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Film Fridays #1

Awake (2021)

By TrippHazrdPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Hey guys, TrippHazard here. Welcome to our first official Film Friday, where we will be checking out new movies and then reviewing them. Mostly we will be watching horror films, psychological thrillers, sci-fi stories and anything trippy or twisted thats going to get us thinking and questioning reality. So without further ado lets get into it! Here is our review for the 2021 film "Awake." I hope you enjoy.

"Awake" is a post-apocalyptic thriller that presents a compelling premise but struggles to fully realize its potential. Directed by Mark Raso and released in 2021, the film explores a world where a global event has wiped out all electronic devices, causing humanity to lose the ability to sleep. While the concept is intriguing, "Awake" falls short in its execution, delivering a lukewarm narrative and underdeveloped characters.

The story revolves around Jill (played by Gina Rodriguez), a former soldier and loving mother who discovers that her daughter, Matilda (Ariana Greenblatt), possesses the rare ability to sleep. As chaos ensues and society crumbles due to widespread sleep deprivation, Jill becomes determined to protect her daughter and find a cure for the world's insomnia. The film sets up a promising scenario, exploring the psychological and physical ramifications of sleep deprivation in a desperate world.

Gina Rodriguez delivers a committed performance as Jill, showcasing her character's determination and resilience in the face of adversity. She anchors the film with her emotional range and believable portrayal of a mother fighting against all odds. However, the supporting cast is underutilized, with characters that lack depth and fail to leave a lasting impact. The relationships and dynamics between the characters could have been explored in greater detail to enhance the emotional stakes of the narrative.

The pacing of "Awake" is a mixed bag. The initial setup effectively captures the chaos and desperation of a world without sleep, creating a sense of urgency. However, as the story progresses, the film loses momentum, with repetitive sequences and predictable plot developments. The lack of narrative surprises or significant twists prevents the movie from truly engaging its audience on a deeper level.

Visually, "Awake" presents a desolate and gritty landscape that effectively reflects the world in crisis. The cinematography by Alan Poon captures the gloom and bleakness of the post-apocalyptic setting, immersing viewers in a world on the brink of collapse. The production design, particularly the crumbling infrastructure and makeshift communities, adds to the sense of decay and desperation. However, the visual style alone is not enough to compensate for the film's narrative shortcomings.

Thematically, "Awake" touches on intriguing concepts such as the value of sleep and the fragile nature of societal order. It explores the human need for rest and the consequences of its absence, highlighting the physical and mental toll it takes on individuals. However, these ideas are not fully developed, leaving them feeling underexplored and ultimately underwhelming. The film could have delved deeper into the psychological aspects of sleep deprivation and the impact it has on human behavior.

Despite its flaws, "Awake" does offer some tense and suspenseful moments. The survivalist elements and the constant threat of danger add a level of intensity to certain scenes. The film also briefly touches on themes of trust and sacrifice, but these elements are not fully fleshed out, leaving the audience craving a deeper exploration of the human condition in a sleepless world.

In conclusion, "Awake" presents an intriguing premise but fails to deliver a fully satisfying cinematic experience. While Gina Rodriguez delivers a solid performance and the film boasts a visually compelling aesthetic, the narrative lacks the necessary depth and character development to truly engage and captivate its audience. "Awake" falls short of its potential, leaving viewers craving a more profound exploration of its thought-provoking themes. Ultimately, it is a film that fails to fully wake up the potential within its own concept.

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  • HydeInside11 months ago

    Very informative! This movie could have been so much better

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