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The Abondoned House

Stormy night and Emily

By Ubaid KhanPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Abondoned house

It was a dark and stormy night, and Emily was driving home from work when she saw an old, abandoned house on the side of the road.

She had always been curious about the house, and with nothing better to do, she decided to explore it.

As she stepped out of her car, the wind began to howl, and the rain came down in sheets.

Emily approached the front door, which was partially open, and pushed it open the rest of the way.

The inside of the house was dark and musty, and Emily couldn't see anything in front of her.

She took out her phone and turned on the flashlight, and as she shone the light around the room, she noticed something odd.

The walls were covered in strange symbols and markings, and there was a strange smell in the air.

Emily was about to leave when she heard a noise coming from upstairs. It was a faint scratching sound, but it was enough to make her stop in her tracks.

She slowly climbed the stairs, her heart pounding in her chest, and when she reached the top, she saw something that made her blood run cold.

There was a figure in the shadows, and as Emily shone her flashlight on it, she saw that it was a woman with long, tangled hair and a ghostly white face.

The woman started to move towards her, her fingers curling into claws.

Emily turned and ran down the stairs, but she tripped and fell, her ankle twisting painfully.

She could hear the woman getting closer and closer, and just as she thought it was all over, she heard a loud noise outside.

The woman stopped in her tracks, and Emily saw a group of people outside with flashlights.

They had come to investigate the abandoned house, and when they saw Emily, they rushed inside to help her.

Together, they managed to get Emily out of the house and to safety.

As she looked back at the old, abandoned house, she knew that she would never forget the terror she had felt that night.

The group of people who had rescued Emily from the abandoned house took her to the hospital to get her ankle checked out.

She had sprained it badly, but other than that, she was unharmed.

As Emily lay in the hospital bed, she couldn't stop thinking about the woman she had seen in the abandoned house.

Who was she? What did she want? Emily knew she had to go back to the house to find out.

A few days later, when Emily's ankle had healed enough to walk, she returned to the abandoned house, this time with a friend.

They cautiously made their way through the dark and musty rooms, shining their flashlights on the strange symbols on the walls.

As they made their way up the stairs, Emily's friend suddenly gasped. "Look!" she whispered. "There's something written on the wall."

Emily shone her flashlight on the wall, and sure enough, there was a message scrawled in red letters: "Leave this place or face the consequences."

Emily felt a chill run down her spine. Was the message meant for her? Who had written it?

Suddenly, they heard a noise coming from one of the rooms. It was a faint scratching sound, just like the one Emily had heard before.

They cautiously made their way towards the room, and when they opened the door, they saw something that made their blood run cold.

There, in the center of the room, was a circle of candles. And in the middle of the circle was the ghostly white figure of the woman Emily had seen before.

Emily's friend screamed, and the woman turned to face them. Her eyes were black and empty, and her lips were curled into a sinister smile.

"You should not have come back here," she hissed. "Now, you will never leave."

The woman lunged at them, and Emily and her friend ran for their lives.

As they sprinted down the stairs and out of the house, they heard the woman's laughter echoing in their ears.

From that day on, Emily never returned to the abandoned house.

But she would always remember the strange symbols on the walls, the message scrawled in red letters, and the ghostly woman in the circle of candles.


About the Creator

Ubaid Khan

Stories Writers.


Writing lover♥️

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