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Hallo-win or Hallo-lose? A 'Halloween' Review

Feel the fear.

By Valen ChrostowskiPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Fear. A natural reaction that most give when faced with something they are afraid of or do not fully understand. Using this emotion a brand of movies was generated. Horror movies are a national phenomenon that have given amusement to millions upon millions. The newest in the long, long path of horror films, Halloween has just aired on October 19, 2018. Who doesn't like to add another movie onto an already somewhat long movie series? In terms of pure scares, it did fall flat. However, when it comes to creeping chills and exciting thrills, it came out on top. From the start we are introduced to Michael Myers, the star of the Halloween films. How many past horror movie icons do people truly remember the names of it a large group setting? Probably not that many. Freddy Kruger, Jason, Michael Myers, etc. are all big horror names that have a permanent place on the horror film hall of fame. There are many other horror films deemed good such as Insidious, Evil Dead, The Conjuring, etc. but none hold the qualities of those top tier films. Most remakes of past, successful movies or franchises have a statistic to bomb more frequently than one would like. However, Halloween takes those statistics and completely kicks it to the curb. Halloween was a genuine horror and wasn’t simply another project thrown out in desperation of new ideas coming to the bottom of the barrel. It felt fresh and reborn. Adults who watched Halloween as a child could watch it again now in the present with the same sense of fear, wonder, excitement, and thrill they remember. Even those of the new generation, especially those who are well versed in the realm of horror movies, can appreciate this movie for its greatness and maybe even revisit the past movies to gain more understanding. Leaning off of that, the true key to this movie was that I don’t believe that you needed to watch the older Halloween movies in order to understand what was happening. Sure, knowing the history of the grandmother and Michael Myers throws some perspective at you but someone who had never seen the Halloweenmovies beforehand would be left with little remaining questions. Viewers watching the new movie did not want to have to wait for him, myself included. But he was delivered right at the start. Michael Myers and his showcase murder weapon, the beloved kitchen knife, summoned enormous amounts of goosebumps. The main selling point of this movie involves its basis. Most horror movies nowadays are based on either a monster of some kind, or aliens, supernatural occurrences, or whatsoever. Halloween’s tale is much more grounded into reality and that… is what makes it as terrifying as it is. People, when faced with something they do not understand or are afraid of, they do everything they can to deny its existence. However, with Halloween and it’s much more grounded setting, people are not faced with the same dilemma. They instead realize that this is something, unfortunately, that can happen in the real world. There are indeed people out there that have mental and psychological problems and, lately, the world is full of serial killers like Michael Myers. And as I’ve said before, this is the main reason as to why people feel such spine-chilling fear from watching Halloween. All in all, Halloween is a powerfully, fearful franchise with a strongly produced remake and to all who wish to watch it, I highly recommend.

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Valen Chrostowski

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