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''Seven Similar Faces''

''The Seven Similar Faces Will Haunt Your Nightmares and make you Scary, come on we will Meet in the Story''

By THIAPublished about a year ago 11 min read

''If the genres of horror, death, psychological distress, and other terrifying themes are not your cup of coffee, my best advice is to avoid reading further. This is your final opportunity to reconsider''

I'm not joking...


We're going now...

Seven Similar Faces is a spine-chilling thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The story takes place in a remote and eerie location, where seven people with similar faces find themselves trapped without their knowledge of how they got there. As they struggle to come to terms with their situation and search for answers, they realize that they are not alone in this mysterious place. Strange things begin to happen, and they soon realize that they are being haunted by a malevolent force. With time running out, they must uncover the secrets of their past and confront their deepest fears to escape the clutches of this evil entity.

The gathering

It was just another boring day, until a mysterious invitation arrived in the mail. The invite read, "You have been selected to attend The Gathering. Come alone and follow the instructions closely."

Of course, anyone with a functioning brain would have thrown the invite in the trash and moved on with their day. But not me. No, I'm the type of person who can't resist a good mystery, even if it means potentially putting myself in danger.

So, I followed the instructions and arrived at a creepy old mansion on the outskirts of town. The front gate creaked as I pushed it open, and the overgrown hedges gave me a sense of foreboding. But I marched on, because apparently, I have a death wish.

As I entered the mansion, I noticed a group of people huddled in the corner, looking just as confused and scared as I was. I smiled to myself, "Excellent, I'm not alone in this nightmare."

Then things started to get extremely strange after that. The doors and windows all locked shut, trapping us inside. And then, a voice boomed over the intercom, "Welcome to The Gathering'' You have been selected to participate in a game of survival. There will only be one of you who survives.

What. The. Actual. Hell.

I looked around at the other six people, wondering which one of them was crazy enough to sign up for this sick game. But then I realized something even more horrifying - we all had similar faces. We were all identical, down to the last freckle.

I don't know how or why we were chosen, but I knew one thing for sure - we were in for a terrifying ride.

The Ghostly Encounter

As soon as the group settled into their rooms for the night, strange occurrences began to happen. The lights flickered on and off, doors slammed shut, and eerie whispers echoed through the halls.

At first, the group tried to brush off these occurrences as mere coincidences, but as the night wore on, things took a turn for the worse. One member of the group reported seeing a ghostly figure in the hallway, while another claimed to have felt a chilling hand on their shoulder.

Despite their fear, the group tried to rationalize the situation. Perhaps it was just a prank being played by one of the other guests, or maybe they were just imagining things due to the stress of the situation.

But as the night went on, the ghostly encounters became more frequent and intense. Objects moved on their own, strange shadows appeared on the walls, and the temperature in the room dropped drastically.

The group huddled together, trying to make sense of what was happening. Was this some kind of elaborate haunted house attraction? Or was there a more nefarious factor at play?

As the group frantically searched for answers, they stumbled upon a shocking discovery. The hotel they were staying in was built on the site of an old cemetery, and according to local legend, the restless spirits of the dead still haunted the area.

Suddenly, everything made sense. The strange occurrences, the ghostly figures, the unexplained phenomena - it was all the work of vengeful ghosts, determined to torment anyone who dared to disturb their resting place.

The group was trapped, surrounded by malevolent spirits with no escape in sight. They huddled together, bracing themselves for whatever horror might come next, as the ghostly encounters grew more and more intense...

The Haunted History

As they frantically searched for a way out, one of the seven similar faces stumbled upon an old, dusty book in a forgotten corner of the room. The pages were filled with chilling tales of the place they were trapped in, detailing a history of unexplained disappearances and supernatural occurrences.

The group huddled together, their hearts pounding with fear, as they read through the eerie accounts of ghostly apparitions and malevolent spirits that haunted the very walls around them. They soon realized that they were not alone in this place and that something far more sinister was at play.

As they delved deeper into the haunted history of the place, they discovered that it was once a site of unspeakable horrors. Decades ago, a group of cultists had performed dark rituals and sacrifices in the very room they were trapped in, invoking the wrath of the supernatural.

The seven similar faces shuddered in terror as they realized that they were now caught in the midst of a battle between the living and the dead. The ghosts of the cultists were seeking revenge and would stop at nothing to claim their souls.

The group frantically searched for a way to break the curse and escape the clutches of the malevolent spirits. But as the hours turned to days and the days turned to weeks, their hope began to dwindle. Would they ever escape the haunted history of the place or would they be doomed to join the ranks of the restless spirits that lurked within its walls?

The Unraveling

As the group continued to explore the house, they stumbled upon a locked door. Naturally, they decided to break it down because, let's be honest, who needs keys?

Behind the door, they found a dusty old room filled with cobwebs and strange objects. Suddenly, one of the objects started glowing, and a chill ran down their spines.

It was then that they heard the creaking of the floorboards, and a figure materialized in front of them. It was the ghostly presence they had encountered earlier, and it was not pleased to see them poking around.

The ghostly figure began to recount the history of the house, revealing that it was built on top of an ancient burial ground. As the group listened in horror, they realized that the seven similar faces were not a coincidence - they were all connected to the spirits that had been disturbed by the house's construction.

The ghostly figure warned them that they needed to perform a ritual to appease the angry spirits and put them to rest, or they would be trapped in the house forever.

As the group scrambled to gather the necessary items for the ritual, they couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. Would they be able to put the spirits to rest, or were they doomed to spend eternity in the haunted house?

The Escape

As they sprinted towards the door, it seemed like an eternity before they could even get a glimpse of it. The ghostly apparitions were closing in, their fingers reaching out as if to grab the terrified group. Sweat poured down their faces as they pushed each other forward, desperate for freedom.

Finally, the door was in sight. They could see the light from the outside world shining through the cracks. With a renewed sense of determination, they rushed towards it, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Just as they were about to reach it, the door slammed shut with a deafening thud, sending shockwaves through the room. The group froze, fear gripping them once again. It seemed like their escape was futile, and they were doomed to spend eternity trapped in this haunted place.

But then, one of them noticed a small keyhole at the bottom of the door. Without a second thought, they grabbed a nearby object and pried it open. The key was there, just within reach.

With trembling hands, they inserted the key into the lock and turned it. The door creaked open, and they spilled out into the bright sunlight, gasping for air.

They looked back at the haunted mansion, relieved to have escaped its clutches. But they couldn't help wondering what other secrets lay hidden within its walls, and if they would ever be brave enough to return.

The Revelation

As the group stumbled out of the abandoned mansion, their hearts pounding with fear and adrenaline, they couldn't believe what they had just experienced. They had faced ghosts, spirits, and dark secrets beyond their wildest nightmares.

But that was nothing compared to what they were about to discover.

As they walked towards their cars, they saw a figure standing in the shadows, watching them silently. It was the caretaker, who had disappeared earlier in the night.

He stepped out of the shadows and approached them slowly, his face twisted into a sinister grin. "Congratulations," he said. "You made it out alive. But did you really think you could escape that easily?"

The group backed away, fear creeping back into their minds. "What do you want from us?" one of them asked.

The caretaker chuckled. "I want nothing from you. I do, however, have a tale to share. A story about the mansion you just left behind."

He began to speak, his voice low and ominous, as he revealed the dark history of the mansion. It had been built on top of an ancient burial ground, where the spirits of the dead still roamed. And the seven people who had been gathered there that night were not chosen by chance.

"You were all connected," the caretaker said. "By blood, by history, by fate. And you were brought here to face the ghosts of your past."

The group looked at each other in shock, realizing that they did indeed share a common bond. But how could they have known?

The caretaker gave them a final warning before disappearing into the night. "Remember what you've seen and heard tonight. The ghosts will not rest until they've been avenged. And they will come for you."

As the group drove away, they were left with a sense of unease and foreboding. The mansion may have been behind them, but the ghosts of their past still haunted them.

The Legacy

As the sun began to rise, the seven survivors of the gathering stumbled out of the old mansion, feeling relieved and alive. They had escaped the clutches of the vengeful ghost and uncovered the dark secrets of the past.

As they walked away from the mansion, they realized that they had formed a bond that would never be broken. They had shared an experience that only they could understand, and they knew that they would always have each other's backs.

But as they parted ways, each returning to their own lives, they couldn't shake the feeling that they had left something behind in that mansion. Something important.

It wasn't until weeks later, when each of them received a mysterious letter in the mail, that they realized what it was. The letter was from the executor of the estate, and it revealed that each of them had been named in the will of the deceased owner of the mansion.

They gathered once again, this time in a lawyer's office, where they learned the truth about the mansion's history. The deceased owner had been the son of the vengeful ghost, and he had left behind a large sum of money to be used for the preservation of the mansion and its legacy.

As the seven survivors left the lawyer's office, they knew that their lives had been forever changed by their experience at the gathering. They had uncovered a dark history, but they had also played a part in preserving a legacy for future generations. And they knew that the bond they had formed would last a lifetime.

And thus, our story comes to a close.

The seven similar faces survived the haunted gathering and uncovered the truth behind the ghostly encounters. But what will become of them now? Will they go their separate ways, never to speak of their shared trauma again? Or will they form a support group, bonding over their shared experience of being terrorized by a vengeful spirit?

One thing is for sure, the legacy of the haunted gathering will live on. People will whisper about the strange events that occurred that fateful night, and rumors will swirl about the seven individuals who survived it all. Perhaps one day, someone else will stumble upon that abandoned mansion, and the cycle of terror will begin a new.

But for now, let us bid farewell to our brave survivors, as they embark on their own paths in life, forever haunted by the memories of the gathering. And who knows, maybe one day they'll cross paths again, each recognizing the other by their eerily similar faces. The end...or is it?


About the Creator


Hi, this is thia a 22 -year-old girl who wants to follow her passion and so here I started writing stories and articles and things I love to share....

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