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Shadow in the Mirror - Horror story

Horror story

By Jeno Trashan Published about a year ago 3 min read

As Sarah looked into the mirror, she saw her own reflection staring back at her. But something was off. The eyes staring back at her were not her own. They were darker, colder, and filled with an unexplainable malice that sent shivers down her spine. Sarah felt like something was watching her, and she could not shake off the feeling.

She tried to shake off the feeling of unease and went about her day, but the strange sensation persisted. Every time she looked into the mirror, she felt as if she was being watched by something sinister, something lurking just beneath the surface. Sarah tried to convince herself that it was all in her head, but deep down, she knew something was wrong.

One day, Sarah decided to confront the strange presence in the mirror. She stood in front of it, staring deeply into the abyss of the reflection before her. Suddenly, the eyes staring back at her started to glow, and a dark figure emerged from the mirror, stepping out into the real world.

The figure was identical to Sarah in every way, except for one thing: its eyes. They were the same cold, menacing eyes that Sarah had seen staring back at her from the mirror. The figure smiled wickedly, and Sarah knew that this was the Shadow in the Mirror that had been haunting her for so long.

Sarah tried to run, but the Shadow was too fast. It grabbed her by the arm, pulling her closer until their faces were mere inches apart. Sarah could feel its breath on her skin, cold and putrid. The Shadow spoke in a voice that was both hers and not hers, and it said, "I have been waiting for you, Sarah. Waiting for the perfect moment to emerge from the shadows and take control."

Sarah trembled, unable to move or speak. She was trapped, staring into the eyes of her own Shadow, and she knew that she had to fight back. She summoned all the courage she had left and broke free from the Shadow's grasp.

But the Shadow was not so easily defeated. It pursued her relentlessly, stalking her every move. Sarah could feel it getting closer, and she knew that she had to act fast. She went to a friend's house and tried to explain what was happening to her, but her friend didn't believe her, and Sarah was left feeling more alone than ever.

As the days passed, Sarah became more and more desperate. The Shadow was always there, lurking just beneath the surface, waiting to strike. She tried everything she could think of to banish it, from exorcisms to self-help books, but nothing seemed to work.

Eventually, Sarah realized that she couldn't fight the Shadow alone. She needed help, and she turned to a therapist who specialized in dealing with supernatural phenomena. Together, they worked to uncover the root of the Shadow's power and found that it was born out of Sarah's own insecurities and fears.

With the help of her therapist, Sarah was able to confront her Shadow head-on. She acknowledged its existence and accepted that it was a part of her, but she also made it clear that she was in control. Slowly but surely, the Shadow started to recede, and Sarah began to feel like herself again.

In the end, Sarah was able to banish the Shadow in the Mirror for good. She learned that sometimes the scariest things are the ones we create ourselves, and that the only way to defeat them is by facing them head-on. Though she would always carry the memory of the Shadow with her, she knew that she was stronger for having faced it and emerged victorious.

urban legendsupernaturalslasherpsychologicalmonsterhalloweenfiction

About the Creator

Jeno Trashan

Story writer Jeno Trashan creates captivating tales filled with adventure, emotion, and imagination. A true lover of words, Jeno weaves unforgettable stories that transport readers to far-off lands.

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