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Emily!! Where are You?

What Happened to Emily

By Ahamed BilalPublished about a year ago 4 min read

A College in Turmoil

Arts and Science College was a place known for its academic excellence and cultural richness. However, a dark cloud was looming over the college, casting a shadow on its once bright image. The principal, Mrs. Julina Thomas, was deeply concerned about the recent events that were taking place in the college, especially in the biology department.

A New Student

Miss. Emily was a new student who had joined the biology group. She was a quiet and reserved young woman, but she was known for her brilliance in the subject. However, things started to take a turn for the worse when she met her biology professor, Mr. Hike.

A Dark Encounter

Pamela, a student of the biology group, had become friends with Emily. One day, Mr. Hike asked the two friends to visit his office. It was here that he misbehaved with Emily and even went as far as to physically attack her.

Emily was found dead in her hostel room. The police investigation revealed that she had been murdered by Mr. Hike. The students were in shock, and the college was in a state of mourning.

The Ghost of Emily

However, strange things started to happen in the college, especially in the biology department. Doors would open and close on their own, strange whispers were heard, and the students would see the ghostly figure of Emily wandering the halls.

Revengeful Spirit

Pamela was the first to see the ghost of Emily, and she soon realized that the ghost was seeking revenge against Mr. Hike. She was taken over by the ghost, and she started to do things that were beyond her control.

The Confrontation

The students, George, Mathew, Patrick, Nicholas, Henry, Patricia, and Pamela, together with Mrs. Julina Thomas, Edward the Librarian, and Miss. Emile, decided to confront Mr. Hike. They were determined to put an end to the ghostly presence that was haunting the college.

The final confrontation took place in the biology lab, where the students and the staff faced off against Mr. Hike. The ghost of Emily appeared, and she took control of Pamela, using her as a vessel to carry out her revenge. Mr. Hike was consumed by fear, and he died a horrifying death.

The ghost of Emily was finally at peace, and the college was free from the dark cloud that had been haunting it. The students and the staff went back to their normal lives, but they never forgot the tragic events that took place in the biology department.

A Mysterious Librarian

As the college slowly returned to normal, rumors began to circulate about Edward, the librarian. It was said that he knew more about the ghost of Emily than he was letting on. Some even whispered that he was a practitioner of the dark arts, and that he had summoned the ghost to the college.

The Librarian's Secret

Pamela, who had been haunted by the ghost of Emily, was determined to uncover the truth about Edward. She confronted him, and he finally confessed that he had indeed summoned the ghost to the college. He had done so in an attempt to rid the college of Mr. Hike, who was a cruel and abusive man.

However, things had not gone as planned, and the ghost had taken on a life of its own. Edward had made a deal with the devil, and he was now paying the price for his actions. He begged for forgiveness, and he promised to undo what he had done.

Edward revealed that he had used a powerful binding spell to summon the ghost of Emily, and that he now had the power to banish her back to the underworld. He offered to perform the spell for the students and the staff, but they were hesitant to trust him.

A Risky Gamble

Despite the reservations of the others, Pamela decided to take a risk and trust Edward. She believed that he was genuinely remorseful for his actions, and that he wanted to make things right. With the help of the students and the staff, Edward performed the binding spell, and the ghost of Emily was finally banished back to the underworld.

A Peaceful Resolution

With the ghost of Emily gone, the college was once again filled with peace and tranquility. The students and the staff could now focus on their studies and their work without fear of being haunted by the ghost. They were grateful to Edward for his bravery, and they were relieved that the ghost was finally gone.

The story of the ghost of Emily serves as a warning about the dangers of playing with the supernatural. It also highlights the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and making amends for the wrongs we have done. The students and the staff of Arts and Science College learned a valuable lesson, and they will never forget the tragic events that took place in the biology department.


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