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Immortal || Chapter 23

Chapter 23

By Sabal CloonanPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

Farther into the morning it was quiet and peaceful. Natalie was in the back garden reading a book. My uncle, I haven't seen him since breakfast, Mrs. Havens was in her room last time I checked, and myself... I was walking around the house thinking of a way to get rid of Jacob once and for all. He was becoming a pain. And were those servers his henchmen? Did my uncle have anything to do with all that was happening? Did he really let Jacob go? Perhaps I should confront Uncle about my thoughts on the whole matter.

I nodded to myself and turned around to go to his study. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Natalie's mother staring at the pictures hanging on the wall in the hallway. She looked really into whatever she was doing. I then heard her mumbling to herself, so I turned my ear in to listen as I found a hiding place.

"I know something is off about Mr. Catcher and his nephew. So many things just tie into one about that fire," she was saying to herself. "And I certainly know there's more in these walls than meets the eyes."

My thoughts grasped me by the throat. What if she knows about the vampires? Me being a vampire and my uncle being one as well. This was a serious issue.

I peeked around the corner of my hiding spot and watched her closely. She was digging around in a desk drawer sitting in the hall under a portrait of myself and uncle.

She then pulled out a book and stared at it intently.

"This is it!" She exclaimed to herself with excitement.

I had to come out of hiding now. I took a step forward and walked around the corner casually.

"Oh, hello Mrs. Havens," I acted natural, with a smile.

She jumped and put the book behind her back. "Hello, Johnathan."

"What do you have behind your back?" I asked, staring into her eyes.

I saw a sweat roll down the side of her face. I even heard her gulp.

"Oh, just a book I found in the library. Found it to be interesting so I was going to read it," she lied with an innocent smile.

I raised an eyebrow. Why would she lie to me?

"May I see it?" I asked, holding out my right hand, my left hand behind my back.

She hesitated but brought the book into view slowly. I got a good look at the cover. Within that book held secrets of this family and manor. I couldn't let her take it.

"Mrs. Havens," I began with a stern look. "You and Natalie can stay here as long as you need. But consider that this house and its belongings belong to me. And I do not allow lying within my household. Therefore, I know every book that is in the library. I know where I keep everything at. And I know for sure that that very book you withhold in your hand did not come from the library."

She looked shocked at this. She blinked quickly then her face turned red with embarrassment.

"You're right, Johnathan," she stayed handing me the book. "I do apologize."

With that she walked off. This was too much of a risk having her here. A historical buff.

I needed to figure something out but with Natalie's opinion. It was her mother after all.

I made my way to the garden and found where Natalie sat, ready a book. I couldn’t help but hide behind a statue and gaze at her. Admire her. I knew she was worried about everything. I wanted to make everything better, but the only way was for me to get rid of Jacob and whoever else was in cohorts.

I finally stepped out of my hiding place and approached her.

"Hi," I said, waving my hand.

She looked up with a start but smiled brightly. "You scared me."

I smirked and sat next to her. Sighing deeply as she studied the expression on my face.

"Your mom was caught snooping around the manor. She had this," I showed her the book her mother was trying to hide from me. "This book contains secrets of my entire family history. If this was to get out..."

"I'm glad you've noticed her snooping too," Natalie said, holding up her hand. "I fear she knows more than what we're giving her credit for. I don't want her to find out about anything. She might leave and then she'll be vulnerable."

I nodded. "I fear we must move her somewhere else. Somewhere safe."

Natalie tapped her chin in thought. "I have relatives in another state she could possibly go stay with. But she may not cooperate..."

Natalie was right about that. Her mother was stubborn from what I gathered just meeting her a few times. I didn't want to, but I might have to mess with her mind. I'll have to use compulsion.

"I may have an idea... I don't like using it unless necessary," I began, Natalie giving me a questioning look.

I hope she didn't think of me as a type of monster if she would allow me to use compulsion on her mother. I hated using it. I never had to use it but once when I was about to be killed by humans. I swore to myself that I would never again use it.

Natalie was still looking at me patiently waiting to hear my idea. I sighed and explained to her what my thoughts were.

"But if you're against it, I won't use it," I added.

Natalie sat there in deep thought as I waited nervously. I truly hoped she didn't think I ever used it on her. I would rather her have free will around me than for me to do with her as I pleased.

"Alright," she finally said. "It's worth a shot at least. I could come up with a plan to get her into the study or parlor and I can speak with her first to see if she's willing to leave without using compulsion first. I'll give my relatives a call first."

I nodded in agreement and sighed in relief. Whether she thought of me differently now, I couldn't tell. She wasn't giving off a strange vibe and she wasn't looking at me differently either. I was happy at this.

After that was all said and done, Natalie went to her room to call her relatives. I wondered what she would say to them... so I followed closely and listened at her door.

"Yes, Nora!" Natalie was saying excitedly. "Long time no talk. But listen, I've been wondering if mom could come and spend a few weeks with you guys. She's been stressed lately and needs a change of scenery... Yes... I can talk to her and let her know! Thanks! Goodbye!"

From the sounds of it, everything was going smoothly. Now to get her mother on board.


About the Creator

Sabal Cloonan

Inspired reader, writer, musician and artist. My passion is in my works.

Stay up-to-date by following my stories at: https://www.facebook.com/renfestlovrr/

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