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Hunt for the Kansan cemetery demon

My first paranormal hunt

By Dr. Dillion VeckPublished 4 years ago 7 min read

Me having aspergris I was always the butt of jokes, and always underestimated, always put in with other people with more strong disorders and labeled the same, always thought to be the R word, but the other day I recently got my PhD in metaphysics (and I’m only 21 years old) But I must say having a doctorate in metaphysics, I started a online class to were I can help people who are developing kinetic or other psychic abilities learn to adapt with them and control them, (in addition to my new series of paranormal hunting posts on here)

I then got ready i put on my best bright red suit ($1,000) and my black button up shirt ($300) and red tie and checkered shoes then I was ready to set out to go hunt the demon in a local graveyard, but I needed a team with me so I knew the right guy, my former best friend Cale

So I took my bike and went to his house (bike riding 3 miles) as I knocked on the door and Cale answered he was less than happy to see me “what do u want” he asked, and when I told him he scoffed “so you really expect me to act like nothing ever happened?” He asked me in a very snarky tone “no, see I’ve already forgiven you, I need your help”. John looked at me “get off my property” he turned to leave “Cale listen” I said and i grabbed his shoulder in a friendly manner prompting him to turn around and punch me in the face “oh that’s how it is huh, well come on” I said standing up and he kicked me in the nuts and then he B-slapped me, Then he put me in a choke holed but I headbutt his nose and flipped him over my shoulder then kicked him in the ground and as he was getting up I boxed punched him to the ground over and over 20 times till he tackled me and punched me I blocked them and knees him in the balls tossing him off me and we both stood up on our feet facing eachother like a old western stand off “come on” I said and he jump kicked me as I flew 2 feet and out onto the balcony. I then grabbed a metal fencing sword and he grabbed another one and we had a brief sword fight were I slashed his face and his chest leaving a bloodied slash then kicked him backwards I then pointed the point to his neck “listen” I said thru heavily breathing, but he thru a glass bottle at me which broke on my face then tackled me out back onto the balcony and then he slammed his foot on my balls twice and my gut 4 times then lifted me above him “wait, wait, wait, wait” I said as he then thru me off his balcony screaming as I fell 9 feet landing right into his above ground pool.

So I got out of his pool dripping wet and biked back to my house changed my clothes into another suit and then I called a euber driver. As the driver dropped me off I stepped out of the black car as my shoes touched onto the concrete of the ground I walked to the cemetery were I noticed it had a “no trespassing” sign but yet my curiosity was to peaked to care so I simply tossed up my backpack over the fence and then climbed over the gate and then hastily hid behind a giant gravestone as to not get seen when the night watchmen made his last rounds. And after very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very nearly getting caught having to squeeze between the stones so tightly it felt like I was being crushed, and after he left I got out the ovioulus plus device and started my hunt and this was the fastest I ever got a response when i asked “if anyone is there” it replied “yes” however it quickly turned dark when I asked the second question which was “what’s your name” and it replied “Satan”, and while I know that it most likely wasn’t Satan I couldn’t be sure due to the grounds history of demonic rituals, but I kept on.

So I pressed for more questions and always received an answer, however about one hour into that everything stopped, annoyed by this and thinking I can get more responses while knowing the risks I decided to taunt the spirit, and just as predicted I did get results however not wanted. The air suddenly felt much more cold like I was splashed with a bucket of ice, and from all sides I heard loud disembodied whispering as but try as I might I couldn’t make out what they were saying. “Do u wanna hurt me?!!” I asked the ovioulus device which then i was shocked that it immediately replied back “yes” as I then felt a loud burning sensation on my arm that felt as if someone put a cigar out on my arm, and I lifted up my sleeve to see 3 scratches, and any paranormal expert will tell you when that happens it truly is a demonic haunting and a dangerous one because it can physically harm you.

It was then that I let out a string of curse words (that I honestly do not and will not post on here as I do want this article to be published) as the pain grew worse as if someone was taking a sharper scalpel slicing open the scratches extremely deeply, so I began doing a prayer and it was then that over the ovioulus I heard a demonic screech then I a rock was suddenly at me hitting me square in the face and knocking me to the ground. I then stood up my parascientific side fully and utterly peaked “come on!!” I said challenging it only to have another rock thrown at my balls as I fell to my knees then a branch was broken off a nearby tree and thrown at me whacking me in the face as if someone thru it at me and I fell to the ground again. I rolled over on my back and got out my favorite non-alcoholic drink, which is a ICE sparkling water from my backpack but as I was drinking it I felt something on my hand and the bottle slammed into my face with suck force it knocked me to the ground as the red liquid spilt all over my shirt staining it as over the ovioulus device was a string of demonic laughter. “is that all you got?” I said as I then looked and I noticed that a nearby gravestone was shaking and I jumped very narrowly avoided getting smacked by it and it was at this point that I realized by breaking the one rule that they say never to do I had really messed up and I grabbed my backpack and fled the graveyard, and I then checked myself into a nearby hotel for the remainder of the night.

oh man did I realize that this job was still SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOO much fun to do (despite be getting my butt beat) and I still really enjoy posting on this site and all but the one thing I realized is that I need to find myself a team like in my earlier days when I was a kid and I did this as it was much more fun and thrilling not to mention it was way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way more way way way way easier doing this job with a team Of people, and I was solely the target of the paranormal like last night, so that’s an add on I like to see again for sure.


About the Creator

Dr. Dillion Veck

I am a very avid blogger, paranormal hunter, and a metaphysical scientist (PhD)

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