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Horror Fiction

By Ebad Paras AfzalPublished about a year ago 5 min read

In a small village, nestled deep in the heart of the Mexican wilderness, there was a legend of a terrifying creature known as the Huesera. It was said that this being was a woman, with long black hair and skin as white as bone. She would roam the countryside at night, seeking out those who had done wrong and exacting a terrible vengeance upon them.

For years, the villagers lived in fear of the Huesera. They would lock their doors at night and whisper tales of her to their children to keep them from straying too far from home. But despite their best efforts, the Huesera continued to terrorize them.

One night, a young woman named Ana was walking home from a late shift at the local diner. The moon was full and bright, casting eerie shadows across the landscape. As she walked, she heard a rustling in the bushes behind her. She quickened her pace, her heart pounding in her chest.

But it was no use. The Huesera emerged from the bushes, her eyes glowing in the darkness. Ana froze, unable to move as the Huesera approached her. She could see that the woman's skin was indeed bone-white, and her hair was long and tangled.

The Huesera raised a bony hand and pointed a finger at Ana. "You have sinned," she said in a voice that chilled Ana to the bone.

Ana tried to speak, but her throat felt tight. She couldn't move, couldn't even scream. She was paralyzed with fear as the Huesera reached out and touched her with a cold, bony finger.

Suddenly, Ana was filled with a sense of dread. She felt as though the life was being drained out of her, as though the Huesera was sucking her soul out through her skin. She tried to fight back, but her strength was gone. She could feel her body growing weaker and weaker as the Huesera continued to drain her life force.

Just when it seemed like all was lost, the Huesera stopped. She looked at Ana with her glowing eyes and spoke again. "You have been forgiven," she said before disappearing into the night.

Ana collapsed on the ground, gasping for air. She felt as though she had been given a second chance at life. But as she lay there, she realized that something was different. She looked down at her hands and saw that her skin was turning white, like bone. Her hair was growing longer and more tangled with each passing moment.

Terrified, Ana stumbled to her feet and ran back to the village. When she arrived, she found that the other villagers were afraid of her. They had heard the legend of the Huesera, and they believed that she had been possessed by the spirit of the bone woman.

Ana tried to explain what had happened to her, but no one would listen. They locked her up in a small room and left her there, alone in the darkness. But as the days passed, Ana began to change even more. Her body became more and more like that of the Huesera, and her mind became twisted with rage and hatred.

Eventually, Ana broke free from her prison. She roamed the countryside at night, seeking out those who had wronged her and exacting a terrible vengeance upon them. She became the Huesera, the bone woman of legend, feared by all who knew of her.

To this day, the villagers still tell tales of the Huesera. They warn their children not to stay out after dark, and they keep their doors locked tight. For they know that if the bone woman finds them, they will be doomed to a fate worse than death.

As the words echoed through the forest, the wind picked up, and the fire flickered and danced wildly. Suddenly, there was a deafening roar, and the ground began to shake violently. The group huddled together in terror as the trees around them were uprooted and tossed aside like twigs.

Then, as suddenly as it had started, the shaking stopped, and everything fell silent. The group cautiously looked around, but they were alone. Or so they thought.

A low, guttural growl filled the air, and the ground began to shake once more. This time, it wasn't the wind or the elements causing the chaos. It was something else entirely.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness, its skeletal frame illuminated by the flickering flames. It was a woman, or at least, it had once been. Now, it was little more than a pile of bones held together by sinew and magic.

The group recoiled in horror as the Bone Woman, or Huesera, as she was known in the legends, approached them. She towered over them, her empty eye sockets staring down at them with a cold, malevolent gleam.

The group tried to run, but Huesera was too fast. She snatched them up one by one, her bony fingers digging into their flesh as she dragged them towards her lair.

The Bone Woman's lair was a grotesque sight. The walls were lined with bones, human and animal alike, and the air was thick with the stench of decay. In the center of the room, there was a pile of bones, some old and weathered, others fresh and still dripping with blood.

Huesera tossed the group onto the pile, and they scrambled to their feet, trying to find a way out. But there was no escape. Huesera had them trapped, and there was no one who could save them now.

As the group huddled together, they realized that Huesera was not alone. There were other Bone Women in the lair, all of them hungry for flesh and blood. They circled the group, their empty sockets fixed on them, their skeletal jaws clacking with anticipation.

The group knew that they were doomed. They had heard the stories of Huesera and her kind, but they had never believed them to be true. Now, as they stared death in the face, they knew that they had been wrong.

Huesera and her sisters descended upon the group, tearing into their flesh with their sharp, bony teeth. The screams of the doomed echoed through the lair, but no one came to their rescue. They were alone, at the mercy of the Bone Women.

As the last of the group fell silent, Huesera and her sisters cackled with glee. They had claimed their prey, and they would feast on their flesh and bones until there was nothing left.

And so, the legend of Huesera, the Bone Women, continued. For generations, people would tell the tale of the skeletal monster who roamed the forest, searching for victims to add to her collection of bones. And for generations, people would fear the dark and stormy nights, knowing that Huesera was out there, waiting for her next meal.


About the Creator

Ebad Paras Afzal

Welcome to my Vocal Media profile! This is where you'll find my written work, ranging from personal reflections to informative articles on a variety of topics. As a writer, my aim is to entertain the readers.

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