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Christmas Vistor

A Ghostly Tale

By Wayne IncePublished 7 months ago 5 min read
Playing in the woods

Once upon a time, in a quaint little English village, lived a young and curious 8-year-old girl named Anna. The day before Christmas, while her family was busy preparing for the festivities, Anna's wandering feet led her into the sleepy forest that surrounded their house.

As Anna ventured further into the woods, she stumbled upon another girl, just her same age. Excitement filled Anna's heart as she approached the mysterious stranger. The girl had pale skin, jet-black hair, and eyes as dark as the night sky. Her presence was both captivating and unsettling, but Anna's curiosity overpowered any sense of unease. There was something about the way she carried herself, with an air of mystery, that drew Anna in like a moth to a flame. With every passing moment, Anna found herself becoming more and more intrigued by this enigmatic woman.

Anna couldn't help but wonder about the stories that lay hidden behind those deep, piercing eyes. What secrets did she hold? What experiences had she lived through? It was as if the universe had conspired to bring them together, and Anna was determined to uncover the truth.

"Hello," Anna greeted with a warm smile, hoping to make a new friend. "What's your name?"

The girl's response was a mere whisper, barely audible amidst the rustling leaves. "Emily." Suddenly, the surrounding area went eerily quiet.

Anna noticed that Emily seemed distant, as if lost in her own thoughts. Her eyes held a deep sadness, one that tugged at Anna's heartstrings. Determined to bring a smile to Emily's face, Anna invited her to join in the Christmas festivities at her house.

As they walked hand in hand towards Anna's home, the air grew colder, and a chilling breeze whispered through the trees. Anna shivered, but the thought of sharing the joy of Christmas with her newfound friend kept her warm. They arrived at Anna's house, where the aroma of freshly baked cookies and the sound of laughter filled the air.

Anna's family welcomed Emily with open arms, their smiles masking their curiosity about the mysterious girl. The evening was filled with merriment and cheer, as Anna and Emily played games, exchanged homemade gifts, and indulged in delicious treats. For a brief moment, Emily's sadness seemed to fade away, replaced by a glimmer of happiness.

Later, Anna mustered up the courage to approach Emily. “Whats that?” said Anna.

She had noticed a peculiar pendant adorning the Emily’s neck. It was a delicate silver key, intricately designed, with a small inscription engraved on it. The words were barely visible, but Anna was determined to decipher their meaning.

Emily, seemed both amused and intrigued by Anna's interest. “It was a gift from my mother,” Emily replied.

She shared tales of her travels across distant lands, of encounters with fascinating cultures, and of the wisdom she had gained through her many adventures abroad.

Anna gleefully said,”I cannot wait to see what Father Christmas will bring me for Christmas.”

Emily turned to hide her pale face and her cold hard stare and whispered, “I want a family.”

As the night grew darker, Anna's family prepared to retire to bed. Anna, not wanting to part ways with her new friend, asked Emily if she could stay the night. They had met just a few hours ago, but their connection felt instant and genuine. Emily, with a warm smile, happily agreed, excited to extend their budding friendship.

Emily hesitated, her eyes filled with a mix of longing and apprehension. Finally, she nodded, accepting Anna's invitation.

As the night progressed, Anna and Emily found themselves engrossed in deep conversations, sharing their dreams, fears, and life experiences. They discovered countless similarities and realized how remarkably well they complemented each other. It was as if they were long-lost sisters, finally reunited.

Anna’s twin sister had died at birth due to complications. Her mother never spoke of the tragedy, but her grandmother had told her part of the tragedy.

With the hours passing, the initial shyness and awkwardness melted away, replaced by a comfortable sense of familiarity. Anna and Emily laughed until their stomachs hurt, exchanged secrets, and supported each other through heartfelt conversations. It was clear that this unexpected encounter was the start of a beautiful friendship like two sisters.

As the moon reached its peak in the night sky, Anna and Emily decided to make a pact. They promised to be there for each other, no matter what life threw their way. They vowed to be the kind of friends who celebrate each other's victories, wipe away tears during tough times, and offer unwavering support in every step of their journey.

In the quiet of the night, Anna and Emily lay side by side in Anna's cozy bedroom. Anna could sense Emily's unease, her body trembling beneath the covers. With a tender touch, Anna reached out to comfort her friend, assuring her that everything would be alright.

But as Anna's hand brushed against Emily's skin, a bone-chilling realization struck her. Emily's flesh was icy cold, devoid of any warmth. Fear gripped Anna's heart as she realized that her new friend was not what she seemed. The pendant now seemed to take on a muted glow of red and ochre tint.

In a panic, Anna turned on the bedside lamp, illuminating the room with a soft glow. What she saw before her sent rippling shivers down her spine. A ghastly visage replaced Emily's once beautiful features, her eyes now empty voids, her skin pale and lifeless.

Anna was consumed by a sense of terror as she tried to scream, but there was no sound coming out of her mouth. In the blink of an eye, Emily was clutching Anna's wrist with an icy grip, draining the warmth from her body as she did so. Anna's breath became shallow as the darkness engulfed her, and her vision grew dim as she struggled to see.

Anna's family awoke the next morning to find her lifeless body lying in the bed, a look of sheer horror etched in the face of everyone who saw her. After that fateful Christmas night, the once quaint, English village would forever be haunted by the tragedy that had unfolded on that fateful Christmas day.

The family frantic for answers searched for Emily but could not locate her anywhere on the property. Not even the faintest of footsteps on the ground. But in the woods, a pair of dark eyes peered out watching a family calling out for a young girl who did not exist. At least not in this realm. The eyes in the wood sunk deeper, fading into the dark recesses of the forest finally disappearing into the day.

As a result, the legend of Anna and Emily lived on throughout the countryside, whispered among the villagers as a cautionary tale. There is a certain allure to wandering feet and the allure of the unknown, and sometimes, even the purest of hearts can be snared by the darkness that lurks within the depths of the forest.


About the Creator

Wayne Ince

A military veteran that loves to read and write stories and poetry about mental health, love, and horror, and diversity topics. Boring on the surface, but I hope you enjoy my work and discover something more underneath the surface.

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