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hell hath no fury than a vampire scorned

By Adriane KirbyPublished 2 years ago 11 min read
Photo by David Balev on Unsplash

Emma had been waiting for this night for a long enough. She knew he would be bringing her to the cabin in the woods again. This would be the night she would get the revenge she wanted. Emma and Dakota meet in Kentucky 10 years ago. Both of them had just gotten out of college and getting started in life. Everyone thought they where a match made in heaven. And Dakota and Emma thought it was love at first sight. Emma was simply in love with the fact she was in love with Dakota. She was in the start of a new relationship and everything seemed exciting and new. Just looking at Dakota took her breath away. She knew she was destined to spend the rest of her life with him.

She still remembers the night he asked her. It was a perfect night. They had just gone out for a romantic dinner and they where enjoying a walk in the park. They held hands and enjoyed the crisp evening air, the stars where so beautiful that night, they glistened like diamonds in the sky. They surrounded the moon, that lighted up the way as they walked side by side in the park. Dakota kissed Emma with great passion. He looked deep into her eyes and got down on one knee. " Emma, I love you with all my heart. Will you be my wife?" Dakota asked. He then pulled out an engagement ring, it was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. " Yes, I will". Emma yelled in excitement. And with that they kissed with passion under the moon. It was three months later that they were married in a small ceremony with only the closest family and friends. The wedding was perfect, and they where so happy. At least Emma thought they had the happiness they wanted. The wedding day seemed to be the happiest day of their lives and Emma was so ready to start her life with her husband.

That happiness lasted for a while, but over the years things started to change. Emma, turns out would never have children. They had tried for years but they were never blessed with a baby. After a while Emma accepted she would never be a mother, but Dakota seemed to resent her because of it. " Dakota we can always adopt, Emma said. " We should just wait and see what happens. Dakota replied. They had the perfect job and perfect home and wonderful friends and family. They really had everything anyone could want to have a happy life together. But not being able to have children put a strain on their marriage. Dakota grew more and more distant and cold as time went on. Emma longed for the way things used to be between them. And then there was that terrible night, Emma will never ever forget that night.

Dakota told her he was going out of town for a week. " Do you really have to be gone so long?", Emma asked. " Look let me take care of my business and then I will meet you at our cabin on the lake." Dakota replied. " Then we can enjoy a romantic weekend together just the two of us." Dakota said as he kissed her on the lips." Ok that is a deal.", she said as she watched Dakota walk away leaving her alone for the first time in a very long time. The week went by and Emma decided she wanted to go to the cabin early and get everything ready for Dakota to arrive. She would cook him a fantastic dinner and surprise him by already being there. She left that night a drove alone to their cabin by the lake. When she arrived she was surprised and confused to see that Dakota's car was already there.

Emma's heart sank to the ground as she watched through the window at was going on inside her cabin. Inside the cabin that Dakota and her shared was Dakota, wrapping his arms around and kissing another woman. A younger blond woman. They looked like they where having a wonderful time. They where dancing and laughing and kissing each other. Kind of in the same way that she and Dakota used to do. So this is why you had to be gone for a week Emma thought. She stepped slowly back away from the window careful not to make a sound, then she ran to her car and drove away. Emma was heart broken, he is cheating on me she thought to herself. After all the years we spent together it ends like this she thought to herself. She sobbed all the way on the long drive home barely able to see the road ahead of her. Their lives together had turned out to be a lie. The man she planned to spend the rest of her life with had betrayed her. How could she let him get away with it?

Emma could not stomach the thought of spending the weekend in the cabin with Dakota. She called him " Dakota I am not going to be able to make the drive, " she said. " I am sick there is no way I can make it," she added sounding weak. " Do you want me to come home then?," Dakota asked. "No, just stay there and relax my love," Emma replied. As they ended their call Emma got out of bed and tried to pull herself together. She knew if she had to be under the same roof with him that weekend she would go crazy. And she had to stay level headed. Or as level headed as she could be. Right now he really thinks he is getting away with something she thought. Him and his little young girlfriend are having a great time behind my back and playing me for a fool. If he thinks he is going to get away with doing this to me he has another thing coming. I am not anyone's fool, she said to herself.

After the shock of her discovery wore off Emma got angry. She had never been more angry in her life. The only thing she could think about was revenge. She began to plan exactly how she would get that. Most of the neighbors that she lived next to are new to the neighborhood. It is safe to say that most of them live normal lives , taking care of their families. Except for one neighbor in the house on the corner lot. Mr. Maxton lives there, most people in the neighborhood think he is a very strange man. He hardly ever visits with the neighbors, he lives alone. He has never been seen leaving his house in the day time. Most of the people that live close by are afraid of him. Rumor has it that many women had been seen entering his home, but they never made it back out. Emma had suspected she new what was going on with Mr. Maxton for some time. She payed him a visit that night. She bought a bottle of wine and some chicken with her so the two of them could have a nice dinner together. They visited for a couple of hours and then Emma said "Mr. Maxton, I know what you are." "What are you talking about?", Mr. Maxton asked. " You know what I am talking about," Emma said. " No I am afraid not," Mr. Maxton replied. " Oh yes you do!" Emma said. " Maybe it is time for you to go." Mr. Maxton said angerly.

" Look I want to be like you," Emma said. " I don't think you know what you are saying Emma," Mr. Maxton said. " I know exactly what I am saying. Everything I had in my life is over anyway. I have to be like you to get my revenge. My husband, my love has betrayed me. He must pay, I deserve my revenge. It is the only thing I have left thanks to him. Turn me into what you are so I can have the revenge I deserve," Emma cried. " Are you sure this is what you want?, Mr. Maxton. asked. " Yes, I have never wanted anything more. Do it, do it now!," Emma demanded. Emma noticed Mr. Maxton's large fangs coming towards her neck, she bent her neck back so she could be ready for his bite. The pain was felt in every part of Emma's body as he bit down on her neck. As he released her, she feel to the floor shaking and going in and out of awareness, sweat poured from her forehead. Mr. Maxton kneeled down beside her and whispered ever so gently in her ear " My dear Emma you may get the revenge you are seeking. But you my dear are the one who is cursed forever." Emma could not leave Mr. Maxton's cold hard floor until her transformation was complete. She suffered there in agony until the early morning hours.

Emma had been fighting the urge to feed for weeks. As her thirst for blood was becoming stronger. She also was incredibly weak and could not stand being out of bed, at least not in the day. She explained to Dakota that she had just come down with some sort of flue, and assured him she would be better soon. She never confronted him on the fact she knew he cheated on her. No, she was saving that for the perfect moment. Then finally it happened, she was going to have the opportunity to get her revenge. " Emma I have got to go on a business trip out of town tomorrow," Dakota told her. " Are you sure you have to leave on such short notice?", Emma asked. " Yes dear I don't have any choice. I will be gone a week. Are you sure you are going to be ok while I am gone?", Dakota asked. " Yes love I will be fine, don't worry about me," Emma replied." Great, I will be leaving first thing in the morning, right now I better get to work." Dakota told her. She watched him as he left the room, because she knew soon she would have her revenge.

The next night Emma was relieved that soon everything would be over. She drove out to their cabin in the woods. Sure enough Dakota was there with his girlfriend in their cabin. She hid outside waiting for he perfect moment. She noticed that Dakota had gotten in his car and left his girlfriend in the cabin alone. After he left, she went up to the door and knocked on it. The girl answered the door. " Hi, is Dakota here," Emma asked. " No he is not here right now," the girl said. " Oh well that is a shame I am an old friend of his. I really wanted to talk with him.", Emma said. " You can wait here until he gets back.", the girl said. " Oh that would be fantastic!," Emma replied and she walked into the cabin. " Are you Dakota's girlfriend?", Emma asked. " Yes I am." the girl answered with a smile. " " I see what is your name?, Emma asked. " My name is Shaylee, how long have you know Dakota?", she asked. " Shaylee I have known Dakota for a while, in fact I am his wife. Did you know he had a wife?", Emma asked. " I did know he had a wife.", Shaylee answered nervously. " Oh so you just didn't care that he had a wife!", Emma snapped. As Emma turned around to face Shaylee her eyes where red and her fangs, all the way out. " Oh my god what are you!", Shaylee yelled. " What does it look like I am?," Emma asked. Then Emma threw Shaylee up against the wall. Attacking her and biting her neck. Emma drained the life out of Shaylee until she was certain she had no more. When she turned her loose, her lifeless body fell to the floor. Emma stared at Shaylee's body and smiled she had gotten part of the revenge she was seeking. The only thing to do now was wait.

After some time Dakota came back to the cabin. He rushed to Shaylee as he noticed her on the floor. " Shaylee what's wrong? Shaylee why aren't you waking up?, Dakota kept saying as he kneeled beside her shaking her. "Hi Dakota", Emma said. " Emma what are you doing here?" , Dakota asked. " I missed you darling.", Emma relied. " What have you done to Shaylee?", Dakota asked. " I think what we need to talk about is what you been doing to me.", Emma said. " Emma, you know things have not been right for us for a long time. You can't deny that.", Dakota said. " And you can't deny that you have been cheating on me and lying to me for a long as you wanted ", Emma said. She turned to face Dakota fangs out ready to attack. " What is happening!", Dakota yelled. They struggled, but Emma was ten times stronger than Dakota. She threw him up against the wall biting his neck. She let Dakota's blood drain in her mouth and down her throat until his heart could pump no more. As she turned him loose and his dead body joined Shaylee's on the floor, Emma tilted her head back and laughed with satisfaction. For she had gotten the revenge she thought she deserved. As Emma turned to face the mirror, she touched her hair. It was the first time she noticed she could no longer see her reflection in the mirror. As she stood there memories of the happy times she and Dakota shared came flooding back to her mind. Realizing that life had been over long before that night, Emma ran out of the cabin embracing the darkness she would forever be in.


About the Creator

Adriane Kirby

Living the dream here in Texas.

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