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Happy Devoted Birthday!

A day of celebration for generational wealth

By Asea B MoorePublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 8 min read

“Mom, are you sure grandma is ok to come home?”

“Yes, Alicia, she is fine. Your dad picked her up from the nursing home yesterday so we could spend time with you on your birthday. Besides, it’ll be great since you haven’t seen her in a long time,” my mother said with an upbeat attitude. 12 years ago was the last time I saw my grandma, and we don’t have a great relationship. The last time I visited her, I had accidentally stepped into her rose garden to grab a soccer ball, and she was beyond livid. Once I retrieved the ball, she snatched me by my arm and threatened to eat my soul if I went near the garden again. I ran crying to my dad about it, but he shrugged it off, stating that grandma was just passionate about her garden. It might’ve been nothing to them, but for me, it was traumatizing. Sometimes she would call throughout the years to see how I was doing, but nothing more and nothing less.

“Oh look, we’re almost in Chehalis. We’re just a couple of miles out,” says my mother while briefly pointing at a sign called the “Uncle Sam Billboard.” She stated that it used to have different messages, and some of them were political. I guess it’s one of the staples in Lewis County. A controversial one but still a staple.

We finally arrive at my grandparent’s house, and I notice my dad’s blue Chevy Equinox out front.

“Did the house get remodeled?” I asked my mom in confusion.

“Yep, ever since your grandpa died 4 years ago, your grandmother got a lump sum from his insurance. Once the funeral was paid for, we used the remainder to fix the house. Besides, there were so many things wrong with the house, and we needed the improvements before it fell apart.”

“Mmmm. Well, I’m going to head inside. I’ll grab my bag once I’m settled.”

“That’s fine. We’ll be here all weekend, so it’s no rush.” I ring the doorbell and observe my surroundings. The big Ponderosa Pine trees around the house, the American Robins flying around singing the song for the day, and the fresh scent of mother nature. The quiet, peaceful, and beautiful scenery that’s perfect for any spring and summer Washington had to offer.

After ringing the doorbell twice, I walk to the back of the house to see if anyone was around, and I froze dead in my tracks. There is a new building at a far, past the rose garden. It looks like a giant green shed with bars on the windows and huge double doors. I start sauntering towards it to investigate, and a hand suddenly grabs my shoulder.

“You ok, Licia?” My father asked while smiling

“Yea, dad. Hey, when did grandma get the shed?”

“A couple of months ago. Since grandma plans on coming home more often, I would come over more to help with maintenance on the house. I need a place to store all of the tools.”

“Let me guess. You bought it with the insurance money?”

“I see your mother told you?”

“Yea, she did. Why didn’t you tell me that we got money from grandpa’s death?” I asked puzzled

“Well, I didn’t think to tell you because we planned on using it for the house. Why did you want a new shed too?” My dad said jokingly

“No,” I said while rolling my eyes. “But I thought we were an open family?”

“You’re right. Since we’re so open. Grandma knows about your pregnancy.”

“WHAT?!” I screamed.

“Alicia, honey, come inside and say hello,” my mother says while motioning me to come in. I can’t believe he told her before I got a chance to, especially since the father of my child and I were not on speaking terms. Tom was someone I met at a college party last year, and we’ve been dating on and off for a while. One day, I went to his dorm to tell him I was done. However, that plan backfired, and my birth control picked the perfect day to bail. 8 months later, here we are. My parents don’t care for Tom much, which is understandable, but who knows, maybe things will change once the baby comes out.

I walk inside and hear the TV blaring with a special news report.

“This is Q13 Fox with breaking news of a 72-year-old patient who escaped from Cascade mental health facility. We’re still gathering details on this situation, but we will show a picture of the patient in the meantime. The patient is dangerous, and if seen, please call 911 and….” The TV cuts off, and I hear a soft, elderly voice ask me to come here. I slowly walk towards her and realize how much time has passed with her aging appearance. Her eye color was starting to turn grey; her hair was primarily white with a black streak, baggy black pants, and a regular orange shirt. She sat in a blue chair that resembled a throne, and on her right was a bouquet of black and red roses.

“From the rose garden?” I said while pointing

“Ah yes. They are from the garden I always found you in. My delicate roses would get damaged, and some of the peddles would fall off. “she said while frowning. An awkward silence ensued but was quickly cut with the doorbell ringing. My mother runs to grab the door, and my grandmother kept her gaze fixated on me. Not saying a word. I can’t help but pierce my lips, smile and have a seat on the matching blue couch diagonally from her.

“So… I’m happy to have you here for my birthday, grandma. I don’t think….”

“You’re pregnant?” She inserts while cutting me off.

“Yes. I am. Now that you’ll be coming home more often, maybe you can meet Tom.” My grandmother then smiles, stands up, and proceeds to the kitchen.

Random people walked in with gifts and took them upstairs. Some were also in the kitchen with my grandmother, helping her with something. I attempt to get up only to be stopped by a strange man. He was muscular, 6’ 3”, bald, tan buttoned-up shirt tucked into his black slacks. He stuck out his hand to introduce himself as Greg, and we had a small conversation about how he knew my parents.

“Oh, I know your parents through your grandma. She’s a beautiful force in our lives. We all heard she was home from Cascade and decided to visit. We also found out that today is a special day. YOUR BIRTHDAY!” Greg says while bending down to kiss me on the cheek.

“Thanks,” I said while discreetly wiping my cheek. “You said you’re my grandmother’s friends? Wait, Cascade? I thought she was at Riverside?” Greg opened his mouth until the rest of the group came downstairs into the dining room. I suddenly noticed that the men were wearing the same outfit as Greg, including my father. The women were wearing red, long-sleeved, laced dresses that went to their ankles.

“Dad, what’s going on?”

“We’re celebrating, honey. Come sit down,” he says while tapping on the chair in the dining room. “Better yet, I’ll make you some tea.” Everyone starts to form around the table, with myself sitting at the end of the table. My grandmother enters the room, and Greg quickly pulls out her seat. A woman throws a gold cloak over her and then bows while walking back to her original spot. I looked surprised at the woman and notice in my peripherals; my grandmother was staring me down again.

“Here, baby,” my father says while putting my tea down.

“Thanks.” The tea had the perfect temperature and smelled like soothing honey. My mother decides to break the silence with a cake in her hand and tells everyone that my grandmother baked Devil’s Food cake for my 20th birthday. Everyone jumps for joy and randomly starts singing happy birthday, followed by some claps. The overwhelming emotion was a lot for me, but it did make me feel good that today was a special event. I blew out the candles and noticed that something was off. I start to feel woozy and light-headed.

“Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate it, but I think I’m going to go lay down.” I said while holding my hand over my mouth.

“Wait!” One of the random women said. “Aren’t you going to try the cake? Your grandmother worked really hard to make this cake.” I looked back at my grandmother and the rest of the room, who seemed ecstatic while nodding in agreement. Another stranger cut the group and me a slice of chocolate cake, but my grandmother didn’t take a portion.

I swiftly take a bite, and my face sours up. The cake had a taste of cocoa, some sugar, iron, and other repulsive ingredients that I couldn’t figure out. I realized that baking was not her specialty, and she should definitely quit while ahead. That’s when I bit down on something hard. I spit it out on my plate in disgust start picking at it. It looked like something of a weird texture but, once I cleaned it off, I realized that it was the tip of a human finger with the nail bed included.

“OH MY GOD!” I screamed while jumping out of my seat and falling to the floor. The teacup breaks next to me, and I find some kind of grain in the bottom of my cup. While lying on the ground, the strangers gather around me while still eating the cake, and my parents kneel near my head, rubbing my face while telling me to calm down. My grandmother walks towards me and bends down to touch my stomach.

“Limare will accept this gift and will continue to bless our family for generations to come,” she says while looking at everyone.

“PRAISE LIMARE!” Everyone in the room says while raising hands in the air

“What's going on? Mom? Dad?” I said while crying and in a daze

“It’s ok, honey. The tea allows the influence, and this ritual will be over in no time,” says my mother

“MOM, PLEASE!” I said, crying louder.

“OH, STOP CRYING! How do you think we’ve been wealthy this whole time?” My grandmother snapped. “For generations, the women in our family have birth kids to the great one in exchange for wealth. Anyone in the way of the prophecy is taken out. What do you think happened to your grandfather?”

“Daddy, please! Think of my child! How is Tom going to feel that his child is in danger?” My dad looks at me with sadness but utters that he’s sorry, and this is how things have to be

“Oh, Tom?” my grandmother smirked. “Well, dear, let’s just say he was a needed ingredient that helped me make this wonderful dessert. As a matter of fact, I think the coven agrees,” as she started to wave around the room. Suddenly the lights start flickering, loud thumps start making their way to the top of the stairs, and then silence. The table flies towards the kitchen, and the members fall to their knees while speaking in a foreign language. I turn my head and see a dark figure. My grandmother moves to the side while motioning the coven to do the same. I slowly look up to my parents, and their faces are now distorted, and then I let out an agonizing scream. That’s when loud, quick footsteps rush towards me and drag me by my ankles.

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About the Creator

Asea B Moore

"A seed grows with no sound but a tree falls with huge noise. Destruction has noise, but creation is quiet. This is power of silence...Grow Silently" -Confucius

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