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Poor Beckett Eggington

This poor man has lost a lot. Now there's something else he has to deal with. Something from his childhood.

By Raphael FontenellePublished about a year ago 9 min read
Poor Beckett Eggington
Photo by Alex Azabache on Unsplash

If you asked Beckett Eggington what his least favorite method of travel was, he'd say planes. Ever since he was five years old he had been deathly afraid of them. Not because of crashes. Or anything of that sort. No, he wasn't somehow terrified of those things happening. As his Mother had told him when he was younger the chances of car crashes being higher. It did make him a little weary of riding in the car with either her or his Father behind the wheel for a few days. Though, Beckett did his best to hide that and relax after a week with nothing happening.

What had scared Beckett Eggington about planes in the first place? He would tell you it started when he spotted IT on the wing.

What that thing was, he wasn't entirely sure of. All he knew is that it had shown up every time he had the misfortune of taking a plane ride. Standing there on the edge of the plane. Looking the least bit bothered with everything that was going on around it. And he felt that he was lucky that he never had to fly often. As a kid it had been much too expensive for his parents. So they only did it a few times in the thirteen years since he spot it. Like around five or six times if he was remembering any of it right or not.

His memory wasn't the greatest.

All he knew is that the creature was just watching him. And that it never really did all that much. Just stared at him with its creepy corpse eyes. Never blinking as far as he could tell as it stared at him. Creepy mouth slack open as it stared at him. Like it were meaning to make a noise but didn't or couldn't do it. Its large, sharp, and inhuman teeth were what it bore each time it stared at him. And part of him wondered if it were trying to just intimidate him rather than speak. Beckett would say that would make a lot of sense. As he wasn't sure what else that thing was doing.

The thing vaguely resembled a human corpse. One that had been somewhere waterlogged for a week. Maybe more than that.

As a child, he tried to tell his Mom or Dad about the creature. Tell any adult that had been sitting next to him. Along with some flight attendants that he could get to him. Yet, each time these trusted adults looked through his window. The thing had disappeared from sight. Or maybe it had slunk out of sight. Beckett wasn't entirely sure of what the thing had done. All he knew is that it wasn't around when other folks were around. And that this made him look like some trouble making little brat. To at least his Mother when he got her to look out the window. And would yell at him when they were off the plane. Anywhere that no other human being could hear the threats she leveled at him. She wouldn't have hit him or anything like that.

A few times, she had starved him for his attempts.

The second time, he stopped trying to get her to see the creature. Stopped looking at the thing at all if he could. Beck just kept his head forward with his hands in his laps. And every time that he did that the thing had moved closer. Right until it got too close for his comfort. But it never really did anything back then. And it had been a few years since he had last been on a plane. Since he last seen that creature at all. He wasn't entirely sure on how long it had been if he were being honest.

And he really just didn't want to think of it.

Right now, he hoped that the THING was gone. And that his first flight in such a long time was going to be normal. That he could go to his Mother's funeral in peace. Just please. Please let that creature be gone. That this was a normal flight with no problems at all.

Soon as he boarded the plane, he headed to his seat. Put his things above the over-head like everyone else. Then he got comfortable in his seat nearest the window. Soon as he sat down and buckled up, he felt his stomach drop to the floor. As right out of the plane, unbothered by the plane taking off, was the creature. Looking just as horrific as it had all those years ago. Maybe a bit worse. Like time was finally getting to whatever the Hell it was. He felt his guts twist inside him as he turned his head away from it. Eyes straight ahead as he did this. And taking a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down. Then he lifted his hand up, grabbed the shade, and shut it while not looking at the window.

It couldn't be real, it just couldn't be real.

There was no way in Hell that thing could possibly exist. This just had to be something his grief stricken mind was making up. To hurt him further or something like that. Nothing more and nothing less. And if he pulled the shade up, he would see it wasn't there. See that the thing was just something his head made up. And that he was perfectly fine in the plane. All he had to do was push up the shade and look out the window. That's what Beckett kept telling himself as he took another deep breath to settle his nerves.

Biting his bottom lip, he carefully pushed up the shade. Bracing himself for whatever the Hell he would see. Carefully turning his head to the side to find that there was...there was nothing there. Just the normal clouds. Which were absolutely lovely to look at as he stared out at the sky. A tiny smile came to his face as he looked at it. Letting out a long sigh while leaning back against the seat. Settling his hands on his stomach as he did so. Everything was fine. Just perfectly, or as perfect as a normal flight could be, fine. And that his Mother had been right all those years ago, it wasn't real. It probably had never existed and his mind just made up whatever that thing was.

With this, Beck got out his earbuds from his hoodie pocket. Deciding to watch a movie for the fifteen hour flight back home. A few of his favorite Marvel ones to distract him from his thoughts. Feeling like an idiot for being so terrified of a childhood monster. He picked out Iron Man as he plugged his earbuds in. Figuring he could pick something else out later. Maybe Captain America or something like that. Well, that had been the plan at first for him. It was a pretty decent plan if you're into Marvel movies like Beckett is. But, unfortunately, he wasn't going to be finishing Iron Man or starting another movie. As half-way through the movie, he spotted movement in the corner of his eye. Causing his blood to run cold as he slowly turned his head to look out the window. Fully realizing that something was on the wing again.

The THING from earlier was back, and it was closer than before. So much closer than it had been a while ago.

For the briefest moment, he thought of getting someone to see it. Begging them to look out the window and see if that the thing was there. To just make someone believe him that the thing existed at all. But Beck had this gut feeling that thing would disappear like it had before. That Beckett was going to look terrible if he did this. Like the other times he tried to show anyone disturbing creature in the past.

It wouldn't work out well for him and he knew this.

Instead, he just calmly shut the window and tried to ignore it. His heart nearly pounding out of his chest as he sat there. Looking right at the screen in front of him to ignore it. Nearly dizzy with fear as he tried to pretend he hadn't seen what he had seen. Trying his best to distract himself with the movie. But you could guess how well that went for our Beckett Eggington. As we've all at one point or another tried this when things got terrible for us.


No matter how hard he tried to pay attention to Iron man, he couldn't. His thoughts were full of that creature. Whatever the thing was. And despite the fact that the shade was drawn, he could feel IT looking at him. He knew that if he pushed the shade up, he would see it.

See whatever this creature was on the wing.

Doesn't take a genius to understand why he wouldn't. If we were him, we wouldn't want to either. Who in the world would want to see a creature like he has? Poor Beck did what he felt was the most sensible thing in the world. Keeping his earbuds in as he tried to actually watch the movie. Despite the growing terror inside of him. It was one of the most tense situations he had to be in.

Yet, he found himself unable to properly focus on it.

That damn creature was filling every one of his thoughts as he sat there. Unable to properly focus on one of his absolute favorite Marvel movies. Not until he opened the stupid shade once more. And looked outide at the damn creature that stood outside there. Not a wise move but, his curiosity was getting the better of him. And he couldn't stop himself from the task at hand. Biting his bottom lip once more, he pushed up the shade again. Closing his eyes before he turned his head in the direction of the window. For a second, he couldn't bring himself to open his eyes. To look at the thing out there. That strange vaguely human creature with those all white eyes somehow staring at him.

But his mind wouldn't let it go.

Beckett slowly opened his eyelids to see, nothing. For once, there was nothing out on the wing. All there was were the normal clouds. Along with what you would normally see during a flight. Letting out a sigh of relief, Beck shut the shade and turned back to his screen. Turning it off while unplugging his earbuds. Slipping them back into his hoodie pocket. He undid his seat belt and got up, grateful that he could move about without issue. And was glad that he was the only person in his row. Otherwise this whole mess would have been so much more awkward than it was. Way more than it even needed to be.

He hurried to the nearest bathroom and locked himself inside. Doing his best to calm himself down as he splashed his face with cold water. Trying his hardest to gain some form of composure. While telling himself that he was perfectly fine. That the creature had only been a figment of his grief-stricken imagination. And he probably wouldn't be seeing it once again. Quietly, he told himself,"You're fine, Kit. Like Mama said. IT isn't real and you're just seeing things."

"Just keep the shade shut and take a nap. You'll be perfectly safe in your seat, you'll see.",Beckett soothed himself. And it had helped quite a bit more than he expected. His heart was no longer pounding against his rib cage. Settling to a more tolerable rate as he stood in the bathroom. Giving himself a small smile before drying himself off on paper towels.

Things were going to be okay.

When he felt calm enough to go back to his seat, he unlocked the door. Beckett laughed at his own silliness. There were no such thing as corpse-creatures on wings of planes. His imagination was just over-active and he was going to be safe. With this, he took a step out of the bathroom. Then froze when he glanced down the walkway at the front of the plane, was IT. Standing there as tall as one of the Flight Attendants that didn't seem to notice it. Grinning wider then he had ever seen the creature grin before. Its eyes met his as it started to slowly walk towards him.


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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