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A Terrifying Encounter: Unearthing a Dark Past and Twisted Revenge

Horror Story

By jahseh onfroyPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
A Terrifying Encounter: Unearthing a Dark Past and Twisted Revenge
Photo by Michael Mouritz on Unsplash

It was a seemingly ordinary night when I found myself at a party with friends, surrounded by laughter and music. As I mingled with the crowd, I stumbled upon a face that stirred a sense of familiarity within me. It took a moment, but then it hit me – this was Max, a friend from middle school who had endured relentless bullying a decade ago. The shock of seeing him again, now standing as a robust and sturdy man, sent shivers down my spine. It was as if his past, marked by torment, was incongruent with his current appearance.

Summoning my courage, I called out his name. Max's grin widened as he responded, evoking a sense of camaraderie that belied our time apart. "Do you remember me now?" he asked, his powerful voice resonating. Memories surged back as he spoke. He was the same Max who had been subjected to taunts and ridicule due to his clumsiness during our middle school days.

As Max playfully draped his arm around me, a wave of unease washed over me, accompanied by a chill that pricked my skin. He had something to show me, he said, beckoning me to accompany him. Reluctance tugged at me initially, but before I knew it, I found myself seated in his car, en route to an isolated and decrepit house. The eerie atmosphere grew as Max reverted to the appearance he had during our school days – a childlike face and voice that contrasted his imposing stature.

Inside the dilapidated house, Max shared a confession that sent shockwaves through me. He vividly recalled a time in middle school when he expressed a desire to sever the hands of those who tormented him. This unsettling memory resurfaced as he gushed with childlike glee, asking if I recalled his proclamation. Amid the sea of emotions, I acknowledged the statement he had made, a desperate cry for vengeance against the bullies who relentlessly targeted him.

Max guided me down to the basement, a cold dread gnawing at my insides. As the basement door creaked open, I was confronted by a tableau that froze me in my tracks – a group of men, each bound and rendered helpless with hands severed. Staring closely, I realized these were the very individuals who had subjected Max to their cruelty all those years ago. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks – Max had taken matters into his own hands, literally.

As their eyes locked onto mine, the bullies voiced a collective sentiment of recognition. Max's voice, now laced with an unsettling calmness, filled the room as he declared his newfound happiness at having turned the tables on his tormentors. My world spun as Max confessed to meting out the brutal retaliation that had severed the very hands that had once struck him.

My pleas for calm were met with deafening silence, and Max's grip on his emotions began to unravel. With an unsettling proposition, he suggested a game of Rock Paper Scissors. If he won, he would carry out his twisted desires; if I won, he would fulfill a wish of mine. In a state of nervous tremors, I reluctantly agreed, my fate hanging by a thread. Miraculously, fortune favored me, and Max's shoulders sagged in resignation.

As he exhaled deeply, he posed a question that pierced through my fear – what was my wish? My voice quavered as I implored him to release the captive souls before us. A glimmer of compassion seemed to flicker in his eyes, as if struggling to break through the shroud of vengeance. His proclamation shattered the tension, revealing the complexity of his emotions – his inability to let go of the past, entwined with his newfound sense of camaraderie with his former tormentors.

We played Rock Paper Scissors once again, our fates hanging in the balance. The ensuing chaos erupted with chilling ferocity as Max struck down one of the captives with a lethal blow. The deafening scream was a stark reminder of the brutal reality before me – an irreversible chain of events ignited by a spiral of revenge.

My own instinctual panic took hold as I lunged at Max, driven by a primal instinct to protect. Blinded by fear and adrenaline, I rained blows upon him until he lay battered on the ground. In the throes of my desperate struggle, I reached for my phone, dialing for the police who arrived promptly, their expressions mirroring the shock of the horrors that had transpired.

Max's revelation of the malevolent games he had subjected his former tormentors to, his grim orchestration of their suffering, painted a grotesque tapestry of vengeance. The twisted narrative unraveled, exposing the depths of his torment and the horrors he had inflicted in return.

The aftermath of this chilling encounter has left me haunted, besieged by recurring nightmares and an unshakable sense of dread. In the midst of these dreams, I find myself transported back to the hallways of middle school, where Max's anguished cries fill the air, juxtaposed against his current visage as an adult. His eyes lock onto mine, his chilling promise of gouging out my eyes and severing my hands echoing in my ears.

As I wrestle with my own turmoil, the unsettling truth of Max's past and present is a testament to the darkness that can lurk within the human psyche. A journey that began with the unearthing of a long-lost friend ultimately spiraled into a nightmarish confrontation, unmasking the harrowing consequences of unresolved trauma and the chilling allure of revenge.


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    JOWritten by jahseh onfroy

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