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At Midnight

As days passed, midnight became a feared hour for everyone.

By Eduarda RodriguesPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

The small town of Ravenwood, shrouded in an atmosphere of silence and shadows, had a macabre reputation. It was said that, at midnight, something sinister happened, turning the peaceful locality into a living nightmare. Terrified, the residents avoided leaving their homes after sunset, fearing the unknown that emerged when the clock struck midnight.

The protagonist of this story is Emily, a fearless young woman who never believed in the superstitions surrounding Ravenwood. Determined to unravel the mystery, Emily planned a nighttime expedition through the town. As the clock approached midnight, she felt the tension in the air, but her curiosity overcame fear.

Crossing the dark streets, Emily noticed shadows dancing around her. The sound of whispered laughter echoed through the narrow alleys. Each step was followed by a chill running down her spine. She felt the presence of the unknown, a specter that manifested itself under the light of the main tower clock.

Reaching the central point of the town, Emily spotted a hooded figure in the distance. Its eyes emitted a faint light, and a frigid sensation ran through Emily's body. Curious and fearful, she approached cautiously.

The hooded figure revealed itself as the Midnight Host, a supernatural being that controlled the dark forces afflicting Ravenwood. He explained to Emily that at midnight, the veil between the world of the living and the realm of shadows was torn, releasing malevolent entities thirsty for chaos.

The Midnight Host offered Emily a glimpse of what happened in the depths of darkness. Sad ghosts, hungry shadows, and unnamable beings roamed the town, feeding on the fear of the residents. The young woman witnessed horrifying scenes, revealing the true nature of midnight in Ravenwood.

Among the shadows, one figure in particular caught Emily's attention. It was the Forgotten Spirit, a lost soul seeking revenge for a tragedy that occurred centuries ago. The Host explained that the suffering of the Forgotten Spirit fueled the darkness that enveloped the city, perpetuating the cycle of horror.

Upon returning to reality, Emily realized that midnight was a moment of condemnation for Ravenwood. The residents, oblivious to the truth, were mere puppets in the hands of the Forgotten Spirit and its hungry shadows.

Determined to end the nightmare, Emily sought a solution. However, her attempts were in vain. Each confrontation with supernatural entities resulted in failure, and the darkness continued to spread.

As days passed, midnight became a feared hour for everyone. The residents, consumed by fear, abandoned Ravenwood, leaving behind a desolate city, taken over by shadows. Emily, now isolated and marked by the horror she had witnessed, understood that her curiosity had led her to unleash an inescapable tragedy.

The last time anyone heard of Emily was on a dark night when she was seen wandering the empty streets of Ravenwood. Her eyes, once filled with determination, now reflected the melancholy of someone trapped in an eternal cycle of terror. The Midnight Host watched from afar, a sinister smile on his lips, as the city sank into the abyss of eternal darkness. The mystery of midnight remained, not as a legend, but as a curse that would haunt Ravenwood forever.

Thank you for taking the time to read it!

I want to express my deep gratitude for your attentive reading of the poem/history I shared. It's incredibly rewarding to know that you dedicated your time and attention to the words that formed this narrative. Each reader is a crucial piece, and your presence in this fictional world I created enriches the experience. I sincerely thank you for embarking on this journey with me and for making this narrative more meaningful. Your support and interest are valuable sources of inspiration, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did in creating this story. Thank you for being part of this imaginary universe and for bringing the words to life through your reading.

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About the Creator

Eduarda Rodrigues

Hello, I am 20 years old. I really enjoy writing stories, poems, and giving advice!

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