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A Story From a Gemini

By: Dariah Goosby

By D. G.Published 6 years ago 3 min read

I am a Gemini and I get cool chills down my spine and the coldness hits every vertebrate on the way down to my tail bone. Frighteningly, I hear high pitched noises that bring shock to my ear and spooks me. I feel the other side of me trying to escape through the chills and I question the high pitched screams inside whether or not they are actually there. Every time I fall asleep it’s peaceful but I fight to wake back up, feeling the pain of the of the old hag sitting on my chest. Able to do nothing about it but look around at my surroundings and hope she goes away. Feeling nothing but her dead weight sinking in more and more.

As a child, I experienced the sight of the shadowy figures roaming the streets, wishing to be normal people. I remember seeing them check the mail and jog together down the street. Running to my mother, telling her of the sights I saw and nothing in replies of worry just a simple “go play” or “go back to your room.” Sometimes, I would even see a baby crawling around my stepdad's lazy boy chair or a black cat walking around the living room. Some nights when I was sleeping my breath was stolen and so was my sight and ability to move, I saw nothing but darkness and felt nothing but scared.

As I got older I experienced a lot of déjà vu and could never explain it really. Later on, it began getting stronger where I would see these visions, two or three times in a row. Never quite understood what this means and I may never know, but it’s not by coincidence. I turned 16 and moved in with my biological dad, he is a Scorpio, and he told me some stories from his childhood that helped me feel like this is a family trait type of situation. He told me this one story I would never forget, never.

He said he was a boy and he went into the kitchen where his mother and aunt were sitting. The back door was wide open and the only barrier between outside and inside was a screen door. He looked closely outside and saw a knight standing there on the back porch just looking into the house. The knight was absolutely still and said not one word and moved not even a bit. The knight had presence of debris on his armor, as if he had just gotten out of battle or war. The only thing the warrior had with him was a spear, a spear to match his metal armor. My dad mentioned this to his mother and she started to feel frightened and scared and told him to stop. But his aunt, her sister, requested for her to listen and let him continue to describe the being he was seeing. Sadly she refused.

Almost 12 years later, that very house burned to the ground and my family diverged. As a matter of fact, the fire started in the kitchen but no one knows how exactly. Because of this unknown reason the house caught fire and everything burned to grit. The only thing left, not to ashes, was that back door. The frame of where the screen door, the door where that knight stood oh so many years ago, was the only thing left to stand and represent the idea of there was a house on that property. The door where my dad noticed that he was different. The door that represents the day my father accepted that he was different.


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