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Shadow People

What do you believe? What are they ?

By Rose 🥀 BlackPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

An artists depiction of The Shadow Man.

Shadow People are known to be demonic, evil spirits or negative entities.

Only appearing for a few moments then disappearing as just as quickly as they arrived.

Though some tend to linger, not moving. They simply watch and observe as if studying you.

They appear primarily in corners of a room where its heavily darkened.

They are said to be conscious, intelligent, interdimensional beings.

Shadow people may take on many different forms, the possibilities are endless. They shapeshift into different figurations, most commonly seen as a 7 ft tall man wearing either a fedora, bowler hat or top hat, also known as “The Hat Man”.

Other variations, are as such, a black mass with no form, animals, or a woman.

They move through different dimensions which may be a cause of explanation for why we sometimes see them for a flash then they’re gone.

Dark Entities who appear with red or green eyes.

There are a few different types of shadow people.

Let us first begin with the....

Classic Shadow People.

They are dark, inanimate bi-pedal figures. Appearing as a shadow figure but they do not have a complete human form or facial features. They give off a very masculine or oppressive feeling. Seemingly beyond human comprehension as to why.

People report them to be about 7ft tall. They are capable of transforming into different shapes or forms. Their limbs (arms & legs) tend to be VERY long and occasionally you may see fingers.

Shadow Figures w/ red or green eyes

They are said to be evil spirits. Which means they were extremely evil humans that died, only to transform into this dark ominous being, so they can continue their evil, malicious ways.

They are a dark force that does not have a physical body.

What lies in the forest

We are never quite alone, Are we?

Peop le have reported to have seen dark looming figures in the forest or in nature type settings. They tend to hang around trees, and are known as Shadow Stalkers.

Some have said that they are protective entities of the forest or nature, that serve as natures guard. Protecting the elementals. Appearing to be harmless but it is not known for sure.

A quite peculiar thing that shadow stalkers do is they sometime mimic those who see them. If you move, wave or stop, so do they.

A unique characteristic to note about them is they move through the woods of nature, but you do not hear the normal sound as you would one of us (leaves crunching under your feet, branches rustling).

Some people believe shadow figures to be evil spirits or entities, which could be possible. Its the paranormal, anything is possible honestly, as I believe.

Hat Man

There are various depictions of this entity. He is similar to the classic shadow people, but his presence sends out a different vibe, energy and is different in his appearance.

People have seen him wearing a trench coat or a cape. He is known to appear to be wearing a hat, which can range from a cowboy hat, bowler hat, a top hat or a fedora.

One commonly seen figure for decades is, a tall dark shadow man figure adorned with a fedora, trench coat, carries a pocket watch and walks with a cane. He’s said to stand there watching you and occasionally with his free hand you may see him reach in his pocket to take out his watch to look at it then put it back. He may do this action a few times, but I’ve heard nothing further reported in my research.

Through the decades people have reported to have seen him as young as the age of 5. He does like to watch and create fear within you. Some say he gives off an extremely scary and intimidating vibe.

Witnesses say he leaves a terrible and dreadful feeling that can still be felt years later. (Trust me, I know all to well.) It’s said he sends some type of signal or energy to make you feel like he will return.

Some say the hat man is the leader of the shadow figures, because it is said he is the strongest out of all of them.

It is not said where shadow people come from. Some think it forms from our own fear, the hatred and malevolent things within this world. Which could possibly be true, nightmares have to come from somewhere.

Possible reasons they may appear. They feed off of fear and lower energy. Say you may be going through a tough dark time and feeling a lot of negativity. This can cause them to form and appear.

You can learn from them though, surprising, yes? It can teach you that it is okay to face your fears, and your shadow self. We all have darkness within us, battles we haven’t fought, things that keep us down. It is crucial in learning how to let go.

The question that I am sure is rattling through your mind is, what do I do if I see one? Is it possible to get rid of them?

The answer you seek is yes. Light energy and positive vibes play a part but there are a few things you can do to keep them away or to make them go away.

You may call upon or invoke the help of your ancestors or your guardian angel. Prayer will always help you overcome.

You can say a protective spell or prayer.

A house blessing spell.

Be very vocal with them when you demand they leave, be stern and stand your ground. Show you are fearless. (Remember, they feed off your fear.)

Sage your home, yourself, any family members or pets and especially children within the house. They are the most susceptible to these entities or evil spirits. Their spiritual strength is not as heightened.

A banishing ritual can be most helpful.

If it is to be a dire situation, seek out the help of an expert.

Protective crystals.

Cleanse your space and thyself.


About the Creator

Rose 🥀 Black

Merry meet to all 💜🖤

I am Rose, 29 years young, two beautiful children. A darling daughter and a handsome son. They’re my whole life. I am also a loving wife. I am here to scare you with my paranormal experiences. Listen if you dare! 😈

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