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Surviving a horror story :1

how to stay safe in a scary situation"

By Mohammed AbsarPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Surviving a horror story :1
Photo by Lan Gao on Unsplash

The night was dark and cold, with a thick fog that made it hard to see more than a few feet ahead. John and his friends were driving back from a party, their spirits high from the fun they had just had. They were joking and laughing, not paying attention to the road or their surroundings. Suddenly, the car hit something and came to an abrupt stop. Everyone was shaken up, but thankfully no one was hurt. They got out of the car to assess the damage, but they soon realized that they were not alone.

In the distance, they could see a figure shrouded in mist. It was a woman, her hair long and tangled, her clothes ragged and torn. She was staring at them with an intensity that made them all uneasy. They tried to ignore her and focus on getting their car back on the road, but she wouldn't go away. She seemed to be following them, appearing at every turn.

John and his friends soon realized that they were in a horror story, and they needed to figure out how to stay safe. They tried to think logically and come up with a plan. They remembered the horror movies they had seen and the survival tactics the characters had used. They decided to stick together, not split up, and to always keep an eye on their surroundings.

But the ghostly figure was relentless, and they soon found themselves in a desperate situation. They were lost in the middle of nowhere, with no way to call for help. They could hear strange noises all around them, and the mist was getting thicker by the minute. They were running out of options.

As they huddled together, trying to come up with a new plan, they heard a voice. It was faint at first, but it grew louder and clearer. It was the voice of a woman, the same woman they had seen earlier. She was calling out to them, telling them to follow her. They were hesitant at first, but they had no other choice. They decided to follow her, hoping that she could lead them to safety.

The woman led them through the mist, over hills and valleys, until they finally saw a light in the distance. It was a small cabin, nestled in the woods. They approached cautiously, not knowing what to expect. The woman disappeared into the mist, leaving them alone. They hesitated for a moment, but they had no other choice. They had to go inside.

The cabin was small and cozy, with a fire burning in the hearth. There was no one there, but there was a note on the table. It read: "Welcome to my home. Please make yourselves comfortable. I will return soon." They were relieved to have found shelter, but they were still wary. They didn't know who had left the note or what their intentions were.

They decided to stay together, huddled around the fire, waiting for the woman to return. They talked about their lives, their hopes and fears, trying to keep their minds off the situation they were in. Hours passed, and the woman didn't return. They were getting restless and anxious, wondering if they had made the right decision.

Suddenly, they heard a noise outside. It was a low growl, followed by a scratching sound. They froze, not knowing what to do. The door creaked open, and they saw a shadowy figure. It was the woman, but she looked different. Her hair was still long and tangled, but her clothes were clean and new. She smiled at them, revealing sharp teeth. They realized that they were not safe, and they had to get out of there.

They ran out of the cabin, through the mist, not knowing where they were going. They could hear the woman chasing after them, her growls getting louder andlouder. They ran as fast as they could, but they could feel her getting closer. They stumbled upon a small clearing, and in the center was a circle of stones. Without thinking, they ran into the circle and huddled together, hoping it would protect them

As soon as they stepped inside the circle, the mist cleared, and the woman disappeared. They were safe, for now. They looked around, trying to understand what had just happened. They realized that they had stumbled upon an ancient sacred site, and the circle of stones had protected them from the ghostly figure.

They waited until morning, too afraid to leave the circle, but when the sun rose, they knew it was safe to leave. They stumbled back to their car, shaken but alive. They realized that surviving a horror story was not about being brave or clever, but about being lucky. They had stumbled upon a sacred site that had protected them, but they had no idea how or why.

Years later, John and his friends would still talk about that night, about how they had survived a horror story. They would never forget the woman with the sharp teeth or the circle of stones that had saved their lives. They would always wonder what had happened that night, and they would always be grateful to have made it out alive.



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