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Astral Projection

Out of Body Experience

By BASKARAN SPublished about a year ago 3 min read
One of the best Experience-Try It

Astral projection, also known as an out-of-body experience, occurs when a person's consciousness leaves their physical body and travels in the astral realm. Here's a step-by-step guide to astral projection.

Preparation: Locate a quiet, comfortable location where you will not be disturbed. Dress comfortably and lie down on your back. Relax your body by closing your eyes.

Take deep breaths and release any tension in your body to relax. Concentrate on your breathing and allow your body to completely relax.

Visualization: Imagine a rope suspended above your head. Consider yourself grasping the rope and pulling yourself upward. Feel your body lifting and visualise yourself floating above your physical body.

Separation: Try to separate your consciousness from your physical body once you feel the sensation of floating. Consider your spirit leaving your body and ascending to the ceiling.

Explore your surroundings once you've been separated from your body. In the astral realm, you may come across various entities or beings. Be aware that your thoughts can have an impact on your astral experiences.

Return to your physical body: When you are ready, visualise yourself descending back into your body. Concentrate on your breathing and become fully present in your physical body.

It's important to note that astral projection takes time and practise. It may take a few tries before you can successfully astral project. It is also critical to approach astral projection with a positive and open mindset, as well as to always prioritise your safety and well-being.

Astral projection or out-of-body experiences are not a phenomenon limited to a single country or culture. Astral projection accounts have been reported throughout history and across many cultures and belief systems. Indeed, some ancient spiritual traditions, such as those found in Egypt and India, have described practises thought to facilitate astral projection or similar experiences. Many different cultures may have practised astral projection in various forms throughout history.

Astral projection dreams occur when a person has an out-of-body experience or the sensation of leaving their physical body and travelling in the astral realm. These dreams can be very vivid and realistic, and they may involve encounters with other astral entities or beings.

While astral projection dreams may feel very real, they are still dreams and are not always indicative of an actual out-of-body experience. These dreams could also be symbolic in nature, representing a desire to explore new realms of consciousness or connect with a deeper sense of spirituality.

If you want to learn more about astral projection, you should proceed with caution and put your safety and well-being first. Seeking advice from an experienced practitioner or researching techniques for safe and responsible astral projection may be beneficial.

There is no concrete data on how many countries practise astral projection. Astral projection is a spiritual practise that involves believing in the existence of an astral body separate from the physical body that can travel to other dimensions and realms. It is regarded as a component of various spiritual traditions and belief systems, and its practise and acceptance vary greatly across cultures and regions of the world. It is important to note, however, that astral projection is not a scientifically proven phenomenon and is widely regarded as a subjective experience that differs from person to person.

Astral projection is a spiritual practise that is thought to be a part of various spiritual traditions and belief systems, and its practise and acceptance varies greatly across cultures and regions of the world. However, some countries with a long history and tradition of spirituality and mysticism, such as India and Tibet, may have a higher prevalence of astral projection practises among their citizens. It is important to note that astral projection is not a scientifically proven phenomenon, but rather a subjective experience that varies from person to person.

Some spiritual traditions use the term "soul travel" to describe the practise of leaving the physical body and travelling in the astral realm or other dimensions.

Etheric Projection: This term is sometimes used to describe the projection of the "etheric body," which is thought to be connected to the physical body.

While not identical to astral projection, lucid dreaming involves becoming aware that one is dreaming and gaining some control over the dream experience, which can sometimes include travel in non-physical realms.


About the Creator


Hi there, my name is Baskaran and I am a passionate storyteller with a love for exploring the human experience. Through my writing, I seek to capture the beauty and complexity of everyday life.

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