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Not a Normal Sunday

How my day was ruined by a box

By Jade WisemanPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Crash! What was that noise? I asked myself, tumbling out of bed. I hit the floor with a thud, legs tangled in sheets. It took a moment to right myself as I crawled on the floor before standing up tall and heading for the door. I checked every room for something not right, but everything was in place and no one in sight. So, I stood in the kitchen, the kettle set to boil, my cup on the side with a teabag in place: whilst I pondered over the noise I had heard from this morning. Bang! I jumped while pouring the water and looked towards the front door as it seemed to cave in. I approached the door slowly with timid steps and called out, "who's there?!" With a nervous breath. No one answered as the noise seemed to stop, the door cloaked in darkness; I reached with a shaky hand and twisted the handle before pulling the door wide. Who was there? Well, no one! But a brown paper box, innocently placed on the floor by the door wrapped with twine and maybe lace?

I looked all around but couldn't see a person, so I shook my head and walked back inside, leaving the box on the porch as I shut the door. I turned back to the kitchen to finish my tea but...there by the kettle...is that a box I see? I walked closer to the counter as the shape became more defined - rectangular with twine, some lace in the bow, a box in brown paper! But I thought, I turned to look back at the door, did I not leave the box outside in the cold? Now, it's here in the kitchen! I swear I didn't bring it in. I approached it with caution, confused in its place; I picked it up gently and gave it a shake. I heard no noise from the box, there are no labels in sight, so I walked back to the door and tossed it out on its side. I closed the door behind me again and went back to my tea. I drank it in silence and mulled over the day, compiling a mental list of my jobs for the day. I need to go to the shop for groceries, then to the pharmacist for the prescription for dad. I continued my list as I walked to the bedroom to dress for the day. What's that? I stopped short, oh no! Not again. There was the brown box, twine and lace in place with no rips in the paper. Sat on my bed: as if it had been delicately placed. Where has it come from? I scratched my head as I considered the windows and doors. However, the bedroom window is closed and the backdoor is locked. No one could have passed me from the kitchen to here, but there is the box modestly sat on the bed.

I picked the box up, storming to the window and tore it wide open. I flung the box wide, out through the window, it soared over the gate and into the road. I slammed the window shut and turned in a huff before continuing to dress for the day that laid ahead. I exited the bedroom, handbag and car keys in hand. I checked the back door, it was locked, as I thought. I went through the house checking all windows too, all of them were closed and nothing had been moved. So I went out the front door, locking it behind me and walked to the car to go to the shops. I got in the driver's seat, turning to put my bag in the back but there on the seat! The box...it's back! I jumped out of the car, grabbing the box, walking to the wheelie bin, I opened the lid, checked the box once over and then launched it right in.

I went back to the car and put my seat belt on before starting the car and setting off. I drove through the town on my way to the shops, checking my mirrors, what's that?! Not the box. How? Why? It's on the passenger seat. I swear I put that box in the bin.

My focus had shifted just for a second off the road to the box on the passenger seat. I then heard a horn blast, then felt an impact! The world spun around. My vision went black.

I woke to screaming and a ringing in my ears, my vision was blurry, with glass on the road and there sat the box, sitting righteously so, pristine in the chaos. I tried to move! To turn in my seat, frozen in place, all I could do was breathe. The ringing started to quieten, my vision to dim.

When I woke again, it was too steady beeping and a ceiling so white I was blinded for a minute. My eyes fluttered open as I got used to the light, I looked all around and a nurse came into sight. "You've been in an accident, six stitches in your head, broken your arm and your leg in three places, but the surgery was quick and went well. With time you'll recover, how are you feeling? She asked. I answered her questions and off she went, "I'll be back in just a moment with some more pain medication for you". She closed the door quietly and my eyes closed too. When I opened them again, I looked for my stuff and there in the pile was that cursed brown box.


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