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Sarah's Broken Mirror

Sarah's curious and adventurous

By SOUNDHAR S PPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Sarah was a curious and adventurous young girl who loved to explore the world around her. She was always looking for new experiences and challenges, and had a vivid imagination that often led her on wild and exciting adventures.

Despite her fear of the haunted mirror in her grandmother's bedroom, Sarah was also drawn to the mystery and magic of the supernatural. She was fascinated by ghost stories and legends, and loved to research the history of haunted objects and places.

Sarah was a creative and artistic child, with a passion for drawing and writing. She often used her talents to create her own stories and illustrations, imagining fantastical worlds and characters that she hoped to one day share with others.

As she grew older and became more intrigued by the haunted mirror, Sarah also developed a keen sense of determination and stubbornness. She refused to be intimidated by the mirror's malevolent presence, and was determined to uncover its secrets no matter what the cost.

Despite her brave facade, however, Sarah was also plagued by doubts and fears. She often felt like an outsider, misunderstood and alone in her fascination with the supernatural. And as her obsession with the mirror grew, she began to lose touch with reality, succumbing to its dark and dangerous influence

As a young girl, Sarah always felt uneasy around the antique mirror that hung in her grandmother's bedroom. The mirror was tall and ornate, with a dark wooden frame and intricate carvings along its edges. But what really frightened Sarah was the way the mirror seemed to reflect more than just her own image.

Whenever she stood in front of it, Sarah felt as though someone was watching her from behind the glass. She would catch glimpses of strange figures lurking in the corners of the mirror, their distorted faces leering at her with twisted smiles.

Despite her fears, Sarah couldn't resist the lure of the mirror's mystery. Whenever her grandmother left the room, she would sneak in and stand before the glass, watching as the figures shifted and moved, whispering secrets that she could almost hear.

As she grew older, Sarah became bolder in her attempts to unravel the mirror's secrets. She spent hours researching its history and the stories of those who had owned it before her grandmother. But the more she learned, the more terrified she became.

Legend had it that the mirror was cursed, possessed by the spirits of all those who had ever gazed upon their reflections within its glass. Over the years, countless people had disappeared mysteriously after staring into the mirror for too long.

One night, Sarah couldn't resist the urge to stand before the mirror once more. As she stared into its depths, she felt a cold hand brush against her shoulder. Turning around, she saw the twisted face of a long-dead woman staring back at her.

From that moment on, Sarah was never the same. She became obsessed with the mirror, spending every waking moment in front of it, trapped in its endless depths. Her family and friends tried to intervene, but it was too late. The mirror had claimed her soul, and there was no turning back.

In the end, Sarah disappeared, just like all those who had come before her. And the mirror remained, its dark secrets still waiting to be discovered by the next unsuspecting victim.

Certainly! In addition to her curiosity and love of adventure, Sarah was also a kind and compassionate young girl. She had a big heart and was always looking for ways to help others, whether it was by lending a listening ear to a friend in need or volunteering at her local animal shelter.

Sarah had a deep connection to nature and the world around her. She loved spending time outdoors, exploring the woods and fields near her grandmother's house, and she had a special affinity for animals of all kinds. She often found solace in the quiet beauty of the natural world, and felt more at home there than she did among people.

Despite her many interests and talents, however, Sarah often struggled to fit in with her peers. She was a bit of a loner, and found it difficult to connect with other children her age. This sense of isolation only fueled her fascination with the supernatural, which offered her a sense of mystery and wonder that she couldn't find in the real world.

As Sarah became more and more absorbed in her research on the haunted mirror, she began to lose touch with reality. Her family and friends grew increasingly concerned about her, but Sarah refused to listen to their warnings. She was convinced that the mirror held the key to unlocking the secrets of the supernatural world, and was willing to risk everything to uncover its mysteries.


About the Creator


Am a very enthuciastic person who always listen and write a book. I Just started my reading habit from 8th standard in my village library.But, now am feeling like a good and creative WRITER.

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