arms and she rocked him back and forth to try and calm him. She looked to her husband when the crying didn’t stop. Suddenly they heard a crash in the kitchen.

Solomon gestured for his wife to stay put while he went to investigate. He grabbed a baseball bat from the coat closet and inched his way slowly towards the kitchen. He peered around the corner and jumped out yelling while swinging his bat threateningly.

When he finally opened his eyes, he saw that the kitchen was empty and that the wind from the open window had caused a cactus plant to tip over.

“Everything’s fine, Honey,” he called to his wife while he placed the bat off to the side. Laura walked into the room with a flashlight.

“Go ahead and shower.” Laura nodded to the bundle in her arms. “I’ll get him settled in and put some candles out.”

Solomon nodded and placed a kiss on her temple. He stared lovingly at the baby and made his way up the stairs. Laura put a few blankets and a couple of pillows down on the floor to make the baby comfortable. When she saw that he wouldn’t be moving and seemed content, Laura went to search for some candles.

When she went into the kitchen, she heard a deep throaty laugh behind her that sent chills down her spine. She turned around quickly and saw no one. She took a peek at the baby and saw that he was sleeping soundly.

“Solomon,” she called out but didn’t hear a reply. She only heard the sound of the water running as he took his shower.

Shrugging her shoulders, Laura turned back to looking for candles. When she placed some in front of her, she felt a breath on her neck and turned quickly to find that nothing was behind her. She turned back around and lit the candles.

Solomon had seemed to be taking his time with his shower and so, taking one last look at the baby, she went upstairs to check on her husband. The bathroom door was slightly ajar as she walked closer with candle in hand. The lights began to flicker again but didn’t stay on for long.

“Honey,” Laura called as she slowly opened the door to the bathroom. The heavy-duty flashlight was placed on the sink counter. Water was running and steam billowed out from the shower curtain. She saw a black shadow slumped in the tub and reached out to pull the curtain back.

The sight before her sent a bloodcurdling scream scratching at her throat. She backed away from the headless body and rushed down the stairs. She went to the room where the baby was and recoiled from what she saw. There, in the baby’s arms, was the head of her husband. She suppressed a scream and only a whimper escaped. That sound alone had caused the baby’s eyes to open wide and instead of the beautiful gray eyes she expected, what she saw was one that was demonic. Black from corner to corner, the baby’s eyes stared at her evilly while his mouth curved into a sweet smile.

Panicked, Laura made her way into the kitchen to reach the phone. She tried dialing out but there was no dial tone. She heard a low grumbling laugh and looked fearfully behind her. The phone slipped from her grasp as she saw the baby crawling towards her. His limbs bent at odd angles and his head twisted grotesquely to the side, all the while, he still smiled that sweet smile.

Looking around frantically, Laura spotted her frying pan hanging from a hook over the island table. As the baby slowly got closer, Laura fearfully inched her way to the frying pan. When it looked like the baby was about to launch itself, Laura quickly unhooked the pan and swung it at the advancing baby.

There was a loud metallic thud, and then another and another as Laura repeatedly hits the baby over and over again. When she knew the baby would not get up again, Laura wrapped the baby up tightly with cloth and tied it over with twine.

Laura carried the bundle out the house with car keys in hand. She opened the trunk of her car and slammed the bundle in before driving back to where she found the demonic thing.

The stroller was where it was left. The rain poured down heavily has she parked on the shoulder and went out to open the trunk to her car. She cringed fearfully as she saw the bundle writhe under the restraints, she wrapped around it. She took the pan and hit it twice before it stopped moving. She took the bundle out and went to the stroller to place the thing back inside it. The bundle didn’t move again.

Laura went back to the car and took out some lighter fluid and a lighter. She drenched the stroller and lit the stroller until the whole thing burst into flames. She tossed the container aside and got back into her car. As she drove off, she looked into her rearview mirror to see the stroller engulf completely. Her car disappeared down the road as the stroller continued to burn.

It is the next day and it is a beautiful morning compared to the horrible downpour from last night. A couple is on their way back from their honeymoon when they spot a stroller off the side of the road. The couple decides to stop and take a look at the stroller. What they see is the sight of a beautiful gray-eyed baby with a cute button nose.

“Let’s take him home,” the woman said as she picks up the bundle. The husband agrees as he leads them to the car. The baby giggles excitedly as he gives them a sweet adorable smile showing two tiny front teeth.

About the Creator

Paulina John

I am a writer and a storyteller. These are my stories.

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    Paulina JohnWritten by Paulina John

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