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Flickered Reflection

By NikkiPublished about a year ago 6 min read

The mirror showed a reflection that wasn’t my own. I was met with a haunting gaze from the woman with long, flowing hair, dressed in a Victorian-era gown. The sight of her was mesmerizing, and I felt the compulsion to keep from staring at the mirror, unable to turn away. As I stepped closer to the mirror, I discovered that the female in the reflection wasn't simply an illusion, but a ghostly entity from a former era. Her lips quivered as if she wanted to speak, yet they said nothing.

I tried to turn away when the woman’s reflection flickered, but my curiosity won out and I leaned closer to the mirror.

That’s when I noticed it: a cold, clammy hand reaching out from the other side and grabbing my wrist. I screamed and tried to pull away, but the hand was too powerful, dragging me toward the mirror.

Suddenly, the surrounding room changed. The walls twisted and warped, and the furniture shifted and rearranged itself. The home I was in was dark and twisted.

I stumbled forward, trying to regain my balance as the surrounding room continued to warp and shift. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before; the walls seemed to breathe, and the furniture contorted itself into impossible shapes.

She now stood right beside me, her gaze fixed on me with an intensity that made my skin crawl. Her hair seemed to move on its own, writhing like a nest of serpents, and her eyes glinted with an otherworldly light.

I tried to speak, to ask her what was happening, but my voice caught in my throat. She reached out a hand and touched my cheek, and I felt a jolt of icy cold run through me.

“Come,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of the room’s shifting and warping. “I chose you,” she finished.

I attempted to pull away and resist her grip, but it was as if I were attempting to move through molasses. Every movement felt sluggish as if my very limbs were resisting my commands. And then I saw it. A tear in the fabric of reality, a gaping maw of darkness that seemed to pull everything into it. The woman in the mirror seemed to grow stronger, and more corporeal, and the darkness was following her. I knew then that I had to do something, anything, to stop her. I reached out a hand and touched the surface of the mirror, feeling the icy coldness of the glass beneath my fingertips. As I did, the mirror seemed to shatter, sending shards of glass flying in all directions.

Her screams echoed in my soul, and the darkness dissipated. When it was over, I remained standing alone in my room, surrounded by the shattered remains of the mirror. The alternative reality that it had revealed was gone, but I knew it would never truly leave me. The horrors that I had witnessed would be with me forever, haunting my dreams and my waking moments alike. I was petrified of what a mirror could uncover and never again relied on it.

I looked into the haunted mirror and my life was never the same. Even though the alternative reality that the mirror had revealed was gone, I knew it had left its mark on me. I constantly questioned reality and wondered if there were other worlds beyond our own. The experience opened my mind to new possibilities and made me more curious about the unknown.

I felt a shiver run down my spine every time I looked in a mirror as if something sinister was waiting on the other side. With my eyes closed, the eerie image of my world that had been revealed to me in the mirror still filled my thoughts. I stayed away from mirrors, but I felt something was wrong. I knew I had to confront my fear and figure out what was causing this strange phenomenon.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, I grew more and more isolated from the surrounding people. I couldn’t bring myself to talk about what had happened, not even to my closest friends and family members. The memory of the haunted mirror was like a dark cloud that hung over my every waking moment. I tried to distract myself with work and hobbies, but the fear and anxiety persisted.

But despite my efforts to forget, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was still following me. Every so often, I would glimpse movement out of the corner of my eye, or feel a frigid breath on the back of my neck. And whenever I turned to confront whatever it was, there was nothing there.

It wasn’t until a year after my encounter with the mirror that I realized the truth. The woman in the mirror hadn’t been trying to claim me for herself, but to warn me about what was coming.

The darkness foreshadowed something far worse. I could sense the looming presence of it everywhere I looked.

The sky was growing darker, and the air was thick with a palpable sense of dread. Strange symbols appeared on the walls of buildings, and people were disappearing without a trace. Rumors were spreading about a mysterious cult that was performing dark rituals in the city. Some believed that they were summoning an ancient evil, while others thought they were trying to bring about the end of the world.

I knew then that I had to do something, anything, to stop it. I researched, poring over books and old manuscripts, trying to close the tear in reality that the mirror had opened. And finally, I found it. A ritual, ancient and dangerous, that promised to seal the rift forever. I gathered my courage, gathered my supplies, and set out to perform the ritual. The instructions were cryptic, and the risks were high, but I knew it was the only way to save us from the horrors that lurked beyond the rift. As I began the incantation, I could feel the weight of centuries of magic and power building around me. The force of the explosion knocked me off my feet, and as I looked up, I saw that the entire room was now ablaze with a bright, pulsing light.

I watched with awe as the vibrant colors of the world around me morphed and shifted. The colors were radiant, and the air was alive with the sweet chirps of birds and the joyful laughter of people. The trees that had been bent and twisted by the darkness straightened up, and the ground beneath my feet felt solid and stable once more.

And then, I saw them. The people who had disappeared without a trace, the ones I had thought were lost forever, appeared before me. They were there, standing in the same positions they had been in before they vanished as if no time had passed at all.

I approached them cautiously, half-expecting them to vanish once more. But as I drew closer, I saw they were real, tangible, and alive.

They looked at me with a mixture of confusion and relief, as if they had just woken up from a long and terrible dream. Some of them were weeping, overcome with emotion at the sight of the familiar world around them.

And then they moved. They went back to the tasks they had been doing when they had disappeared as if no time had passed at all. Some of them were watering plants, others were playing with children, and still, others were simply standing and staring in wonder at the world around them.

It was a harrowing experience, one that pushed me to my very limits. But when it was over, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. The darkness was gone, and with it, the memory of the haunted mirror.

But as I walked away from the site of the ritual, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was still watching me, something that I might never escape. A cold breeze blew through the trees, causing the leaves to rustle and adding to my unease. I quickened my pace, hoping to leave the area behind me as soon as possible.


About the Creator


Welcome—enjoy the sights and sounds! Nikki here, an avid reader, writer, and lover of all things creative and historical.I love discovering new worlds and characters through books, whether they're classics, bestsellers, or indie gems.

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