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Nightmares Come True

If only dreams did too

By Joseph Roy WrightPublished 30 days ago 4 min read
Believe your nightmares!

Ever have a nightmare? Not a weird one. A nightmare so vivid, it is almost mistaken for reality. Almost like a premonition of sorts, a vision of the future that may just come true. We also have good dreams, of fame, fortune and good luck. Funny how these fantasies never come true though, isn't it? As a writer, I dream my books have sold millions overnight, only to realise I haven't made a single penny. Reality is often disappointing. So when you dream; a episode of misery, it is more likely to come true. As depressing as it may sound, our brains can work out the math and show us an impending disaster before it truly happens. Now it may not turn out exactly like our dreams depicted, but somehow they can grasp the general fate of a bad situation before it occurs. Maybe it's from a series of past bad experiences, where your memory kicks in and shows you a possible outcome of the horror that awaits. The following is a tale of a woman named Faye, who ignored her nightmares and walked straight into mortal danger. What a silly girl she is!

Every night, Faye dreamt about drowning. The first nightmare was when her car crashed into a nearby river, on her way to work, she was locked inside and couldn't escape the sinking vehicle. Another time she was walking across the bridge to work, it began to crack and fall apart, she'd run away fleeing, only to fall into the water below and awake. Another time she was looking through the eyes of a construction worker, who was tightening the huge rusty bolts, with a wrench, the bolt snaps because it's fragile and so the whole bridge falls, crushing her into the water below. Her dreams were about that horrible bridge she always hated, it vibrated wildly and rocked during harsh winds. It was a pale blue relic, that was more rust than paint, this bridge was busy but the council had been too lazy to repair or replace it. Somehow she knew this old bridge was unstable and dangerous, but she was too shy of taking a different route to work and ignored her gut instincts as simply childish fears. Yet every time she drove over the crooked old thing, her dreams would come back to her, so clearly she often found herself waking up in bed again, as her nightmares seemed to blur between sleep and reality. It was a surreal and terrifying experience, every time felt so real, it slowly became more and more indistinguishable from real life. Her mind was warning her about the dangers of this old relic, yet she continued to drive over it, Again and again, as it was the quickest route to work. The anxiety was getting ridiculous, but she just refused to drive another way around. This pattern continued for months, until one day, her nightmares came true.

The bridge to work made a sudden jolt one morning, and she was right in the middle of it. Driving 60 miles per hour, had caused her to crash the car into another vehicle. The impact stung like hell, but things were about to get far worse for poor young Faye, and the hundreds of others who were on this bridge. She knew for certain this was no dream, as the pain she felt was far too intense to be an illusion of the mind. People screamed as the steel ropes connecting the bridge began to snap and ping, almost at random, as the bridge swayed left and right. Ping, ping, ping! The steel ropes broke at terrifying speeds, then she heard a loud roar. It was the sound of metal beams bending, finally crumbling down due to decades of wear and tear. The road slanted, suddenly, winding down towards the strong water below. The sight made her feel sick, the height was frightening. Vertigo took over her entirely, she closed her eyes and tried to wake up, but this was no nightmare this time. It was really happening! Her car began to slide down, so she brakes harshly and climbed out, the vehicle raced down into the water below her. A big splash joined the other fifty cars, that were bombing the river. The sounds of screams, metal breaking and cars smashing were torturous to hear. The reality was far more terrifying, than any of her nightmares ever were. They were just warnings, the real deal was downright nauseating to live through. She felt dizzy and sick, on the verge of blacking out. Without her consent, she fell unconscious and hoped she'd awake in her bed. She didn't. Instead, Faye's body went limp and joined the many cars and people in the pool party below.

She awoke the moment her body hit the water, this time Faye wasn't in bed, she was swimming. All around her people were dying, some drowning, others were crushed under debris and a few of them were burning. Oil from a tanker had set the water ablaze, so she swam away from its fire. The heat was burning her, so she dived under the water, which was boiling hot. The woman squirmed and fought, but she was simultaneously cooked and drowned, eventually dying along with the rest of them.

If Faye had just respected her nightmares, obeyed their warnings and took another route to work; she would've lost those nightmares and avoided her early death. Instead, she thought they were nonsense and walked towards her own doom. Maybe you, yes you, the reader, will pay attention to your nightmares. Otherwise you might just end up dead!


About the Creator

Joseph Roy Wright

Hello there!

My name is Joseph Roy Wright, the British author of 12 Independent novels!

I like to write about movies, pop culture, fiction and horror! I review all the latest films (and classics), I also like to write short stories.

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