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That Changes Everything

It's the end.

By The Liv ChaptersPublished 4 years ago Updated 11 months ago 4 min read

Alison's heart raced with a potent mix of excitement and trepidation as she read her husband's enigmatic text message. The tranquil evening she had anticipated, one filled with the simple pleasures of a soothing bubble bath, a glass of exquisite wine, and indulging in the latest episode of the Bachelorette, was suddenly shattered. In an instant, her plans transformed into a thrilling and dangerous escapade, entangling her once again in the web of her husband's deceit. The silk robe she had planned to slip into was abandoned in favor of a stealthy all-black ensemble, as she prepared to embark on a rapid journey to her husband's enigmatic sanctuary deep within the mysterious woods, five miles away from their home. Nights like these tested Alison's loyalty to Mitch, yet her unwavering love for him always emerged triumphant.

As she stepped into the enveloping darkness of the night, Alison's heart pounded in her chest. She made her way cautiously toward the side door of the garage, her keys tightly gripped in her hand. With a deep, resonant sigh, she turned the handle and entered the dimly lit space. The gleaming metal blade of the sturdy gardening shovel caught her eye, and she carefully placed it in the trunk of her sleek navy blue SUV. Conflicting emotions surged within her as she acknowledged the moral dilemma of her actions, yet the significance of this clandestine task overpowered her sense of right and wrong. The trunk closed with a resounding thud, and she swiftly gathered her cascading locks of golden blonde hair into an elegant high ponytail, a symbol of her readiness for the enigmatic night that lay ahead. Slipping into the driver's seat, she gingerly opened the garage door and glided her vehicle onto the driveway, reaching for her phone to dial Mitch and inform him of her imminent arrival.

Unsurprisingly, Alison arrived at the designated location before Mitch, a familiar scenario that unfolded once again. She found solace in the open expanse of the field, a place that held profound significance for her husband. Determined, she planted her feet firmly on the ground and began to dig, her movements rhythmic and purposeful. As the earth yielded beneath her relentless effort, her thoughts swirled in a tumultuous storm of unanswered questions. When would her husband release his predatory tendencies, allowing their lives to break free from the clutches of darkness? Would he ever grant their victims a chance to escape, to forge new beginnings unburdened by these abysmal secrets? Deep within her being, Alison recognized the harsh reality, but she clung to the illusory hope woven by denial. The life she yearned for seemed like an unattainable dream, as long as she continued to enable her husband's malevolent deeds.

Finally, Mitch arrived, breaking the silence that enveloped Alison as she continued to dig, her determination unyielding. It was a solemn moment, a turning point that neither of them could ignore any longer. The weariness of covering up Mitch's sins, offering him alibis whenever he needed, had reached its crescendo.

"This is the end, Mitch. The final chapter," Alison murmured, her voice carrying a weight of resolve, as she scattered the displaced earth onto the burgeoning mound she had painstakingly constructed over the past hour.

Mitch's eyes flickered with a mix of frustration and vulnerability as he surveyed the scene. "We're bound together, forever," he retorted, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"I can no longer endure this existence," Alison confessed, the realization finally dawning upon her that Mitch would never relinquish his macabre predilections.

As Mitch retrieved the lifeless body of a young, unknown man from the trunk of his

vehicle and callously cast it into the freshly dug grave, his sinister gaze met Alison's with an intensity that sent chills down her spine. The weight of their choices hung heavy in the air, suffocating their shared truth.

"You signed up for this. You knew what lay hidden within me before we uttered our vows," Mitch asserted, his voice dripping with a mix of accusation and resignation.

Another heavy sigh escaped Alison's delicate frame as she shook her head in disbelief at the twisted path her life had taken. "Tomorrow, Mitch, I will initiate divorce proceedings. I am done," she declared resolutely, her voice carrying a newfound strength. She flung the shovel to the ground, its metallic clang echoing in the night, before slipping into her car.

As she drove away, Mitch stood frozen in the darkness, a portrait of incredulity etched upon his face. The weight of Alison's decision settled upon him, an undeniable truth that he could no longer deny. "Well, indeed, everything is about to change..." his voice trailed off into the night, mingling with the sound of the receding taillights, leaving behind a shattered life and the haunting echoes of their dark secrets.


About the Creator

The Liv Chapters



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