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Horror stories - Myths and Legends. Part 1

Horror stories and legends to read on Halloween night, but also when you want to scare your friends.

By Viorel SecareanuPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Horror stories - Myths and Legends. Part 1
Photo by Mateusz Klein on Unsplash

The Bloody Mary legend

By Peter Forster on Unsplash

A long time ago, it is said that there was a young woman, Mary, 16 years old. Her father was a doctor and her mother was a housewife. During some medical tests, Mary was diagnosed by her father with a very serious disease, unknown at that time.

There were a lot of symptoms that indicate that the disease affects Mary terribly, so she goes into a coma. She was in a coma for a month, and after that, her father didn't give her any chance, so he buried her near his and his wife's house.

Inside, on the lid of the casket, he put a mirror for her, so that she could see her face in Heaven, as she was very beautiful. And to be sure that Mary was not alive, he tied her wrist with a string, which he left on the earth's surface, tied to a bell. But at midnight, Mary's father needed the toilet, which was in the yard, near the house.

He went outside and saw the bell fall. He quickly dug up Mary and when he opened the casket, he saw the broken mirror and the girl's nails, stuck in the wood of the casket, trying to scratch it.

Since then, it's also been a kind of challenge, Bloody Mary. At midnight, you go in front of a mirror, light three candles, and say three times: "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary". And it is said that by breaking the mirror, Mary will appear in front of you, and of course, she will kill you.

The Legend of Kuchisake Ona

By Kristina Flour on Unsplash

It is said that once upon a time in Japan, a very beautiful girl argued with her supposed husband. 

Her husband got very angry and took a pair of scissors and cut his wife's mouth up to her ears.

It seems to have its origin in the life of a very nice girl who lived centuries ago. It seems that she was either the beloved or the wife of a samurai. And it is said that she was very beautiful, but also very vain.

She cheated on her husband or boyfriend, and when he found out about it, she was very angry. Out of nerves, he took a pair of scissors and cut his wife or girlfriend's mouth from one ear to the other. She screamed, her husband told her:

-Who will think you are beautiful now?

Since then, she has been haunting Japan, at night, but generally on foggy evenings, wearing a surgical mask. When she meets someone, usually childrens or students, she will ask them very shyly:

-I am beautiful?

If the victim gives him the answer "yes," he takes off his mask and asks again:

- But am I still beautiful like this?

If the victim answers no, she will kill him. She usually has a pair of scissors as her weapon.

If the victim tells her again that "yes, you are beautiful", she will follow her home and kill her in front of her own home.

The only correct answer is that he is a normal person who will save the victims to escape with their lives.

If someone gives her the answer "So and so," it was something that determined Kuchisake Ona

To think about what to do, giving the victim enough time to run away.

The Legend of Love

By Amin Moshrefi on Unsplash

It is said that on April 1, as a young teenager, Erika wanted to have fun, playing a prank on her boyfriend. 

It was decided to tell her in the morning that at 1 PM she would kill herself by taking an overdose of pills because her life is too hard. With difficulty, the lover understood Erika when she told him that after she committed suicide, he would have to get rid of her body so that the family would not know anything about her.

And after Erika died, she waited for the night to come. He took her body and took it to a field, and with a knife, he started to butcher her! Even to this day, the boy would not have found out that everything was a prank.


By Perchek Industrie on Unsplash

One day a man went to a hotel. The receptionist gave him a room but said it was a double room and under no circumstances should he try to enter that room.

The man followed the woman's instructions and went straight to bed.

The second night, the man could not sleep, so he thought about what the woman at the reception had told him. Intrigued by curiosity, he got up and tried to open the door to the next room, but it was closed. He was so curious about why he could be in the next room that he bent down and looked through the keyhole. There he saw a normal room like his, but in the corner of the room was a woman leaning against the wall in a robe with her back to the door.

After that, he left and fell asleep.

The third night he again looked through the keyhole but this time he saw nothing but something red. He thought that the woman put something in front of the door because she realized that she was being watched.

The next morning, the man told the woman at the reception that he had looked inside, and the woman had to tell him the story. And so it started:

A long time ago, a husband and a wife lived in that room. One night, the husband killed his wife and since then she has been haunting that room. But they were not normal people, they had completely white skin and completely red eyes.

Okiku doll

By Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

ArtStationWithout a doubt, many agree that some dolls are creepy. But how about a doll that is possessed by the ghost of a girl?

Meet the Japanese doll Okiku, named after the first owner.

The doll is quite large (40 centimeters tall), wears a kimono, and has grown hair. Yes, you read that right. The doll's hair grows! And, for this reason, it is said that the hair is cut annually.

The Okiku doll can be found in the Mannenji temple.

Legend has it that a teenager bought the doll for his two-year-old sister, Okiku. The little girl loved the doll; he played with her every day, dressed her, and talked to her. Tragically, their friendship was short-lived: the girl died.

 Her family didn't have time to throw the doll away; but, after some time, they noticed that the doll's hair was growing, so they came to the conclusion that their daughter's spirit lived in the doll. 

In 1938, they decided to offer the doll to a temple, where it has remained until today.

The doll's hair was studied and proved to be human hair.

fictionhalloweenmonstermovie reviewslashersupernaturalurban legend

About the Creator

Viorel Secareanu

I share thoughts on photography and life, mostly lessons learned around things I’ve been dealing with the last few years, managing time, finding focus, and being happy.

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