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Aisa and his friends

Aisa's Abandoned House

By JansanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Aisa and his friends had always been inseparable. They grew up together in a small village tucked away in the mountains. They would often spend their days playing in the woods or exploring the various caves that dotted the landscape.

One day, they stumbled upon an abandoned house deep in the woods. The house had clearly been left to decay for many years, and it had an eerie feel to it that sent shivers down their spines. However, being the adventurous children they were, they couldn't resist the urge to explore the house.

As they entered the house, they found that it was in a state of complete disarray. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling, and there was dust everywhere. Despite this, the house had an inexplicable aura that fascinated the children.

Suddenly, Aisa noticed something strange. In one of the corners of the room, there was a small box that seemed to have been left behind. Aisa carefully opened the box and found an old diary inside. The diary belonged to the previous owner of the house and contained some peculiar entries.

The diary entries detailed strange happenings around the house, including unexplained noises, objects moving on their own, and shadowy figures lurking in the corners. Despite these occurrences, the previous owner refused to leave the house and instead became increasingly obsessed with the strange occurrences.

After reading the diary, the children couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. They left the house, but Aisa couldn't shake the feeling that they had awakened something inside the abandoned house.

That night, Aisa and his friends were playing outside when they heard a strange noise coming from the abandoned house. They crept closer to investigate and saw a flickering light coming from one of the windows. Suddenly, the front door creaked open, and a chilling gust of wind swept past them.

Without warning, the children were enveloped in darkness, and they could hear strange whispers all around them. They were terrified and didn't know what to do. Suddenly, they felt something brush past them, and they knew they had to get out of there.

As they ran for their lives, Aisa noticed something strange on his hand. It was a mark, a symbol that he had never seen before. The mark glowed ominously, and he knew that something was following them.

Over the next few days, strange occurrences started to happen around the village. The children could hear strange whispers at night, and objects would move on their own. They all knew that the abandoned house was the source of the trouble.

The children decided to investigate further and returned to the abandoned house. They found the diary again and realized that the previous owner had been practicing dark magic. The diary contained spells and incantations that were intended to summon dark spirits.

As they read further, they discovered that the previous owner had made a pact with the spirits and had promised them eternal servitude in exchange for power. They knew that they had to break the pact and stop the spirits from wreaking havoc on their village.

The children devised a plan to summon the spirits and confront them. They gathered all the ingredients they needed and set up a circle of protection. They recited the incantations from the diary and waited for the spirits to appear.

The spirits did appear, and they were more terrifying than the children could have ever imagined. They were dark, shadowy figures that seemed to float in the air. The children held their ground and demanded that the spirits leave their village and never return.

To their surprise, the spirits obeyed their command and vanished into thin air. The mark on Aisa's hand also disappeared, and the children knew that they had saved their village from a fate worse than death.

From that day forward, the abandoned house

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