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Beautiful Arson

Tale of Vengeful Warning

By Ceirra EvansPublished 2 years ago Updated about a year ago 13 min read
Photo Credit: https://qz.com/africa/2007176/africas-first-crypto-art-collections-is-inspiring-optimism/

The cabin in the woods had been abandoned for years, but one night, a candle burned in the window.

His anger burned through his chest, the paper crumbled in his hand as he fought to hold back tears. He read the letter anxiously while trying not to make a scene before walking in the cabin.

"Dear Mr. Draco,

Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances we will not be able to move forward with your housing request. Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.

We do apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again after the following date 05/31/21.


Oklahoma Housing Dept.

Now I know you're wondering, "What is the big deal about this cabin? Why did he have to get this exact cabin when there are so many more in the area?

Well it turned out the cabin was owned by his great grandmother who was a witness to the Tulsa Massacre that occurred on 05/31/1921. May 31 2021 would have made it the 100th year anniversary of the massacre that took place. The cabin was the only building left standing that sustained no damage with a lone candle. Every year since the massacre the candle was lit in a memorial ceremony to commemorate the hundreds of lives lost.

Recently the newest realtor group to join the competition was the TRG (Tulsa Realty Group). Over the last few weeks they have obtained a few properties, new and foreclosed for auctioning. They planned to have an auction the week before the memorial which they announced on their private facebook group. Only the elites of Oklahoma had access to this page, go figure.

One of the realtors in Draco's company recently read a post from the page since his parents were in the elitist group and it said:

"EXTRA, EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT" - get ready for the most historical properties to be up for bidding including the forbidden cabin that this city has been keeping hostages for years. We finally obtained the rights to it and now it can be one lucky family's new summer home. Date of auction is scheduled for 05/31/22. See y'all then! Happy bidding"

Startled, Draco brought the news to the boss of his company: OKRG(Oklahoma Realty Group) now in competition with TRG.

However, the OKRG company knows the back story of the cabin and have prevented the sale to potential buyers. But since the arrival of the new realty group they were going to auction off the cabin no matter the cost.

"You know what will happen if the candle isn't lit? These rich bozos wouldn't know tradition if it showed them a billion dollar check." said the senior executive.

“Open Auction is in a week for the cabin and you are the best realtor we have going strong for 5 years Draco. We need you to use your wit to get them out of listing the cabin.”

“I’ll try my best.”

Draco made it home that night to prepare his pitch to present to the head of TRG. After getting comfortable , eating and getting his family tucked in he got to planning.

Draco's wife Talia came down to check on him.

"Everything alright down here honey?", said Talia.

" I am burnt out. How the hell am I going to convince these assholes to not auction this property? I mean it's always good to have options but they are adamant about auctioning this cabin."

"Well honey is it really a big deal if they sell it ?", said Talia.

" Yes! Come on babe you know that cabin is landmark around here. These people bidding it don't know anything remotely close about the town, let alone the cabin."

" You can always tell them the house is haunted." - she said jokingly.

Draco paused and responded, "Now why didn't I think of that? Honey you are a genius."

" I was only kidding hun."

"Joking or not that is going to be my angle. No one wants to stay in a haunted house."

Draco stayed up all night finishing up his presentation for the TRG meeting he scheduled online through their website and he also submitted an application to purchase the cabin himself.

"Thank you for your application Mr. Draco. Please allow 3-5 business days from today May 25th 2021, for a response to your application."


May 31st , 2021 was around the corner so he had some time to prepare for the meeting before his application review was complete. While waiting he met up with the head executive of TRG to attempt to dissuade them from auctioning the cabin.

"Mark, this property is a gem but it’s really in everyone’s best interest if you don’t auction it off.” -said Draco

“Why not?!, when we sell that place we are going to make a fortune. Sorry D man but you’re not the only realtor in the city anymore.” Mark said in a sarcastic voice.

“That’s not the point , the cabin is a protected landmark and if you sell it to one of the people who have no knowledge of the place you don’t know what harm you’ll be bringing to this town.” said Draco

“What like a ghost? A plague ? Hahahaha!” The realtor laughed hysterically.

“It’s not a joke, Mark”

“Look even if that was true , if these people don’t do their research , that’s not our problem.”

“Mark I am begging you, please don’t auction the cabin.”

“Draco it’s happening.”


“Draco just forget it! Now if there isn’t anything else, please see yourself out.”

Draco defeatedly left the office and dropped the news on his boss.

“We cannot let this happen. Someone has to go the auction and buy the cabin.” said the boss.

“They don’t just let anybody at the auction ,if you’re not one of them your a “peasant”.”, said Draco.

“Well get the kid who told you about the page in here maybe he can find a way.”

“Lucas! Get in here!”, said the boss

“Yes sir.” Said Lucas

“Listen kid I will raise your commission on this past sale you just made if you can find a way to get Draco into the Open Auction to stop the sell of the cabin.”

“Well my aunt who will be attending said they can bring a plus one, I can convince her to bring him along”, said Lucas.

“Do it. NOW!” Said the boss

Lucas frantically called his aunt and she agreed to have Draco come along.

Draco met up with Lucas’s aunt at the auction and anxiously awaited the announcement of the cabin.

“Now up next we have the most talked about commodity , that’s right folks the Oklahoma fire cabin!” Said the auctioneer.

This rare gem is over 100 years old, one of the only cabins to survive a massive fire, and we got the city to finally obtain the deed.

We will start the bidding at 10,000 dollars!”

The greedy crowd starting shouting prices at lightning speed. Draco could barely keep up with the speed of the auctioneers voice and all the numbers being thrown around like a dog bone.

Finally the rambunctious crowd settled down once the price got to $70,000 dollars.

Draco bid $71,000.

“$71,000 going once , going twice ?!”

“$75,000!!” , said another auctioneer.

The auctioneer followed up with the up bidding questions,

Draco was at his last wits. He had one more bid up his sleeve which could result in him giving up his life savings.

“$100,000!”-screamed Draco

“$100,00 going once , going twice, three times!?”

Draco frantically waiting before the auctioneer yelled, “SOLD for $100,000! Congratulations, please see our receptionist to obtain the documents after the auction."

Draco heaved a sigh of relief but the auction was far from nearing its end. Another hour passed and the end finally came. Draco went to the front obtain his documents from the receptionist. However, while giving his information the receptionist ran into a problem with entering Draco's information.

"I'm sorry Draco but it looks like we can't provide the deed to you for the cabin." -said the receptionist.

"What do you mean?"

"It looks like the cabin was withdrawn from the auction at the last minute."

"For what reason?"

"I'm sorry I cannot relay that information. At least you get to keep your money." said the receptionist.

Draco started to lose his cool and his tone began to get more stern.

"Sir please calm down. "

"Don't tell me to calm down, this is illegal.", yelled Draco.

"Security please escort Mr. Draco out of the building."

"Don't bother! I'll let myself out."

Draco feeling defeated called his boss to relay the news. He wanted to see why the house was withdrawn during the auction. Well it turned out that word got to the head of TRG about Draco winning the bid. He got his connections to pull the house before purchase was complete. Authorities deemed the cabin “inhabitable" for sale.

"Son of a bitch!", yelled Draco.

Draco looked at his watch and saw the clock was about to stroke midnight. He had to make it the cabin before the hour or the town was doomed. He sped to his home to obtain his online application. He headed to TRG to talk to Mark again. He was leaving the building when Draco stopped him before he made it to his car.

"Mark, what the hell?!"

"I'd figure I see you at some point. Why can't you just let this go?"

"Okay the truth, my great grandmother owned that cabin."


"And it's part of history."- said Draco.

“Oh I know about your little cabin fever”-he smirked. “I know all about that candle too.”

“What?!”-Draco said puzzled

Mark’s voice and demeanor changed to that of a hateful spirit. “Ooh I finally get to reveal my poker face! Look, I know all about this city and how you niggers couldn’t do right by us. My people gave you a place to lay your filthy little heads and to repay us you go and make your own city?! Talk about a slap in the face!” -Mark said demonically.

“I don’t shed a tear knowing that I initiated the burning of the black Wall Street. Watching all of the buildings and monkeys burn was so satisfying , that was until I saw that damn cabin still standing. That old lady with her daughter in their had to burn but unfortunately she got away from me. Managed to perform that black magic on that candle to keep it protected.”

“For years I’ve been trying to destroy it and finally it’s my time!” Yelled by the possessed Mark.

“You’ll never get to that cabin not while I’m still living you heartless cracker!”

Draco pulled out a lighter , set his briefcase on fire and hauled it onto Mark!

He screamed out in pain as Draco made a run to his car. Draco sped off to the cabin. Halfway through the journey he saw headlights in the distant background. As the lights crept closer, Draco did everything he could to avoid a collision. He saw the cabin in his peripheral vision and knew he only had seconds to make it without the impeding obstacle tailing him.

He suddenly made a left turn down a dark street to cut Mark off. He sped down the road and cut his headlights off. Still able to see the cabin in sight he paused before getting out if his car to make sure the coast was clear.

Draco checked his watch , the clock was nearing the stroke of midnight he only had 4 minutes before it was to late. He slowly got out of his car to not make a lot of noise and the hauled it to the cabin door. He panicked when the door didn’t open he realized he forgot his keys to the door in his car.

Draco out of breath calmed himself down before running back to get the keys. He grabbed them but the constant running made to much noise which alerted the neighboring dogs nearby. Draco saw the headlights approaching and shakingly unlocked the door. He slammed it close as Mark tried to force his way inside.

“Let me in now!!! You niggers are going to pay!!!” yelled the ghost.

Objects began crashing against the cabin, Draco had one minute left to get the candle lit.

“Fuck , where is my lighter! Fuck! Fuck ! Fuck!- Draco yelled.

He saw a lone match near the candle. As he rushed to the match, Mark stabbed Draco in the heart and taunted him.

“Guess I beat you to it. Oh look only 30 seconds left before the city is burned to a crisp again Sorry you couldn’t be a hero and save the Nigger town today.”-the ghost sneered.

“Any last words before you die Draco?”

“I’m sorry Mama Jeanie, I’m sorry I couldn’t save your house.”

The ghost chuckled as the last seconds were nearing, Draco notice the kerosene lamp next to the electrical unit. Draco shoved Mark into the lamp causing him to break it into pieces. Glass from the lamp ruptured the faulty wires causing a fire to spark around him.

“What ?! How ?!” Yelled the ghost.

“Looks like you’re going to burn in here with me Cracker!”

The ghost yelled in defeat while Draco uttered his last words. “I love you Talia.”before the cabin bursted into flames.

Locals and the OKRG came at the crack of dawn to commemorate the falling of another who saved the burning of the cabin.

“Thank you Draco.” -said the announcer “Your life did not go in vain. Because of you the descendants of this town can live another hundred years. We will not bare witness to the horror from a century ago. May you and mama Jeanie protect this cabin.”

The End.


“So did Draco’s wife find out about the death?” Said the one of the tourists.

“Good question, she actually ended up moving into the cabin for sometime following the death of her husband. However when she got there she saw no signs of damage and the unburned candle stood tall. It really spooked her to the point where she ended up leaving the cabin.”

“Did she light candle ?”

If the legends are true then you’re all standing due to her responsibility.

“Well can we see the cabin?!”, asked on if the tourist.

“Well that’s the best part of this tour is that you guys get to see the cabin for yourselves. Let’s go!”

The house owner lead the tourists to the cabin and walked inside. She lit the candle and slowly crept outside as the they watched the flame dance. She locked the door behind her.

“Wait where did she go? Miss. T ?”

One of the tourists rattled the door to try to leave and realized the doors were bolted shut and announced to the crowd.

“Sorry assholes. it’s a shame your ancestors couldn’t have been better people. “ a timer went off , the candle was lit once again by Talia, now the new owner of the cabin and the tourist burned inside. She went back inside to see the cabin was empty and clear.

“Next time do your research crackers” she sneered as she looked upon Draco’s portrait of him and his great grandmother. She smiled at them as they smiled back and winked.

“See y’all next year”- Talia said calmingly.

The End


About the Creator

Ceirra Evans

I always thought my niche was only in computers and technology. I recently tried my hand at writing short stories and I’ve come to enjoy it a lot. I hope by being a part of this community that my writing skills become better in my stories.

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