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My spirit guided me to do it…

The beginning of the end

By Zerie JalalPublished 12 months ago Updated 12 months ago 3 min read

⚠️This fictional crime short story contains elements that some readers may find disturbing. Take care of your well-being and know that it's okay to skip or discontinue reading if you feel uncomfortable.⚠️

I stood there, watched her.. as her soul left her body. Seeing Annie’s lifeless body laying there had given me some kind of relief. The voice in my head was finally gone. I can hear myself breath and it was heavy. Why was I so calm? Was it worth it? Blood blood blood all over me, I was such a sweet girl. Abandoned too young by everyone I loved...I've watched everyone leave. Whether it was by death or by choice. Crippled by the system, always alone. I can feel myself going numb.

It all started when I decided to revamp my apartment. Bought new furniture and a new mirror. This mirror was elgant and 5$ at a garage sale. Passing by it in the hallway was my daily routine. This one morning though I couldn’t help but to stare at myself. It felt different. I knew it was just a reflection of me but I couldn't recognize her. There was something off. Then the next day I started hearing her. I go to the hallway to gaze at my mirror and I see her… it's me or at least she looked like me. She was telling me how life isn’t fair for me and I need to restore balance in the universe by taking the lives of the evil. I looked at my “reflection” with wide open eyes and I swear that reflection would just grin right back at me, even though I physically wasn’t moving.

Lights in my room would flicker. I could hear her say take lives so you can feel whole, this is your true purpose. The funny thing is that the voice even sounded like mine.

I fought the urge for so long thinking I myself can't get so cruel as the world is. Every day that past I witnessed the world's corruption. Each day that same corruption chipped away that little hope I had for a better life. Human life slowly meant nothing to me. I saw women getting robbed on the same street I lived on. Children bullying other children just so they can feel superior. Men trying to lure kids to do their drug biddings. It was as if I was living with a blindfold and suddenly it was yanked off.

Am I losing my mind? I asked myself. Hearing things, seeing things, considering the possibility that the thing in the mirror can be right ? Would I technically be doing the world a favour ? This is absolutely ridiculous. Maybe it's just the environment I'm in. I decided to move. I just need a change of scenery, I told myself. A couple of months passed. Moving did help for a while. I even got a new job. Things seemed to be picking up for me. Until I started to witness trash humans again. People at my workplace are trying to sabotage my work so they can look like the heros for fixing the problems. Then the voice came back stronger and louder than ever.

I swear I only went in to talk to Annie but she was a real character. Telling me I'm worthless, I have no future. That's why I was abandoned by my birth and adopted parents. How does she even know that ? I tried to relax myself but that voice was just even more powerful. “BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE GET RID OF HER!” That's it I’m definitely losing my shit now I see my reflection behind Annie pointing towards an award she got at work. It looked like it was made of solid metal “You’re useless at this job I don't even know how … I grab the award then SPLAT !

I did it… I took the award and hit her across her thick head. Watched her blood decorate her office floor. My reflection in the background smiled.

And that's how my spirit guided me to do it.

Fiction, Crime, Horror


About the Creator

Zerie Jalal

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