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Roswell Mortuary Workers Reveals All After 40+ Years of Silence...

The mortuary worker who saw alien autopsies

By Ngoc LePublished 11 months ago 7 min read

Glenn Dennis's story has captured the imagination of many UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike. His claims of receiving mysterious phone calls and witnessing strange events associated with the alleged Roswell UFO crash in July 1947 have been a subject of intense debate and controversy. Before delving into the 1990 interview which cemented Glenn Dennis' status as one of UFO history's most polarizing figures, it's best to get a bit of background about him and the situation.

Glenn Dennis was born on March 24, 1925 in Abilene, a large and populated city in the US state of Texas. He moved to Roswell during his high school years and took up a part-time job at the local funeral home. There, he worked as an assistant to the mortuary staff and also studied at Roswell High.

After graduation, Dennis opted not to participate in military service due to his hearing impairments and instead pursued an apprenticeship as an embalmer at Ballard Funeral Home. He excelled in his studies and graduated from the San Francisco College of Mortuary Science on December 22, 1946. Dennis was thrilled to begin his career at the home, where he focused on the military contracts.

Regularly, Dennis attended the Roswell Army Airfield's ambulance and mortuary divisions to provide assistance to the unfortunate souls who had lost their lives either during combat or training missions. In 1948, the site was renamed to Walker Air Force Base.

While working at Ballard Funeral Home, Dennis developed a keen sense of meticulousness and attentiveness, not just when it came to preparing the bodies, but also in meticulously logging important information for every individual who came through the mortuary's doors. This detail-oriented approach would prove extremely valuable for him later on.

Just one year into his partnership with Walker Air Base at Ballard Funeral Home, Dennis encountered something that would have a lasting impact on him for decades to come. This mysterious encounter would remain a secret for more than 40 years.

According to Dennis, only his father (with whom he shared a very close bond) and Stanton Terry Friedman, a professional ufologist, knew about his encounter for many years until he finally agreed to be interviewed for television in 1990. While many people questioned the testimony of fellow UFO witness Gerald Anderson, who claimed to have been present at the original crash site of the now famous Roswell incident, Dennis remained steadfast in his recollection of the events.

Despite the scrutiny and skepticism of others, Dennis remained steadfast in his story and courageously stepped into the public eye. He used the pseudonym W. Glenn Davis for an interview that was filmed and later uploaded onto the United States national archives website. The interview was conducted by unidentified interviewers and is seemingly the only unedited record of his conversation. An anonymous author made it available to the public.

Dennis appears calm, collected, and willing to discuss the events that took place during the interview. He sits in front of a curtain backdrop with his arms folded, eagerly awaiting the first question. The conversation can be viewed in full online, and it is evident from the outset that the interview was not conducted in a professional manner. There were issues with sound quality, retakes, and interruptions throughout the interview. However, despite these technical issues, Dennis remains composed and committed to telling the truth about his encounter.

The 40-minute video is indeed unedited and raw, making it an intriguing watch for those interested in the Roswell incident. Despite its technical flaws, the video captures Dennis telling a tale that dates back to the famous incident in 1947. He shares his story in detail, recounting what he saw and heard during that fateful time. For those interested in this topic, it is definitely worth a second viewing.

The Roswell incident took place during a time where flying saucers, aliens, and conspiracy theories were common topics in the news. The incident scared many people, including Dennis, for life. On that fateful day, it was around 1:30 pm on a Sunday afternoon in July, and Dennis was working at a funeral home when he received a phone call from an officer at the Walker Air and Army Base. This call would take Dennis down a path he never expected and would eventually lead to his involvement in one of the most talked-about events in U.S. history.

As Dennis received the phone call from the officer, his initial assumption was that he would be asked to go and assist with another death related to the US military and Air Force. This was not an uncommon request, given his job at the funeral home. He prepared himself mentally to hear about another unfortunate event and was ready to offer his help in any way possible. However, little did he know that this phone call would reveal something entirely different and unexpected.

As Dennis spoke to the officer, the questions asked of him were not at all related to a typical death-related request. They were puzzling and left him confused. However, his curiosity was piqued and he remained alert, sensing that something mysterious was going on. Little did he know that this mystery would stay with him throughout his life and make him a key figure in one of the most infamous incidents in history.

Dennis's encounter with the officer at the Walker Air and Army Base and the mysterious events that followed left him with a deep sense of confusion and concern. His interactions with the officer, as well as the presence of damaged debris and the drawing of the three bodies, all pointed towards the possibility of extraterrestrial life and a potential cover-up by military authorities.

The physical description of the alien-like creatures, including their large heads, delicate hands with suction cups, and transparent skin, adds weight to the theory of extraterrestrial beings. However, without concrete evidence or further proof, these claims remain in the realm of conspiracy theories and hearsay.

Dennis's account serves as a reminder of how quickly things can change, and how a simple phone call can set into motion a series of events that can change one's life path forever.

Dennis's testimony of his encounter at the Walker Air and Army Base and the subsequent events that unfolded served as the basis for many conspiracy theories and discussions surrounding the possibility of extraterrestrial life. However, skeptics have also offered their opinions on his story, questioning the validity of his claims and stating that there is no concrete evidence to support them.

Regardless of one's stance on the matter, Dennis's story serves as a reminder of the importance of speaking up and raising questions in the face of strange and potentially dangerous events. His dedication to preserving the truth and founding the International UFO Museum and Research Center is a testament to his commitment to this cause.

In the end, the truth surrounding the events at the Walker Air and Army Base may never be fully known, but Dennis's account and the discussions it has sparked continue to captivate and intrigue individuals across the globe.

We do not have a personal opinion or belief regarding Glenn Dennis's account of the events at the Walker Air and Army Base. However, it is crucial to remember that any claims or allegations must be scrutinized, and it's essential to be cautious while dealing with witness accounts. Regardless of the credibility of his testimony, Dennis's story raises important questions about the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the government's potential involvement in covering up such events.

As mentioned, it's up to individuals to decide for themselves what they choose to believe, and it's crucial to keep asking questions and seeking answers. The examination of such events can help broaden our perspective on the world, and it's essential to approach these matters with an open and critical mind.


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