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Evil Dead Rise Review

"Exploring the Plot and Expectations of Evil Dead Rise"

By BASKAR MPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Evil Dead Rise

The Evil Dead series, a trilogy of comedy-horror films that introduced the cult-horror hero Ash Williams, has gained a passionate fanbase since its inception in 1981. With four movies and a three-season TV series under its belt, Evil Dead Rise, written and directed by Lee Cronin, once again immerses viewers in the deep lore of the Necronomicon and its demon-resurrecting, evil-embodying darkness, providing a fine bloody spectacle.

The film follows estranged sisters Ellie (Alyssa Sutherland, Vikings) and Beth (Lily Sutherland, Mental), who reunite when Beth arrives at Ellie's apartment with concerns about a potentially life-changing event. Despite initial awkwardness, the sisters begin to reconnect before an earthquake shakes the building's foundations. However, the opening earth and cement reveal an evil force that forces Ellie and Beth into a blood-soaked game of cat-and-mouse against the most nightmarish version of their family imaginable.

To entice franchise fans, Evil Dead Rise offers a perfect blend of the heightened horror fun of Sam Raimi's original trilogy and the gnarly, brutal violence that made the 2013 remake celebrated. At a fast-paced 97 minutes, Lee Cronin creates a ridiculously fun piece of horror that is as terrifying as it is enjoyable.

The film's tone and aesthetic have a real punk-rock vibe. The tattoo-covered, rock music fan sisters with badass attitudes to match, Ellie's apartment is a hybrid living space, recording studio, and tattoo parlor. The gritty, dark cinematography gives a grungy feel that Cronin's exciting and energetic direction brings to life, ensuring it doesn't feel dull. A speaker-blasting soundtrack and score amplify the intensity to a satisfyingly intense level. Evil Dead Rise is, in short, a very cool movie!

The film's brilliant and committed performances from Alyssa Sutherland and Lily Sullivan anchor the fun. Sullivan's Beth carries the weight of a recent personal revelation and takes the big step to seek Ellie's help and advice. When Ellie succumbs to the Necronomicon's evil powers, Beth's instincts to protect Ellie's two children force her to confront an unexpected aspect of her life. The parallels to Mia's drug addict storyline in the 2013 Evil Dead create an engaging and interesting character study for Beth. Furthermore, the action-heroine side of Beth shines, allowing her to participate in some iconic horror-movie moments and Evil Dead callbacks that will bring wicked joy to fans.

Alyssa Sutherland is a scene-stealer like Ellie. Her maternal side creates a great deal of sympathy and care for her character, which is then entirely removed when it's substituted with the demonically possessed version of Ellie, who terrorizes her family and anyone who gets in her way. Possessed Ellie's unapologetic hamming up of the villainy of this story with laugh-out-loud yet still haunting one-liners about dismembering, disfiguring, slicing, and dicing her family up is a delight. Sutherland's physicality as Possessed Ellie adds to the immersion of her character, using her natural flexibility and gymnastic skills to create truly terrifying body-horror visuals.

Evil Dead Rise delivers on the promise of the old ultra-violence in spades, with buckets, gallons, and pools of blood, brain matter, insides, and guts splayed all over the screen. The over-the-top and inventive ways to maim and murder create toe-curling, watch-through-your-fingers levels of cringe-worthy brutality that one-ups its predecessors. The action/horror set pieces, masterfully directed by Cronin, are incredibly tense and bombastically gory to the point that no matter how grotesque the performances, bringing depth and emotional weight to their roles, while also delivering on the physical demands of the horror genre. And let's not forget the practical effects and makeup, which are absolutely top-notch, providing some of the most gruesome and memorable visuals in recent horror history.

But what really sets Evil Dead Rise apart from other horror movies is its sense of fun. Yes, it's gory and terrifying, but it's also a blast to watch. The film never takes itself too seriously, embracing the over-the-top nature of the genre and delivering a rollercoaster ride of thrills, chills, and laughs. The humor is pitch-black and often downright absurd, but it works perfectly in the context of the film. Cronin knows exactly how to balance the scares and the laughs, creating a movie that's as entertaining as it is terrifying.

It's worth noting that while Evil Dead Rise is certainly a love letter to the franchise that inspired it, you don't need to be a die-hard fan to enjoy it. The film stands on its own as a thrilling, bloody horror movie that will appeal to anyone who loves the genre. Of course, if you are a fan of the Evil Dead series, you'll find plenty of Easter eggs and nods to the original films to appreciate, but they're not necessary to enjoy the movie.

All in all, Evil Dead Rise is a triumph of modern horror filmmaking. It's a wild, bloody, and hilarious ride that will leave you wanting more. Lee Cronin has proven himself to be a master of the genre, and I can't wait to see what he does next. If you're a horror fan, you owe it to yourself to check out this movie. And if you're not a horror fan, maybe this is the film that will convert you. Either way, Evil Dead Rise is a must-see movie that deserves all the praise it's getting. The film is set to be released exclusively on HBO Max, as part of the streaming service's strategy to attract subscribers with high-profile releases. The decision to bypass a theatrical release has been controversial, as many fans of the franchise were hoping to see the film on the big screen.

Despite this, anticipation for "Evil Dead Rise" remains high, as the franchise has a dedicated fanbase that has kept it alive for over three decades. The first "Evil Dead" film was released in 1981, and since then, it has spawned two sequels, a reboot, and a television series.

The "Evil Dead" franchise is known for its over-the-top gore, dark humor, and innovative camera techniques, and "Evil Dead Rise" is expected to continue that tradition. The film promises to deliver a fresh take on the franchise while staying true to the spirit of the original films.

In conclusion, "Evil Dead Rise" is a highly anticipated horror film that is set to continue the legacy of the iconic franchise. With a talented director, experienced producers, and a strong cast, the film has the potential to be a worthy addition to the series. Whether it lives up to fans' expectations remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: it will be a bloody, terrifying, and thrilling ride from start to finish.

EVIL DEAD RISE is out in UK cinemas on April 21st



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